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Please, I need Brutal honesty and serious help (palinopsia, after images, trails)

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It doesn't really matter what you took that much OP. You took something and you have some problems now. its only been a short time and you have a few things going for you. you weren't taking the drug daily at least.

lots of people on this site have long term issues they are dealing with from drugs. it can take some time but you will get to a place where things are manageable. don't stress in the meantime. lay off the thizz if you can.
I have a friend who's had a similar experience. He says that the effects go away mostly for him and he's learned how to deal with them over time. Best of luck man.
"What are you doing on a drug website if you really care about fixing your health problem?"
"What are you complaining about? Honestly, you should go see a mental health specialist while you're at it. Smh." These were your immediate replies to me seeking help, you were wrong to write these and you tried to offend me. You as an admin thought it smart to ask why someone would try and find health advice on a forum. Go over that with yourself.

Understand that I don't need any help in hindsight, this should be simple to grasp. I am currently suffering from possibly permanent symptoms, telling me that I shouldn't have taken something and should've gotten checked is like a doctor telling someone who got hit by a car to check the road in the future. No shit. 'Try and see what I did wrong' I can see it every time I open my eyes I don't need a mirror thank you, I came here for advice and there are people in the thread that helped (alot) and strange instances of people doing what you're doing. You have just told me that the only way to cure a chemical imbalance in my brain is to realise that I took a bad drug and that I should learn to not to it again. What are you even talking about?

You come here, make a thread, then ask for "brutal honesty" and then cry over it when you get it. Honestly, what did you expect? This isn't a forum full of doctors, and even if it was, they would tell you the same thing I did. Go see a doctor for whatever problems that you have. You're also angry, not very aware of your own behavior and seem to be much more concerned with everyone's replies rather than what you're going through. If you don't like these replies, then leave or stop making threads. You're going to lose yourself over this with the kind of attitude that you have.

I told you about accountability because that is my own experience. For many years I was blamed for something that wasn't my fault; I was hateful, angry, absolutely refused to be held accountable for any of it and rebelled probably much more than you ever have. When I see this kind of attitude and stubbornness, I see how I used to be albeit our situations are probably different. STILL, thanks to mdma opening the shit out of my selfish thought cycles, I took accountability to the fullest; I apologized, saw the situation through their point of view, changed my behavior and proved it through my actions and through that, I've gained the ultimate, unspoken respect from the people I cared about. On top of that, I don't think anything I've been through is that out of the ordinary; shit happens! That's life. Instead of complaining here, go out and do something about it.

You need to own up to your behavior and actions. This is your life, and nobody can fix it for you here. You say hindsight is simple to grasp, but your actions tell a different story because you already know this. Look at your own actions and ask yourself, what are you getting out of this? Asking for advice is worthless if you choose to not follow any of it. If you are going to continue to be remorseless and reply with no respect to others, this thread will be closed.
You come here, make a thread, then ask for "brutal honesty" and then cry over it when you get it. Honestly, what did you expect? This isn't a forum full of doctors, and even if it was, they would tell you the same thing I did. Go see a doctor for whatever problems that you have. You're also angry, not very aware of your own behavior and seem to be much more concerned with everyone's replies rather than what you're going through. If you don't like these replies, then leave or stop making threads. You're going to lose yourself over this with the kind of attitude that you have.

I told you about accountability because that is my own experience. For many years I was blamed for something that wasn't my fault; I was hateful, angry, absolutely refused to be held accountable for any of it and rebelled probably much more than you ever have. When I see this kind of attitude and stubbornness, I see how I used to be albeit our situations are probably different. STILL, thanks to mdma opening the shit out of my selfish thought cycles, I took accountability to the fullest; I apologized, saw the situation through their point of view, changed my behavior and proved it through my actions and through that, I've gained the ultimate, unspoken respect from the people I cared about. On top of that, I don't think anything I've been through is that out of the ordinary; shit happens! That's life. Instead of complaining here, go out and do something about it.

You need to own up to your behavior and actions. This is your life, and nobody can fix it for you here. You say hindsight is simple to grasp, but your actions tell a different story because you already know this. Look at your own actions and ask yourself, what are you getting out of this? Asking for advice is worthless if you choose to not follow any of it. If you are going to continue to be remorseless and reply with no respect to others, this thread will be closed.

Hmm yes it's clear you chose to ignore all the valid points I made in the prior post, none of what you just said is relevant to me finding out how to cure this and you as an admin have still said nothing to help. People that have had hppd know that the only tbing doctors do is hand out ssris for this thing, but seeing as youre in this thread for no reason you wouldnt know that. No ones angry, me directing frustration at you because you originally directed it at me doesnt mean I'm not owning up to my behaviour what are you talking about, I took a bad drug im over it, did I kill anyone lmao. None of what you said is relevant I don't know why you're telling me those things while other people who I'm about to thank have given me hope and a plan for the future. There are no parallels between our situation, I know it was my fault now I'm trying to cure it, no stubborness involved.

Nobody can fix it for me here? They can help and they have helped, it's crazy that you can't grasp the concept of someone seeking health advice on a forum. Go and do something about it, what, do you think because I typed on a forum I live on here? I'm supplementing and exercising and havent taken a drug or even a coffee since that day, what do you know about what I'm doing.

Again, not angry in the slightest, my only anger is directed towards you don't be surprised because someone spoke to you the way you spoke to them. If you were to close the thread it would be because you personally are offended, I've replied calmly and thankfully to everyone else. Anyone who will read this thread in future will see who was in the right and wonder what exactly it is you contributed. So you'd probably want to close it, I'll thank everyone whos helped and then do as you wish
also when I said brutal honesty I meant people describing what thy go through and their forecasts for how long it will last and how hard it gets, not a lecture on where i get my drugs from, i highly doubt im going to be shopping fir drugs from the same place let alone taking them again
I have a friend who's had a similar experience. He says that the effects go away mostly for him and he's learned how to deal with them over time. Best of luck man.

Even if they go away mostly I do reckon I could learn to live with what's left (maybe), I presume he's back to his old self? plus any idea how long it took

thanks man much appreciated
There's no reason to think your symptoms are permanent, the super majority of MDMA abusers and LTC sufferers recover with time. There are things that will perpetuate your thought patterns and current synaptic organization though, such as a bad attitude or anxiety.

I suggest you address this with mindfulness meditation. It will take practice, but if you try to shut off your thoughts your brain will reorganize itself with time.

Now I forget how long ago you took MDMA, but keep in mind if it's been less than a year you could still be suffering from the acute effects that are not related to any "damage".

If you really think you've done "damage", do as much cardio as you possibly can and eat lots of protein. It will build new brain cells and arteries in the brain.

I never actually knew any of those things and have prinarily been doing weight based exercises as opposed to cardio. I'll start meditiation and jogging this week and get back to you if it helps, tbf it can't do any harm although whenever I try meditiation my thoughts are impossible to silence
It doesn't really matter what you took that much OP. You took something and you have some problems now. its only been a short time and you have a few things going for you. you weren't taking the drug daily at least.

lots of people on this site have long term issues they are dealing with from drugs. it can take some time but you will get to a place where things are manageable. don't stress in the meantime. lay off the thizz if you can.

exactly what I've been trying to tell some admins lmao, ill do my best to destress and based on what i'm goig through now i dont think i could even bring myself to touch it lool thanks though
You need to own up to your behavior and

alright now if you feel the need to delete the thread and stop me getting potentially life altering advice so you can feel like you owned me or won, then feel free at this point. I feel ready to move forward with this advice and I'm sure you need that satisfaction also
Sup, I messed up myself about 2 years ago when I took a very small bomb of untested MDMA. Messed me up mentally for a while where I was crippled with anxiety and depression because of my reaction to the drug. I didn't go mental or anything though, just thought I was going mental haha. I had weird eye-sight stuff back then too. It's anxiety man. Everyone sees what you're seeing, but you've clearly stunned your brain so much that you're seeing what you're not supposed to notice. I went to the opticians for new glasses a couple months after taking the drug (May 2014) because I needed glasses plus I wanted to ask the optician if I have any floaters in my eyes as thats all I could see all day. I went to the ophthalmologist and he confirmed I had floaters in my eyes (loss of some gel in my eyeballs).

It's safe to say everything with me apart from my vision (still got floaters, but notice them about once a week) has actually sorted itself out SIGNIFICANTLY. I won't say I'm the same person as I was before, as I thought I was indestructible and naive. Sorry to tell you, but you sound like you just had a bad trip like I did, and reacted irrationally. You'll get better in time. Just got to teach your brain to relax. It's taken me 2 years. Takes others 6 months.
Forget the mods. What they're saying is true but the point has been made so moving on ffs....It doesn't matter what you took. You took a large amount of untested drug and now you're fucked up. I've been there. It's taken me five years to get back to what I would consider a normal baseline to be. No I won't ever be that person I was before, but that's just how life is. I don't think one comes back from a drug experience. We adapt to survive. People change whether they take drugs or don't take drugs. Consider this an evolutionary part of your life.

I don't blame you for not seeing a doctor, because you are absolutely right in thinking they're just going to medicate you with ssri's or mood stablizers. The natural approach is the only way. More drugs more problems. You have to ride this one out friend.
I have no desire to argue with someone that's psychotic. You're right, everyone will make up their own mind.

I'm done here. Your posts are so negative, trashy and insane that it's just a waste of time dealing with anything that has to do with you. Your obsession over me is sickening, wrong and nobody in their right mind would believe all of your made up bs about...well, anything. What's most surprising is that this is all coming from a sober mind.

I'm leaving as a mod and a user immediately, because I'm wise enough to do so. I'll let everyone else handle things accordingly.

Edit: Gonna at least leave on a positive note. I have no idea what happened to you, why you're doing this, etc. I've never even known you. I don't care if you think I'm not being genuine, real, etc. But I truly wish everything turns around for you, and that you find happiness again. Trust me, you won't find it here. You do have an important place in life, and that's why you're still here and living life. You will find it, if you believe that you will. This is the only thing that I could say to you that might help.
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