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Please help me, Dark Siders! (Meds FAQ)

sushii said:
Yep, remeron worked well for me but it made me terribly fat. Didn't do a lot for my anxiety, but helped tremendously with the insomnia that was (I think) a major reason for how depressed I was at the time. I had no problems coming off it. Just watch your alcohol intake - I found it quite sedating, even at low doses, and drinking on it caused a few problems.

I don't know about increasing energy though - it seemed to do quite the opposite for me.

That's what I've been noticing. Doc wanted me to go from 20 mg Lexapro, cut in 1/2 to 10 mg & take 1--15 mg Remeron for 6 days. Then go full blast 30 mg Remeron & shitcan the Lexapro.
He told me that 15 mg Remeron will make me sleepy:| , but when I increase to 30 mg, the opposite will take effect. That it'll give me more energy than the Lexapro did.8( .....it's all so confusing to me.8o :\
I got told the same thing! I've never heard anyone else report that their doctor said that though.....it never made sense to me, and I didn't think to ask about it at the time. I'd be interested to hear if you find a difference, because I went straight on to 30mg (I was only told it's more sedating at lower doses when I complained about the weight gain and wanted to reduce).

You'll probably be VERY sedated for a few days regardless of your dose, but I found this wore off after 2-3 days. The whole time I was on it though I could sleep easily for 12+ hours, so force yourself to get up in the morning otherwise you'll sleep all day.
/\/\/\/\ Thanks for the heads-up on that, sushii. Your doc said the same thing? Well, at least that coincides with what I was told.
You're right, though, on the sleeping part. I just slept like 12 hrs & could've kept sleeping, but forced myself to get up. I also noticed that the dreams 1 gets while sleeping are amazing!! Extremely vivid!!
But that just boggled my noggin when he told me that 15 mg will make me drowsy [that's putting it mildly], but 30 mg will give me energy.

Wassup wit dat?
^ I got the vivid dreaming thing too.....in fact, it was on remeron that I first started getting sleep paralysis (not that I necessarily see that as a bad thing....)
^^I know it sounds goofy, but that's what happens with Remeron. There is a dose threshhold at which it begins affecting different brain receptors and it starts having the opposite effect in terms of drowsiness during the day.
kittyinthedark said:
^^I know it sounds goofy, but that's what happens with Remeron. There is a dose threshhold at which it begins affecting different brain receptors and it starts having the opposite effect in terms of drowsiness during the day.

Yeah, kitty, that's exactly what doc told me. He's weaning me off the Lexapro 20 mg & had me cut those down to 10 mg, with a 15 mg Remeron together for 6 days. Then shitcan the Lexapro & go 30 mg Remeron.
He said once the 30 mg of Remeron kicks in, that'll give me more energy thru the day. It sounded confusing as hell to me, but it sounds like you know what I'm talking about.:\
Those are both already listed. :)

And also, stella, bipolar and manic-depression are the same thing, just fyi :)
I took Remeron for years as a kid. I was on Adderall for many years, and taking Remeron to help me get to sleep at night. It worked very well for me, although I was on a very low dose. I actually went back to Remeron for about another year when I was starting highschool to help me get to sleep, but I stopped taking it eventually. It can be very helpful, and has been around for a long time, so there is plenty of information on the internet to help you understand it better.
/\/\/\/\ I appreciate the input about Remeron. I've been taking it for about 3 weeks now, so I'm not sure about the anti-depressant part. I'm sleeping like a log though.:D
squidhead said:
But that just boggled my noggin when he told me that 15 mg will make me drowsy [that's putting it mildly], but 30 mg will give me energy.

Wassup wit dat?

this phenomenon is also observed in other medications. another example is seroquel, which tends to be more sedating in lower doses. it's not unusual for medications to need to be at a certain level to affect a certain neurotransmitter (as kitty said)...effexor is serotonin reuptake inhibitor at lower doses then once the dose increases it begins to act on norepinephrine as well...cymbalta is an ssnri at lower doses but at high doses it also inhibits the reuptake of dopamine, etc.
Why didnt u just type links to wikipedia pages, wouldve saved alot of typing. Also DARI's arent typically used to treat depression, not that they cant help it, but they have the obvious abuse potential cliche.
WIKIPEDIA isn't all that reliable with regard to information, Smyth. They couldn't even spell "encyclopaedia" correctly... how could I trust them?

Also, what is this thread doing here? What's the emergency? I have a PDR and a tonne of medical texts from just this year. With a lot of drugs, you should be able to figure out what's suitable and what isn't suitable to combine them with.

Experiences are, of course, subjective and thusly a link to perhaps a 'page' with them on would be a good idea? I'm either too tired, or too angry, because this isn't making sense to me.
Kerrigan said:
WIKIPEDIA isn't all that reliable with regard to information, Smyth. They couldn't even spell "encyclopaedia" correctly... how could I trust them?
Both encyclopedia and encyclopaedia are accepted spelling. :)