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Please help me, Dark Siders! (Meds FAQ)

i just added a section on risperdal and i can work my way through the other atypical antipsychotics. you can copy and paste my posts into your original framework so that they are more easily accessible. also, https://www.aidsmeds.com/cmm/DrugsNewContent.asp is an amazing link where one can check prescription drug interactions, and if it could be posted prominently, it would cut down on the questions about whether is x and y are safe to take together.
Perhaps adding a disclaimer to the benzo section about addiction/withdrawal could be a good idea. I still see so many posts on this board from people that have gone through horrendous benzo withdrawal because they simply didn't know (or, sometimes, chose not to believe) that benzos can be incredibly hard and often dangerous to get off.

Something along the lines of 'Physical dependence to benzodiazepines can occur after 1-2 weeks of continuous use. Benzo withdrawal can be dangerous if not conducted properly. If you are choosing to discontinue your medication please ensure you consult your doctor to determine a tapering schedule and DO NOT stop abruptly.'

A link to www.benzo.org.uk could be good too. It's a useful resource for people choosing to withdraw.
Righto I've made another thread if yous post your links in that thread it'll do for the time being then see how it pans out.
thanks by the way to everyone for bothering.

sushii - I'll be putting general information for each class of drugs, and the addiction/withdrawal issues for benzos will most certainly be covered, in detail. :)

Thanks for the links everyone. I'll make sure they all end up in the final copy!
Kitty, this is awesome. Good work. Some suggestions:

Are you aware of rxlist.com and webmd.com? Might be better to link to sites like those, rather than Wikipedia...

Also Fairnymph's 'anti-depressants and recreational drugs' is pretty damn comprehensive: http://www.bluelight.ru/vb/showthread.php?t=108959

(Apologies if you already know all of this, and I'll have a proper look at it later, see if I can offer any help).
^I'm pretty fond of rxlist, and I'm sure it'll make it in my final list of links. My thought in using wikipedia for the links is that it is usually very user-friendly and offers a lot of links to other sites - i might actually switch them over to drugdigest in place of wikipedia, but for now i'll just stick with the pattern.

I have already linked to fairnymph's guide in the introduction to the FAQ - my only concern is that a lot of the drugs listed here aren't included, particularly the new antipsychotics and bipolar drugs, which is what a lot of people are going to be prescribed now. Unfortunately for everyone, there's not a lot of data out yet regarding those drugs and recreational chems because they're new. I'm hoping that someone with a bit more knowledge of neurochemistry will step up and maybe write just a cursory couple paragraphs about the newer ones regarding what should and shouldn't be safe.
Indelibleface said:
I was thinking, since results with these antidepressants are so subjective and vary wildly depending on the person, it might be nice to include two or three short testimonials per drug -- perhaps a few good and bad experiences so people can see the range of effects as told by the individuals. What do you think?

animal_cookie said:
^maybe a mod could link the experiences under each drug, like the recipe thread in SO. the first post serves as an index to the rest of the thread

animal_cookie has a good idea here, we should have people start posting their individual experiences in this thread, and we could link to them under their respective drugs like the recipe thread he was referring to. With subjective testimonials, we could really make this guide something special.
^I'd prefer if people waited for that until the thread is completed, so there's less cleanup work to do when I'm finished. It'll be more organized too if I can lay out how everyone should post their experiences and everything.

Also, everyone, please post any further suggestions and comments in the thread I started for that. It's floating around in TDS (not stickied).
people might want to try reading "the thruth about american drug companies" by marcie angel.

you would never touch the stuff.
zophen said:
^ Ah squidhead I much preferred your old avatar man go on switch it back.
Hows you doing anyway old timer???

Hiya zophen, mi amigo....how've ya been? Is this the avy you refer to?:\

And Kitty, thanks so much for that head's up about my massive amounts of Rx's. I never realized that Lexapro & Methadone can have an interaction. How so? Reduce the effects of either? I usually take the Lexapro way after my Methadone doses are thru for the day [I never do the 3/10mgs every 8 hrs...usually 4/10mgs twice a day, leaving me with some leftovers in case of a horrible day!!]
Plus good point on the benzos. I was dozing-off the minute my head hit the sidewalk.8( =D....I'm sticking with strictly the Klonnies, unless I need the instantaneous effects that Xanax give ya. Thanks again.:)

And zophen good buddy....I'll be seein ya around the grounds. Is that the avy though? Or the 'fuckin-flys'?8)
^ The one with the mental horrid green head with the eyes and tongue all hanging out anf gruesome.
I am doing quite alright thank you slowly creeping toward my final destination.

zophen said:
^ The one with the mental horrid green head with the eyes and tongue all hanging out anf gruesome.
I am doing quite alright thank you slowly creeping toward my final destination.

Know exactly which 1...=D ....coming right up.
kittyinthedark said:
^I'd prefer if people waited for that until the thread is completed, so there's less cleanup work to do when I'm finished. It'll be more organized too if I can lay out how everyone should post their experiences and everything.

Also, everyone, please post any further suggestions and comments in the thread I started for that. It's floating around in TDS (not stickied).

Mm, sorry about that! :)

Maybe a mod could move all of these extraneous comments to that thread eventually.
Anybody have any personal accounts of combining Cymbalta with 2-ce/i...? How dangerous is it? How long would be a good idea to stop the Cymbalta before taking the 2-cx? Personal experiences would be appreciated. How long does Cymbalta stay in ones blood stream?

Same questions as above but concerning Risperdal...?

Personal accounts would be great
I would like to share an experience that just occured, it mostly relates to the interactions of recreational drugs and prescriptions, and of two prescriptions. Ok, a lot of people have told me that using hydrocodone while on an ssri is for the most part safe. I am here to tell you that there are exceptions to this. After going through a hellatios "experiment" if you will, on myself, I have determined that vicodin interferes with the breakdown of the ssri lexapro. Whether or not it is prinically caused by the hydrocodone or the acetaminophen, I am unaware of. However, It definitly speeds up the breakdown of the ssri, causing serotonin syndrome.

Normally, I wait at least 24 hours after taking my medication to take vicodin, or at least 36 hours if i am taking it with cimetidine, because cimetidine has been known to slightly increase blood levels of certain ssris, escitalopram being one. Today, I figured since I have plenty of vicodin and I would be home alone, i would try and see if doing vicodin alone (without weed) after taking my meds this morning would have any effects. I did smoke some this morning, so i was a little high still. I took one and a half 7.5/750 tablets with a glass of water. I went on my computer and was playing my favorite game, and suddenly felt the worst coming. I got the "body hot flash" feeling, and a feeling that I had to poop really bad, and nausea, I didnt know what was going on, I was praying I would be ok.
After a minute of this feeling i ran to the bathroom to induce vommiting, i was unable to, and decided it would be best to just lay down. This definitly made the effects go away, and my heart rate went down to normal. However, I knew that it was only going to get worse, because this happened only 15 minutes after ingesting the hydrocodone. About 5 minutes later, lying on my floor in my room, watching tv, I was feeling better, not delerious or shakey, but i started getting that feeling again, nausea and ,, anal nausea if you will. This time, since I had been drinking some water, I was able to start vommiting, I put my hands down my throat and vommited until when i put them in and nothing came out. For the most part, i think that the hydrocodone was 75% already in my liver or whatever, however I did throw up a lot of the cereal i ate this morning, which I ate after taking my meds so, I feel totally fine now. I'm not sure if i needed to throw up, or if it was just the fact that when the vicodin was kicking in and giving me that rush, I was already feeling kind of speedy from the weed I had smoked.

I think my serotonin levels were actually higher than normal just from the marijuana, which normally doesnt have much of an effect on me. I had been trying to wean my dose down lately, so I took 5 mg more today than i had in the previous 3. What I did was not very smart, and I am very happy that I am ok. I feel somewhat of a vicodin buzz, and my heart rate/blood pressure is normal again. Unfortunately, I cant smoke weed right now, so I cant fully enjoy it. Ill probobly wait a few hours and smoke a little if I dont experience any further difficulties. To all the opiate users, potheads, and combiners of the two, please be careful! If your on an ssri, make sure you spread your dose times apart, and always start small!
Doc just switched me from Lexapro to Remeron. My energy level has been non-existent & doc said that the Lexapro wasn't any good for increasing my energy. He said the Remeron 30 mg daily would be much better. I think it also goes by the generic name, Mirtazapine.

Anyone have any feedback or knowledge of this stuff? & how did it work for you?:\
Remeron destroyed my life. It made me sleep 16 hours a day and gain 30 pounds in a month. I nearly failed a class because of it, and it took me almost a year to lose all the weight. I felt awful the whole time I was on it. That being said, I know people it has worked for, so...

And i do apologize to everyone for totally slacking on this thread. I've been going insane with work and working at home lately. The only way I can keep my psycho mother in check is to come home from work every day and clean up after my dad and brother, and then do all the gardening...
Yep, remeron worked well for me but it made me terribly fat. Didn't do a lot for my anxiety, but helped tremendously with the insomnia that was (I think) a major reason for how depressed I was at the time. I had no problems coming off it. Just watch your alcohol intake - I found it quite sedating, even at low doses, and drinking on it caused a few problems.

I don't know about increasing energy though - it seemed to do quite the opposite for me.