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Piracetam - does it work??

It's that time of year again!

Time once again for the semi-annual Piracetam Personal Update :)

After 2 years now taking 3 x 4g per day (total 12g per day) of this God-Molecule, I am feeling better than ever. Rather than the effect fading, my brain is better than ever and I notice the effects each day and night.

Nights are a constant theater of super vivid dreams (last dose is right before bed :) remembered perfectly the next morning. No more grogginess, I wake up already awake.

Days from the moment of waking until the pillow that night are clear, refreshed, totally awake. No more tiredness, sleepiness, fuziness, that terrible poor memory and unclarity that existed before Piracetam.

The best is riding out on a clear day and looking at the breathtaking colours of the world. The skies, the brilliantly coloured business signage, people's clothes, everything is so much more deeply saturated than before.

The edges of everything are naturally super-sharp, not oversharpened but far sharper than the fuziness before Piracetam. In fact not just the edges, but the entire visible scene is razor-sharp. Every time I look out my windows everything is so sharp that it's almost distracting. Several times a day I look out the window just to witness the incredible scenes of colour and sharpness outside.

Three-dimensional perception is majorly enhanced. Now I see this amazingly deep three-dimensionality when travelling around things. The 3D depth of things is deeper than before piracetam. Moving and rotating things are so much more interesting, there's a subtle thrillish pleasure to moving around them to watch as they shift in this enhanced spacial perception.

The subtle differences in colour are easily seen. Leaves on trees all move separately and are countable. Landscapes now make portraits for the eye. Secret images never to be recorded on digital camera, because mine is too crappy to warrant such endeavours.

I can and often do stay up until near dawn and sleep for fewer hours than before Piracetam, yet that sleep is so much more effective with this super-molecule that I feel more alert the next day.

Logic, calculating ability, etc. are all enormously enhanced. I love feeling smarter than everyone else, and this God-Molecule is the key to doing so. I can logicize circles and win any argument. It is so easy to strike down the now-puny opposition with my mighty Piracetized brain! Smugness and egotism are both enhanced with this drug.

There are no headaches: I don't take choline or eggs but do eat meats & dairy regularly.

I don't take any caffeine or alcohol - never did. Also, don't take any other nootropics, or prescription medications either.

All this despite some 1/2 - 3/4 bowl regular daily cannabis use, which would normally result in slowness, fuziness, etc.

I can tell a brain supplement is good if after a few doses I remember to keep taking it. That means it's working. If I can't remember to take it then it's not worth taking.

The coolest thing is I spend lots of time online. I can scroll thru massloads of text super quick looking for any keyword, phrase, or even speedreading its entirety without missing what I'm looking for. I could never do that before! It is so convenient.

There are a few downsides: I'm way less patient than before. Other people seem dumber so I get more irritated with them. Waiting for pages to load or my machine to do something is more annoying. My computer can't always keep up to my speed. The nice thing about being slow and stupid (without the God-Molecule) is the world waits for me. With the God-Molecule in-brain, I wait for the world to catch up.

I've had the experience of waiting for the world on long-time-ago LSD and also mushrooms. However, Piracetam is a slave driver. It makes me impatient, more easily frustrated. Waiting for slow things isn't fun on Piracetam, though I don't feel 'driven' as one would on a stimulant. Never took those, but it sounds awful...

For me Piracetam is the gift that keeps on giving. I buy 500g or more per month and haven't missed a single dose in longer than my now-enhanced memory can remember :)

My recommendation for the uninitiated is to get some ASAP and start a daily regimen for life! It tastes bitter but the results are sweeter than honey :) This stuff totally altered the balance between my brainpower and the world's brainpower.
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I just ordered some Get Smart - has anybody had any experience with it?

This is quoted off their site as the ingredients in 2 caps.

Aniracetam 500 mg more potent analog of piracetam
Centrophenoxine 300 mg raises brain acetylcholine levels
Pyritinol 300 mg improves memory, concentration
Picamilon 100 mg increases circulation to the brain
Piracetam 100 mg increases communication between the 2 brain hemispheres
Sulbutiamine 100 mg
Oxiracetam 10 mg more potent analog of piracetam
Vinpocetine 10 mg dilates blood vessels in the brain
Idebenone 10 mg increases nerve growth factor (NGF) in the brain
Galantamine 300 mcg prevents build up of beta amyloid plaque in the brain
Huperzine A 100 mcg extends the life of acetylcholine in the brain
Has any former MDMA users noticed enhancement from MDMA induced cognitive shortcomings (ie memory, concentration, learning ability) after taking Piracetam?
Sounds like piracetam would be good for repairing damage done by too much mdma use.
Works well for me - it improves my clarity of thinking. Makes me tired if I take too much though.
Just a little follow up, I've had a month on the Get Smart caps and haven't done any drugs apart from a little bit of weed/alcohol for a solid 2 months and my moods have really stabilised so much, feeling a lot better about life and stuff. I totally recommend having a break from drugs and also the Get Smart caps, made me feel so much better :)
Just a little side notice, while piracetam definitely helps with getting the cloudiness out of my head. I have to say at larger doses (3-4mg) it does goves me some minor anxiety. Nothing particularly horrible, but I do start questioning where my life is going and whether I am making the right decisions.
Hey all, I've started using Piracetam (with Choline) this morning and two doses later I haven't looked back. This shit works. I will do random chores and set objectives without really meaning to, and complete them without any annoyance or impatience. Try it, seriously.
I took lots of aniracetam last semester up until my exams... ended up doing around 2-4g a day with choline + ginko.... I think most of the racetams are pretty overated and mostly placebo effects(the ones Ive tried anyway).

Definately did not have a noticeable affect on my mdma times. Maybe lessened the comedown slightly if anything....

Great with a coffee for study... but its the caffeine that i felt most.

long term use definately helped me remember things from my past randomly.. but I wouldnt expect any effects like dexamphetamine.

That get smart on paper looks good... except you wouldnt want to take it daily a few of those nootropics can have nasty side effects depending on the user.

like Vinpocetine which is known to cause depression and mess with your dopamine.

Id start with a racetam and choline/dmae and if those work for you go on from there.. its also far cheaper to buy powders than brand capsules(ebays good).
I did 2x 5month trials of Piracetam, first 5month trial was 1.6grams a day, second trial was 3grams a day. in both situations i noticed a few things. Firstly, my short term memory improved; not a great deal but enough to be noticeable.
Although my short term improved, i had a really bad problem of not being able to recall words, I'd sit infront of someone trying to remember the word i need to use in a sentence. It happened basically every hour which I have never experienced before, once i stopped taking it i didn't have the problem anymore.

I noticed that I suddenly became super sensitive to caffeine which i never was, I use to drink energydrinks and coffees constantly but never felt a strong buzz from them in my life. During my Piracetam regime, a single energydrink would have me buzzing for a good 4hours which I thought was nice and now understand how caffeine sensitive people feel after a coffee.
Overall I didn't get that much positive developments from piracetam so I stopped using it, only went threw half of what i ordered. I might give it another go a bit later at maybe 5grams a day.

Piracetam and Psychedelics, I'm not sure I noticed much of a difference, a tab still felt like a single tab. Cant really comment on that since how much a dose on a tab can vary
lucid dreams from the attack dosage (3 grams, w/1800 mg choline), and on a 45 minute powernap, no less.

pretty startling, and a nice way to emerge from a holiday wine-bender.

mileage may vary...
Every morning I take 1-2 grams of piracetam with about 500mg of choline bitrate. (spelling?) I have significantly less brain fog now. Before taking it daily, I used to take it sporatically, and it did seem to help. Only negative that it seems to cause for me is my moods might be a little duller. But I still have good moods on it, and it more than makes up for it by limiting my time in a brain fog stupor. (medical problem)
Can anyone here comment on how long to preload, prior to consuming MDMA? I have heard multiple mixed reviews, some stating to take it daily all the way up to the day you drop (including an attack dose that day), some say to take it a week prior (again with attack dose on the day) and then people say to only take it one or two days prior (with yet another attack dose on the day). I know the most likely answer will be "it depends" but does anyone have experience will multiple scenarios?

The last time I rolled, I took attack doses of Piracetam for nearly 5 days before the roll and an even bigger dose on the day of. My roll was indeed pronounced, but not exactly where I wanted it. My friends on the other hand only took it a few days prior, in attack doses, and also the day of and they said they were rolling like MAD! Maybe I will take that direction?

Input would be greatly appreciated.
lucid dreams from the attack dosage (3 grams, w/1800 mg choline), and on a 45 minute powernap, no less.


Could someone explain logic of that attack dosing? Why that is better way to start than opposite?
My first thought was that starting with zero dose and increasing it little by little is the safest way to start just about anything that people eat or drink.. .

How about relation with Choline BitArtRate and Piracetam? How much choline with one gram piracetam?
Or is that those questions where is no absolute correct answer and it depends from person?

I just bought both from EBAY and i hope that they come through. I chose powder like suggested in this forum few times.
BTW. I ordered L-Theanine as well.

My goal is to gain better ability to concentrate when i'm studying. I some how lost that skill few months ago.. i have done too much studies in recent years and have being near burn out many times.
Recently i found my limits and i just had to drop half of the studies away and slower the schedule of remaining ones.

I had some rest and did some totally different things for a while and when i tried to start reading again it just won't happen!
At the moment i can read just a few rows before my thoughts start to wonder around.
Then i might spend minute or two by just staring text in front of me and thinking god knows what.. then i kinda wake up, make some cursing :! -and try to read again. And that loop usually continues until i'm too tired to even try.

Either my mind goes too fast or simply has too much thoughts that come disturb my studies all the time. At the moment i don't feel like being especially clever or anything, though.
Speed how i progress has decreased approx. 70% from what i was used to year or two ago.

That's the situation now, before taking piracetam. It's promising how some have described it to enhance ability to concentrate. This is gonna be my first experiment with nootropics!

. ..although i have used some products which has benefits also in brain functions;

E-EPA 500/650mg
Carnosin 400/600mg
D-vitamin 5000IU
Magnesium 375mg and Calsium 800mg (Leader Terveystuotteet)
Q10 100mg
Odorless Garlic, Korean ginseng, hawthorn berry (Nature's RX Hearty Garlic)
Common multivitamins.
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Piracetam - Nootropil use

Hi Pink,

I will be taking the drug for the first time and documenting the entire experience via a blog - i.e what are the side effects- positive or not. Feel free to take a look at it: http://the-limitless-graduate.blogspot.com Let me know how you go on it as it would be interesting to hear other experiences.
I tried Keppra (Levetiracetam) as it's available here, prescribed as an anticonvulsant. I took the highest dose 3000mg.
As for piracetam, it alerts me, much like taking NoDoz tabs (caffeine) 300mg.

Levetiracetam, has more to a calming effect, useful to treat tics and Tourette syndrome and neuropathic pain,without much sedation.
I've been on it for a year. A psychiatrist prescribed it for my anxiety,while retaining cognitive function.

Anyone tried Keppra?
My interest in smart drugs / nootropics has been rekindled lately for whatever reason. Ordered a bunch of stuff including piracetam, hydergine, choline and something else. I knew they would take a while to arrive so I also ordered 'Get Smart' from xxx which arrived extremely quickly. Its a capsule with a bunch of stuff in it including oxiracetam.

Will report any cognitive adjustments once they become apparent ;)
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Good stuff, having some synchronicity. I'm about to start back up on my err roughly about a kg left of piracetam and same of choline. My cognitive capacities are attacked majorly from nerve damage I sustained in 06 with subsequent chronic pain plus resultant huge pain med routine. I've been using nootropics for almost a decade on and off, definitely would be hugely incapacitated from the pain and pain drugs I have daily.

Will dwelve further into my experiences but for now I'm doing my best to be asleep as our children will be waking me up roughly in 5 to 6 hrs. Damn pain induced insomnia! Ok sleep time for now, back to piracetam loading after breakfast! :)

Thumbs up for nootropics
Sorry pinkanga, I had to remove the source from your post. Only sources for HR materials are allowed.
Nootropics aren't counted as HR? What about 'Harm fixing' ?