Pics of your Stash

Not sure i trust the sites... 😉
I use QAR Tool (portable verion on win 7 64) when I remember as most phone and os and all kinda other stuff (location if on etc). Its command line but if chosen to open by default it just runs when clicked.

Yeah, got me there.

Oh, shit.
Hope @JoEhJoEh has/had a plan of action set up. Thought he had bags left....
Makes me wanna be a mobile nurse and relieve the pain.
Hope we see a pic posted by him soon.


I'm female :)


Here you are - I hope it worked..... Oh - you have to click on the last one....

I'm female
My bad. Hope no offense was taken; sure didn't aim for that.

30mg oxy
1mg alp
300mg pregab
a couple cigs (or fags depending....)

I am seriously noddin off if i stay still too long
been a looong ass time since no opi and glad to not have works. also glad i didnt eat em all soon as they arrive from Rx.
gonna lay with wifey for a bit
be safe, family
Always love,
My bad. Hope no offense was taken; sure didn't aim for that.

30mg oxy
1mg alp
300mg pregab
a couple cigs (or fags depending....)

I am seriously noddin off if i stay still too long
been a looong ass time since no opi and glad to not have works. also glad i didnt eat em all soon as they arrive from Rx.
gonna lay with wifey for a bit
be safe, family
Always love,

Have a nice Easter, PtahTek :)

Add 'er to the stash - 2.7g shard - obama phone camera:



Coke went from half an ounce to an eight ball, while meth went from 1 gram to over ten, in a little over a week.

Here you are - I hope it worked..... Oh - you have to click on the last one....

Jeez you've got benzos for years, and the quaalude that's cool, big chunk of coke looking nice as well!
Jeez you've got benzos for years, and the quaalude that's cool, big chunk of coke looking nice as well!

Yes, I know it's an extreme lot of stuff. I want to quit the RC-Benzos but before I wanted to try everything out. I have a plan to taper them off with Oxazepam, that's why there are so many pills.

The problem with the SL164 is that you can't find nearly nothing in the internet about it. No experiences from other people, no information about duration or half life, thats why I didn't mix it up already. I have to get more info otherwise I'll not take it. It's such a mess because of my benzo affinity and my endlessly high tolerance I alway wanted to test luudes, but they are there, i know, but very hard to get a contact for it.

I read in other drug forums and it seems like a bunch of people have tested it and
1. need big amounts,
2. were not satisfied with how this benzo feels

I have to do more research - isn't possible I can't find ANYTHING that is important to know. But I'm looking forward to it a lot!

Thanks for your post and sleep well :)
Thank you and you too

I found this reddit thread about it not sure if it has what you are looking for but quite a lot of replies


Thank you and you too

I found this reddit thread about it not sure if it has what you are looking for but quite a lot of replies

Hey friend,

thanks a lot for looking this up, I also did it but there are no infos in need unfortunately.

Hmm, lets wait...

Last edited:
Hi there,

thanks for doing so much efforts because of this thing. I'm desperately looking for a soluble i can solve it, i dont want so smoke or vape it but I cannot find anything, fucking helll...

I made a trade for that 2.7g shard on the previous page.

The boys were like,
TB: "Ay't, so this is 'good coke', huh?
Me: "Yeah. I mean, not fish scale, but not bad."
TB: *takes a smell* "Huh.. not bad so far"
Me: "Yeah. I washed it with acetone"
TB: "Smart man, smart man." *tastes it* "Wow, this is good coke!"
Me: "Yeah.."
TB: "Ay't, one last test" *loads a shot* "...bro..."
Me: "Yes?"
TB: .........
Me: "Told you."

@Xorkoth - you're right, most coke is bunk. But the wash really does work. Although it doesn't get out the levamisole.
I made a trade for that 2.7g shard on the previous page.

The boys were like,
TB: "Ay't, so this is 'good coke', huh?
Me: "Yeah. I mean, not fish scale, but not bad."
TB: *takes a smell* "Huh.. not bad so far"
Me: "Yeah. I washed it with acetone"
TB: "Smart man, smart man." *tastes it* "Wow, this is good coke!"
Me: "Yeah.."
TB: "Ay't, one last test" *loads a shot* "...bro..."
Me: "Yes?"
TB: .........
Me: "Told you."

@Xorkoth - you're right, most coke is bunk. But the wash really does work. Although it doesn't get out the levamisole.

If you mean me, madness, again: I'm female. If you mean somebody else just forget it :)


EDIT: Possilby you mean yourself :) Who knows???