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Pics of your Stash

Never knew what was in them 😂
Took one at a dog fight and blew my fucking mind.
Embarrassed myself TBH

EDIT: because I was a kid and I was taken there. I do not participate in dog fighting.
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whats in the two clear baggies next to the baggie with the hash in? Also the ice like crystals is meth? the other rock is cocaine or crack?
whats in the two clear baggies next to the baggie with the hash in? Also the ice like crystals is meth? the other rock is cocaine or crack?
Coke. D-methamphetamine.

The pick with 3 baggies from left too right is Brown type 3 Afghan Heroin, Type 4 Heroin from the golden triangle, Coke
wow. was actually just speaking to someone about wanting to try pure heroin, the type 4 looks pretty clean/white.

I really thought that brown thing was hash, at first it looked a bit like dried mushrooms but then closer look i was like nah thats hash :D why is it like that, i assume its closer to opium/ has impurities in it. which did you find the most effective? do you smoke/inject? i guess the brown type afghan is not really safe to bang up or is it?
I really thought that brown thing was hash, at first it looked a bit like dried mushrooms but then closer look i was like nah thats hash :D why is it like that, i assume its closer to opium/ has impurities in it. which did you find the most effective? do you smoke/inject? i guess the brown type afghan is not really safe to bang up or is it?
Most Afghan heroin I've seen was in the form of a powder and much lighter in color — not far from its namesake of "brown sugar" in shade & consistency, actually.

That #3, OTOH, looks more like Mexican "black tar" heroin from the Western US, so I have to assume the final product underwent a significant amount of hydrolysis.