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Pics of your Stash

Great stuff man im really obsessed with the world of psychs as well. Im getting some more new ones to trial soon as well and a couple to revist i havent had in years. In two months time roughly i will have cosumed my 60th different psychedelic drug from all the families Phens, Tryps and Lysergamides. Not including Dissociatives inwhich i have had 10-12 probably.

You can post about all of your experiences @electronDegenerate and check out the PD Tripping and Social forums and hang out and get to know us Swirly Folks. I can tell from as soon as you started posting that you are one of us PD Fam. Im looking forward to hearing more about your travels. Over the coming months i will also try DPT, DOB, DMT, 5-CL-aMT, MAL and some DCK possibly that i will be mixing in with the DPT in a shot intravenously 50mgs/50mgs and i will be writing a Trip Report about it for sure.
Dear god i just pushed the stem 3 times in a row hitting it back to back and it is an old stem full of coke that my friend gave me and i just smoked all my shit out of it so ot was full im so fucked up right now super skied i have to snort three bags of Heroin fast im sorta almost two high but i love ot so much.
Sorry for derailing the train my friend.


All the 8mg Bupre pills i have left in the world and you know how nervous makes me feel right. I had no insurance since it expired earlier this year but i jist got approved and im going to have it again for 2021. Found a Suboxone doctor that is only a few minute walk away from my house which i excellent. Gotta drop my daily dose down to 2mgs starting when the Dope runs out. But if it all goes according to plan i will get new bottle before these are all gone. I really need to stop doing so much Heroin, its starting to get expensive cus im probably using 4 days of the week now...have just about three kilos of Kratom as a saftey net. Super cracked out right now all of these pushes from the stem got me blasted but the Dope smooths it out so Euphoric such a hedonistic combo this is pure pleasure palace material that inwhich we'll forever pursue to absorb this powerful mixtures world renown gift of narcotic bliss when its soothing your soul with an angelical kiss.
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I've had it. It lasts for ever. I much prefer it to methamphetamine. It is very, very smooth. Much smarter of a compound. It is like a smart drug in a way, it makes methamphetamine feel like blustering fool.

If you take a large dose of n-methylcyclazodone it is sort of reminiscent of 4-MAR but not nearly as euphoric. N-methylcyclazodone is very different than cyclazodone and the duration is much longer. N-methylcyclazodone feels way more serotonergic than cyclazodone and reminded me of 4-MAR. N-methylcyclazodone is more stimulating than cyclazodone at high doses. Ive taken both at pretty high doses but n-methylcyclazodone made me clean my garage for 14 hours straight. That wouldn't happen from cyclazodone.
N someone she'd some light on 4f-mar I see a description of 4-mar is this the same as 4f-mar ? I need some help and some is better than none because if it's plain 4mar then my experience tells me things with fluorine are usually three heck four times stronger i.e. flubrazolam, flualprazolam
Okay I decided to update my total stash pics. Incoming drug porn.

Starting with the miscellaneous... the unmarked tiny jars are delta-8 THC. I have 60g more of it coming lol, it's so damn cheap and I love it. I also have a whole shelf full of supplements and semi-drugs but I won't bother with those.


Moving on to the tryptamines. I have some doubles because of either not all of it fitting in one vial, or because of different batches from different sources.



This is my DMT... these are not all full. They each represent different batches/DMT sources/whether they've been recrystallized or not.


Now for the phenethylamines. Note that the "2C-EF" is, sadly, not really 2C-EF, it's a blend of 2C-T-2, 2C-C, and 2C-T-7.



My DOX collection. I have solutions of them all too, but DOET I only have a solution of, none as a powder. I also put 2C-B-fly-NBOMe in here, I got like 25mg of it randomly once with some extra BTC I had. Also, for now, DOM and DOB are only in blotter form and are shown below in the blotter section (but getting DOB powder shortly).


Blotters of various kinds:



Finally, the dissos and randoms. I have a baggie of clonazolam but never want to use it again.


I will also soon have DOB powder, bromazolam, and DET. Oh I also have a bit of etizolam left.
That's pretty impressive I must say.
Sorry for derailing the train my friend.


All the 8mg Bupre pills i have left in the world and you know how nervous makes me feel right. I had no insurance since it expired earlier this year but i jist got approved and im going to have it again for 2021. Found a Suboxone doctor that is only a few minute walk away from my house which i excellent. Gotta drop my daily dose down to 2mgs starting when the Dope runs out. But if it all goes according to plan i will get new bottle before these are all gone. I really need to stop doing so much Heroin, its starting to get expensive cus im probably using 4 days of the week now...have just about three kilos of Kratom as a saftey net. Super cracked out right now all of these pushes from the stem got me blasted but the Dope smooths it out so Euphoric such a hedonistic combo this is pure pleasure palace material that inwhich we'll forever pursue to absorb this powerful mixtures world renown gift of narcotic bliss when its soothing your soul with an angelical
Trying to add pictures new posting on blulight.
Upload your picture anonymously to imgur. Copy the link imgur creates.

On BL in the header of the box you write your post in there is a link symbol. Click that and just paste the link in the ‘URL’ box. Ignore the other box.

That’s it.
Upload your picture anonymously to imgur. Copy the link imgur creates.

On BL in the header of the box you write your post in there is a link symbol. Click that and just paste the link in the ‘URL’ box. Ignore the other box.

That’s it.
Ok does it matter if my phone is android I posted the link but what's imgur hmmmm
Upload your picture anonymously to imgur. Copy the link imgur creates.

On BL in the header of the box you write your post in there is a link symbol. Click that and just paste the link in the ‘URL’ box. Ignore the other box.

That’s it.
When I figure out how to use girl I'm going to post my crazy kitchen jars everyone is like wtf when they come in not all are narcotic like the muscle relaxers but most are lol.