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Philosophical or meaningful tattoos

funny chap that one; got himself stuffed after his death and put in a closet. he instructed that he was to be taken out and put at the table with his (living) colleagues when the board of directors met annually.

his head is often stolen as a prank, and held for 'ransom'.
Philosophical or meaningful tattoos.

I'm considering getting a tattoo of the following statement.

This statement is false.

If it is true then it's false, and if it's false, it's true.

The tattoo would be a life long reminder of the absolute reciprocity of duality.

Do you have a tattoo that is significant to the way you live, want to live, or interpret life? What is it? Has its meaning changed since you got it? Post a pic!

If not, is there a meaningful tattoo that you would like to get?


Fan of Kurt Godel by any chance?
never heard of him. Who is he? recommend anything by him?

I originally heard the this statement is false thing from Alan Watts.
*waits impatiently for Vegan to post his 5-MeO-DMT tattoo* :D.

Me? I plan on eventually putting an Oroboros (snake eating its own tail) on my back.
I've been thinking about getting a Shoki and Oni tattoo soon... just a matter of time before I set an appointment.

In this depiction by Kwinabe Gyosai, the shoki (god of justice) represents the government... and the oni (the devils) are sitting around a board game leading out their otherwise peaceful lives. The shoki represents the oppressive government.. and its oni represents the demonized citizens. Traditionally, the shoki and oni are placed above the doorways of business men to ward off demons, but I like this representation better for my life.

NOBODY TAKE MY IDEA!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will be depressed.
Here's mine...


The molecular structure of methamphetamine. Means a lot to me.
Here's mine...


The molecular structure of methamphetamine. Means a lot to me.

Absolutely took the cake with that one. Awesome.


I'm going to get the endless knot on my the palm up-side of my right wrist. Going for the black one.
*waits impatiently for Vegan to post his 5-MeO-DMT tattoo* :D.

Me? I plan on eventually putting an Oroboros (snake eating its own tail) on my back.

My dragon (fulll back tattoo) was inspired by the plumed serpent of Mayan/Aztec mythology. However, I didnt like the look of it, so I used a Japanese dragon body with a western dragon head with Chinese antler horns and seraphim wings in darker rainbow colors.
Another tat I'm thinking of getting. I created it using PhotoShop and Picasa.

^put in small print inside brackets underneath: (just like everyone else) :p
^ No, cos that wouldn't be true. Most people don't act like individuals.
^the pursuit for "individualistic recognition" is extremely common.

but anyway, since you act uniquely, wouldn't such a tattoo be a bit obvious and redundant?
^the pursuit for "individualistic recognition" is extremely common.

It's common, but often done in the wrong ways. Just think of all the kids who "rebel" and show their "individualiy" by becoming goth or part of some other subculture. There's no individuality in that.

but anyway, since you act uniquely, wouldn't such a tattoo be a bit obvious and redundant?

Possibly, yes.
I remember a few years back there was a photo in the gallery of a bluelighter with 5meodmt (I think?) tattooed on his wrist.

Does anyone remember this? I thought it was kinda cool.
Absolutely took the cake with that one. Awesome.

Shortly after I got it done, I had an appointment with my doctor, and he immediately recognised it and said "you certainly love your meth, don't you?" :p
Shortly after I got it done, I had an appointment with my doctor, and he immediately recognised it and said "you certainly love your meth, don't you?" :p




Though the images meanings are lost on me it's interesting to note just how those two slight differences are most important.