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Philosophical or meaningful tattoos


Apr 23, 2004
Philosophical or meaningful tattoos.

I'm considering getting a tattoo of the following statement.

This statement is false.

If it is true then it's false, and if it's false, it's true.

The tattoo would be a life long reminder of the absolute reciprocity of duality.

Do you have a tattoo that is significant to the way you live, want to live, or interpret life? What is it? Has its meaning changed since you got it? Post a pic!

If not, is there a meaningful tattoo that you would like to get?

nice, i like that idea! (false statement).

I used to want to have "don't take yourself too seriously" scribbled on my arm in small letters, but that was a while ago, take myself a little too seriously for that now.
for me tattoo can easily be seen as opposite to philosophical and meaningful
the whole permanency kills the possible genuine openness of the intention
these have come in handy
I have a phoenix. I was drawn to this mythological bird because when it dies it bursts into flames and is reborn from the ashes. I had been through a lot of difficult things in my life and had recently had ended a VERY difficult and abusive relationship. This tattoo was to serve as a reminder that I have lived through these things and became stronger. I am, indestructible.
FTW (Fuck the World).
Is this a current tat or one you are considering getting?

nice, i like that idea! (false statement).

I used to want to have "don't take yourself too seriously" scribbled on my arm in small letters, but that was a while ago, take myself a little too seriously for that now.

For real? or were you just being ironic?

I also wanted to get "you sold out" when i was younger so that when I inevitably joined the rat race, I'd be reminded of how I used to view the type of person I expected to become.
Impacto and pillthrill, great tattoos!

I'm not a tattoo kind of guy myself, but if I were to get one that's philosophically meaningful, it would probably be a short Chinese poem about the fleetingness of human existence, in the original classical Chinese. Then when people saw the cliched 'Chinese character tattoo' and asked me what it said, I could drop something heavy on them.
Is this a current tat or one you are considering getting?

For real? or were you just being ironic?

I also wanted to get "you sold out" when i was younger so that when I inevitably joined the rat race, I'd be reminded of how I used to view the type of person I expected to become.

no i wasn't being ironic, i would have gotten it if i could afford it at the time, but times change right, i really like yours, i feel like our would-have-been tattoos are not would-have-been stories of synergy
i really want to get a delta branded onto my shoulder to signify my recognition of being a slave

that and i like triangles
I have this on my side:

"Nature has placed mankind under the governance of two sovereign masters, pain and pleasure. It is for them alone to point out what we ought to do, as well as to determine what we shall do. On the one hand the standard of right and wrong, on the other the chain of causes and effects, are fastened to their throne."

It's a quotation from a fellow named Jeremy Bentham, and the opening passage of the book in which he introduced the ethical theory by which I try to live my life.
Number of sittings: 1
Number of hours: 6
Milligrams of tramadol consumed: 600
Number of seizures had from irresponsibly taking too much tramadol without doing my homework: 0
Yay! =D

Tattoos! One of my most loved things.. I'm covered in them, lol, I'd say the count would be close to 30! <3

I have "carpe diem, carpe noctem" on my wrist. My sister has severe depression and I moved back to live closer to her to help her out with stuff, anywho, one day her depression was really bad so I asked her 'if you could do anything right now, what would it be?' She replied, stating that she wanted to get a piercing. So, we went to the Tattoo studio I was working at, at the time and booked her in. We were waiting and she was super nervous so I said I'd get a tattoo during the entire process of her piercing. I thought it was fitting, spur of the moment thing to get my sis a bit happier, seize the day! seize the night! So, that tattoo has the most meaning behind it for me!

I have a few all-seeing eyes and kinda cult-ish type work on me.. I also have the lyrics to my favourite song on my arm! Pogo by Digitalism!

"its been quite a while since I could experience your brightness, now you've got a brighter smile and I think I'm going to like it, I'll be out of this space as soon as you tell me where the light is because we can be the fire for this night"


Mav :)
in my wackier daze i wanted to shave my head and pointlessly tattoo:
"elemental forces caused this egg to hatch"
on my scalp
a fellow named Jeremy Bentham

funny chap that one; got himself stuffed after his death and put in a closet. he instructed that he was to be taken out and put at the table with his (living) colleagues when the board of directors met annually.
I want this as a tattoo :D (preferably down the length of my penis, but arm would suffice).


'Tis the most elegant thing mine eyes hath gazed upon.
I've always wanted the eye of Re on my palm, so every time I waved at someone they could see the eye of Big Brother. Just haven't had the balls to do it yet.

I do have Death standing on a bunch of skulls on my forearm, though. Whenever someone I know dies, I go to the tattoo parlor to get another skull added. Death standing on all my dead friends, pretty dark, eh? Its there to constantly remind me to not have mortal fear, embracing the natural process when it comes, instead.
i have a peace sign on my shoulder, but as far as meaningful tattoos, my fav is the K i got from the lady in slidell after helping clean out her house post-Katrina

btw, to the OP, that reminds me of that famous painting (can't remember the name right now) of the pipe and the caption says (in french) "this is not a pipe"