• H&R Moderators: VerbalTruist | cdin | Lil'LinaptkSix

Phenibut. Good Lord.

Okay, so for the last month or so, I've been having breathing problems. It feels as if I can get a full deep breath. I didn't even attribute this to my taper, I've been blaming it on my e cig. So I go to the er tonight, and they run all the tests and x rays and say my lungs are perfectly fine. I have a 98% oxygen rate. So basically I think I've been having a month long panic attack from my phenibut taper and not even noticed.
I came clean to the doctor and gave her my full phenibut story, and got her to read detailed info on phenibut. I asked for gabapentin, and this chick gave me "Vistaril". What the fuck is this? She told me to continue tapering the phenibut and use the vistaril as needed. Is that even safe?

Vistaril is a sedating antihistamine, it might help you sleep and should help a little with anxiety. I quiet like the stuff to be honest (its non addictive and doesn't get you high). In fact, I would love to find a doctor that would prescribe it to me for sleep.
Huh. I may have to try it then. Do you think It's safe to take with phenibut? I know you're not supposed to mix gaba drugs. But what about gaba with an antihistamine? I'm already on zyrtec for allergies.
Huh. I may have to try it then. Do you think It's safe to take with phenibut? I know you're not supposed to mix gaba drugs. But what about gaba with an antihistamine? I'm already on zyrtec for allergies.

I don't want to give medical advice, but in my non-professional opinion if you are comfortable with taking something like a benadryl while on Phenibut then you should feel fine with the Vistaril. If you do decide to take it, then maybe start with a half dose.
I have taken benadryl while on phenibut and it didn't do a whole lot. Is vistaril similar to diphenhydramine?
I asked the doctor if it was safe to take with phenibut. I even showed her some stuff I printed out about it. She blew me off completely, and kept referring to it as an "herbal supplement". I kept telling her it was a man made chemical developed in Russia but she seemed to not take me seriously lol I'm starting to dislike my local medical system.
Advice would be to get baclofen. Baclofen IME has less tolerance and is stronger than PHENIBUT. But I do not take baclofen everyday. I will take it and the effects seem to last into the next day. So I skip that day.