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Phenibut. Good Lord.


Apr 2, 2014
I've recently went through a tub of phenibut over two months. I've been dosing 1500mg once a day, every day. I don't have much left and I work 6 days a week requiring constant social interaction with customers. So a week of anxiety and withdrawals would be a problem for me. I have two plans to get over this.
Plan 1-
A very slow taper in 50mg increments. Something like:
Day1- 1500mg
Day2- 1500mg
Day3- 1450mg
Day4- 1450mg
Day5- 1400mg

Would a taper this slow prevent w\d from happening? Or just prolong it?

Plan 2-
Basically my plan here is to just eat a bunch of benzos for a week. I have access to kolonopin off the street and I'd buy enough to last 7 days. Would 7 days be long enough to get me physically dependant on benzos? I just need them to keep me from freaking out. I'm thinking maybe I should both taper and use the kolonopins somehow. I wish I could find gabapentin on the street but it's impossible.

I don't know. But thinking about all this scares the shit out of me. Advice?
Relax, I think you're fine. I don't think you'll get terrible withdrawals from such use. Your doses are not THAT high, and 2 months isn't that bad. You might hit some rebound anxiety from stopping, but the 50mg reductions won't result in w/d's, I doubt you'd notice a difference to be honest. In my recent experiments with phenibut, I've been dosing usually about 2.5g with only 1 or 2 day breaks in between, including a week and a half spent in NY where I was dosing every day. I ran out once, and also have taken 3+ day breaks in the midst of this usage, and haven't experienced anything resembling a phenibut withdrawal.
Relax, I think you're fine. I don't think you'll get terrible withdrawals from such use. Your doses are not THAT high, and 2 months isn't that bad. You might hit some rebound anxiety from stopping, but the 50mg reductions won't result in w/d's, I doubt you'd notice a difference to be honest. In my recent experiments with phenibut, I've been dosing usually about 2.5g with only 1 or 2 day breaks in between, including a week and a half spent in NY where I was dosing every day. I ran out once, and also have taken 3+ day breaks in the midst of this usage, and haven't experienced anything resembling a phenibut withdrawal.
I hope I have the same luck. I keep reading all these stories of people going through hell after just weeks and it's got me paranoid.
Yeah, the paranoia is what will trigger it. I think the same thing happens with kratom. I've used kratom daily for years, and any time I stop cold turkey, the "withdrawal" symptoms are a joke and disappear in a couple days anyway. Meanwhile I see countless threads of people freaking the hell out saying it's worse than heroin w/d.. 8)
I had a way bigger habit(like 10x yours) for longer, and tbh I think decreasing your dosing so slowly might actually result in an addiction that you may not have.

I had w/d for two days. /shrug. YMMV. But yeah the w/ds are terrifying.

Taking kpin for a week will not result in a benzo addiction. No fucking way. So just do that.

I wouldn't take gabapentin in phenibut w/d, EVER again, that resulted in some fucked up reaction when I was in phen w/d that resulted with my ass being in the hospital with bp 180/130. Just FYI.
Well I've decided to test this out. I skipped my dose today just to see what happens. That makes it 28 hours since my last dose and so far I feel fine. Kinda anxious, as if I'm waiting for it to hit me lol I read somewhere it can take 48 hours for the w\d to come on.
try using kpin some days instead, maybe a bit of suboxone one day or just a steady stream of opiates, maybe a constant booze buz another day, switch substanes around. but progressively tamper down.
gabapentin is a life saver for phenibut withdrawal..ive used it several times and it eliminates 90% of the pheni withdrawals..i use the gabapentin for a week and then get off and thats it..im left with a little anxiety but thats just the way i am...
I've heard gabapentin is the best to have. The only problem is nobody even knows what it is when I ask around. I've contemplated being upfront with my doctor about it and asking for it, but he's not one to prescribe me things I want. And doesn't know what phenibut is.
Well I've decided to test this out. I skipped my dose today just to see what happens. That makes it 28 hours since my last dose and so far I feel fine. Kinda anxious, as if I'm waiting for it to hit me lol I read somewhere it can take 48 hours for the w\d to come on.

This is precisely what I'm talking about. You're anticipating withdrawal, which induces symptoms in itself.

For example, (and yes, I know, this is far-fetched, but gets my point across): If you had a dream where you dreamed you were a hardcore heroin addict, and somehow woke up in the morning truly, deeply, consciously believing that the dream was true and you were an addict, and then you tried to find your "morning fix", but couldn't, and truly believed "Oh no!! I'm going to withdraw!!", you absolutely, positively would start to experience all the symptoms of heroin withdrawal that you are aware of. You'd start to feel anxious, you might get cold sweat, RLS, insomnia, etc., all because you are completely convinced you should be feeling this. It works the opposite too, ya know. If you completely convince yourself that the drug is NOT going to cause you withdrawals, then any inevitable symptoms you do get will be minimal.

Of course, this is all relative. It all goes with the saying "life is what you make it", because it really is. The reality you experience is created within.
Withdrawls hit me like a bitch. I had multiple panic attacks at work yesterday and ended up going home and taking a dose to fix it. I have roughly 40 grams of phenibut left to work with. I'm hoping to somehow taper off of this even though ordering another 200 gram tub would be so easy.
Phenibut makes my life so much better when I'm on it. I'm more social, I can deal with customers a whole lot more patiently. My girlfriend likes me when I'm on it too. Not to mention the awesome sex we've had lately. And I sleep a whole lot better.
I'm kinda wondering how bad just staying on it could be. My tolerance doesn't seem to get any worst considering I've been on 1.5g every day for over two months and it still works fine for me. Maybe that's the addict inside me talking though...lol I'm surprised I haven't upped my dose like I would any other substance I've abused. But I'm not even taking this stuff to get high. I did get a wicked buzz the first couple times I took it. I just continued to use it because usually I'm all anxious and paranoid when I'm sober. Its nice not to worry about shit constantly and chill. And it's dirt cheap lol
How is this stuff legal?
I'd think you might be able to make the taper more aggressive... maybe give that a shot
Withdrawls hit me like a bitch. I had multiple panic attacks at work yesterday and ended up going home and taking a dose to fix it. I have roughly 40 grams of phenibut left to work with. I'm hoping to somehow taper off of this even though ordering another 200 gram tub would be so easy.
Phenibut makes my life so much better when I'm on it. I'm more social, I can deal with customers a whole lot more patiently. My girlfriend likes me when I'm on it too. Not to mention the awesome sex we've had lately. And I sleep a whole lot better.
I'm kinda wondering how bad just staying on it could be. My tolerance doesn't seem to get any worst considering I've been on 1.5g every day for over two months and it still works fine for me. Maybe that's the addict inside me talking though...lol I'm surprised I haven't upped my dose like I would any other substance I've abused. But I'm not even taking this stuff to get high. I did get a wicked buzz the first couple times I took it. I just continued to use it because usually I'm all anxious and paranoid when I'm sober. Its nice not to worry about shit constantly and chill. And it's dirt cheap lol
How is this stuff legal?

thats the problem with phenibut, it is cheap and very readily available and it doesnt produce nasty side effects or show up on drug tests..it aso does produce several very nice effects so its hard to decide to quit and go thru withdrawals..bottom line, i have yet to hear of anyone coming close to hitting rock bottom on phenibut..lol..

gabapentin can be easily found online..google is your friend..
Whenever a substance becomes a problem the only responsible thing to do is taper and quit

The taper followed by the poly drug use method is your best bet

Different drugs in small amounts for a very short time and then stop

Although from what you describe your probably becoming addicted because its replacing a piece of your brain chemistry thats not working

See a mental health doctor and describe your feelings of social anxiety

If the alternatives are benzos u might already be in the right spot

Also watch ur recreational drug use
I had a dream about social anxiety once.
The anxiety lasted well into my 20's but then I quit Stims and just about all drugs.Took about 3 yrs but the anxiety disappeared
I ran out of my supply yesterday and my package of more is apparently stuck in the mail. I know this isn't going to be fun. Lol. I'm currently trying to source some benzos. Hopefully those will take the edge off. My goal is to kick this habit and just flush the phenibut I have on the way. I couldn't even taper so I'm jumping off at 1.5g...
Withdrawals set in around 8pm last night. I took a .5mg kpin at 9pm and it cleared them right up. It is now 9am so 12 hours since I took the kpin and I still feel fine.
My order of phenibut is coming today but I'll be at work when it arrives. I plan on taking another .5mg kpin around 3pm today before work. Would it be safe to take phenibut around 10\11pm tonight when I get off? I know you're not supposed to mix gaba agonists. But it'll be 7\8 hours after dosing the kpin. Is that long enough to wait?
<hey JEFFB Im sorry we do not allow the sourcing on illegal or quasi legal substances on BL. Please take a read through the BLUA>
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Should I get phenibut? Anyone have a favorite killer brand named bottle that works the best? Not looking for a vendor. Just a great brand that you know is legit.

Thanks guys!
I've used phenibut of and on for years never had much of W/D. I was more of a one week binge user. I would usually mix it with benzos and gabapentin to get rid of anxiety. But after years of GABA med abuse they mostly don't work very well at all unless I take LONG breaks in between. Benzos work best but they are also the most addictive, make me tired on high doses, turn me into a depressed zombie, and eventually just stop working completely. After that i'm stuck with shitty rebound anxiety and crappy sleep for weeks. I hate GABA meds but the unfortunate irony of the situation is that I need them to function. Also, yes i've tried all types of different meds/drugs/therapists etc. Only short-term benzo, kratom, and MXE use give me relief. But here's the disclaimer most people, including me, can't use these drugs short-term. At some point you just need to get completely clean, try therapy again, and just deal with anxiety hoping it gets better the longer you are sober.
Phenibut's pretty cool the first few times but it gave me some realllllll shitty rebound/ slight wd symptoms after not that much use. Plus tolerance builds in the blink of an eye. I don't mess with it at all anymore. Plus it made me do some quirky shit. I wouldn't recommend it.