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Phatties/Raver Pants... all about pants, pants, pants! *work warning*

doofqueen said:
seriously though mine look completely different from normal phat pants ................ they have fake fur at the bottom and patches and flames and things all over them

Sounds exactly the same to me
^^ there not i'm telling you *stamps feet and pouts* :p hehe

I wore mine clubbing once in newcastle about 6 mths ago or so, you should have seen the funny looks the ken and barbie dolls gave me hahaha
I've got a bit of furry shit, but wear the 'wog style' black (non fleece) track pants with the shiny white stripe... I'm not a wog :p the white stripe is cool though

my fluffyness is limited to a wristband and an upper arm band, and a stripe across the shoulders on my favourite top
I hav plain pair I wear when just wanting to go for a groove wit friends at our local, I have a full pair of phatties decked out, but I mostly wear them when Im in melbourne going out. I think Its each to there own, its not seen to me as a uniform, I see people around the city wearing them, I got and chat to them becoz I know What the purpose of them are.. Ravers Only really!!
Ive seen people at uni decked out in their phat pants. Looks kinda bad during the day, all fluoro stuff and all, but i guess the expression of individuality statement does apply here.
I, proudly, dont own a pair - if i need pockets, I'll wear cargoes.
And denim isnt exactly the lightest material to dance with

If I ever do decide to buy a pair, theyll be framed, and placed on my loungeroom wall, so only the lucky can witness them

on that note, i need new lighter-material cargoes and some decent dancing shoes :|
I have something like four or five pairs of phatties (depends on who's counting, and who claims ownership - life is tricky when you live with your GF and you fit into each other's clothes ;)).

I have a favourite pair for Proper Raving, the ones that look the best when I dance in them. I'd never wear these out during the day, and wouldn't even wear them to most clubs.

I have a couple of non-reflecty, downtempo pairs. These are good for general wear, and double for backup dance wear when I don't want to look like a total candy kid (hey, it happens).

Then there are the other ones, with uses more or less esoteric. This category includes the ones with the two-colour pattern sewn into them with electroluminescent wire (looks like long, flexible neon tubes, if you haven't seen it). They have switches built into shoes, which control the colours of glowing pattern when danced in. Mostly my GF wears these, since her dancing style is better suited to it. But they've fallen out of favour since she bought some new ones *sigh*

And doofqueen - I know the difference between doof pants and phatties. It does exist :)
ive gto a pair of phattys that i wear to raves and clubs like kandy. etc that have all the fluro shit on them coz thats the sort of atmosphere...... i also have a plain denim pair that i can wear anywhere... uni or work or whatever...... plain denim phattys dont look any stranger than normal jeans in the street, just a bit bigger.....\\
Joellercoaster said:

And doofqueen - I know the difference between doof pants and phatties. It does exist :)

thankyou! someone knows what i'm talking about! %)
but i've already tried to explain that hense my asking what he meant (because i had already answered that question) :\
You'd know the difference if you saw them juxtaposed to each other. Its as plain as day, but describing is a little more difficult :\
Apathenol and sonic good for asking - It shows a lack of ego and generally if you are thinking a question there are probably a lot of other people out there thinking the same thing... If you want to try and explain the difference try.. however its no good just saying "oh.. yeah i know the difference but its too hard to explain" - that doesnt help anyone and pretty much puts off people.

in my opinion doof pants are more suited to outdoors - i.e stronger material - quadruple-phat stitchings - not much material that stains easily (or can be seen stained) or rips easily.. Thats my personal reference anyway..

Its not like there are "set" pants for any occasion really. Sometimes I go to raves in jeans and a t-shirt - You dont have to go to impress.. just go and have fun and be comfy.

Doofqueen you said that the difference between doof and rave pants is that you made your own.. Everyone I know with "rave" pants have made their own - I know couples who made matching pants with fluffy pockets and matching fur - another friend who sticks finding nemo and buzz lightyear on his pants, another friend who has the union jack all over his pants (hes a pom :()- Another good friend is running his own company and he makes fully sick phat pants for anyone who wants them (pm me if you are interested and i'll run it by him - Brisbane). Infact I dont know any "ravers" with phat pants that are not homemade..
doofqueen said:
(although i know some ravers make their own too)

^^ as i already said :)

do people not actually read all that i write or what? 8)
phat pants should die the death they deserve.
"oh.. yeah i know the difference but its too hard to explain" - that doesnt help anyone and pretty much puts off people.

i stand by my statement. and i hardly think it puts people off. all i was saying is that said people would know the difference if they saw them contrasting each other, and, explaining it was beyond me. But there is a cloudy difference between the two.