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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Cheshire_Kat

pfpp - first time - wow that was intense


Nov 10, 2005
I ordered some pFPP (p-Fluorophenylpiperazine) online and when it arrived I didnt really know what to expect.

I carefully measured out 20mgs of the off white powder into a glass of water and stired. It gave the water a very bitter taste but the taste was bearable.

at 12.20 I drank down the pfpp and water. I sat around for a while and nothing was happening so i decided to walk around a bit to see if that kicked it in.

by 1pm i was starting to feel it. It felt wierd I felt really heavy like I had taken a xanax but I also felt trippy and things were slightly morphing when I looked at them. I had to sit back down.

by 2pm it was getting really intense. I couldnt walk very straight and I was beginning to feel sick. i didnt throw up or anything but i just felt wierd. I ate a lot of food at about this time thinking it may help me.

by 3pm I realised that i had to go for a long drive today to another town for an apointment. I then had to ring up and call it off. I couldnt drive anywhere in this state. It was like I was body stoned. I could barely move or string a thought together. It was a very uncomfortable feeling. I was wanting it to stop.

It eventually wore off around 5pm and it was followed by a feeling that my bones were aching and i felt cold. I find this piperazine to be more of a downer rather then a stimulant like most piperazines. Downers arent my thing and I guess thats why I dodnt enjoy it that much.
I have been very interested in hearing a first person account of this chem for quite a while, but it unfortunately doesnt sound very promising (at least at this dose) and seems as though it may have toxic effects at higher doses. Did you notice any increase in body temp??
Dont get me wrong it was semi- enjoyable, i just dont enjoy downers. If you like xanax with a very very trippy edge to it then you will like this. I am more of a speedy guy.

I didnt notice an increase in body temp. They sell this stuff in a pill called mash here in NZ (I didnt do the pill i did the powder). Mash is the right term for it, it pretty much mashes you out
I'm glad someone posted a report about this, seeing as it just became a bit more readily available. I don't think I'll get any of this stuff -- mCPP and meOPP are both enough for me, and I'd say mCPP is definitely the best out of the lot.

But, hey, lately I can't shake the idea that these drugs are essentially imitation versions of more popular, more euphoric stimulants. Don't get me wrong, they're definitely fun, but not mind-meltingly "in your face" fun like ecstasy is.

My slight change of opinion came about after a repeat attempt with mCPP/meOPP, and while it was fantastic, it really still didn't compare to ecstasy, and I always had that irritating feeling that I could have felt better, but it wasn't going to get any better than where I was at. But maybe that's just my personal hang-up -- I probably should treat it as its own experience instead of constantly comparing it to other tried-and-true, more prevalent drugs.
Thanks for the report! I have heard it being compared to TFMPP..which makes me want to stay far,far away from it! I'm glad you were able to find something enjoyable out of it. I just don't like the idea of being sedated and tripping, because when I want to be sedated, I want both my mind and body to be relaxed. It sounds like you had a bit of an uncomfortable experience. Perhaps a lower dosage would be better but then again, it doesn't look like you really found anything to further explore with.

Yes all of these substance should be treated as a substance all on their own. I will say that a higher dose of mcPP (80mg) sent me flying high, and was hard to tell apart from an MDMA high. I even got the head rushes this time. I guess the one part that is missing is the warm, content feeling you get on ecstasy. Also, the come up is a tad bit uncomfortable...but that could be the nausea, although it was easy to put in the back of my mind, it was there during the first hour or so. Some aspects were a bit more extreme then your typical ecstasy session, such as tactile sensations and connecting with the music, but there is also parts that a bit less than ecstasy, such as the euphoria not quite glowing as it would while rolling.
I tend to look at mcpp as more MDA like now. or as a drug in its own right instead of something trying to be something else. I think this pfpp stuff was a waste of time for me. Others may enjoy it but it wasnt my thing
Nice report. I like hearing on reports with compounds that don't get mentioned too often :)
Sounds like you may have taken slightly too high a dose, although to be honest it doesn't sound like it has much potential. it also sounds a bit dangerous. Still, I feel that you may want to consider submitting this report to Erowid, as there is no information anywhere about this compound, as far as I can tell. If you do, read the sticky thread at the top of the forum that I posted about how to let me know about the submission.

Thanks for the report!
Xorkoth said:
Still, I feel that you may want to consider submitting this report to Erowid, as there is no information anywhere about this compound,

Very good advice. Thanks for the report man.:D
Xorkoth said:
Sounds like you may have taken slightly too high a dose, although to be honest it doesn't sound like it has much potential. it also sounds a bit dangerous. Still, I feel that you may want to consider submitting this report to Erowid, as there is no information anywhere about this compound, as far as I can tell. If you do, read the sticky thread at the top of the forum that I posted about how to let me know about the submission.

Thanks for the report!

the dose they sell over here at pretty much every corner store is 37.5mg of PFPP per capsule. (the instructions even say take 2 capsules for a stronger dose)