• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

Pet Peeves v. u mad?

Not being able to find a vein

I can find plenty
Lecturers that refuse to put the answers to tutorials online. Fuck you, asshole(s)
use of television as "background noise". Given my attentional style, it degrades and sometimes precludes valuable social interaction.

Yet another Denny's classic peeve among stoners across the country ~

People chewing super loudly with their mouth open. Chomp slursh chomp blurhsgh chomp.

Its not the mouth open so much as the huge fucking horse teeth wet noises.
i love dogs, but it seems like a disproportionate number of dog owners are total douchebags.

-people who don't train their dogs. if you "take your dog for a walk", and it pulls you around, that dog does not respect you and thinks it is the alpha.

-people who let their dogs shit around the neighborhood and don't clean up said shit.

-people who let their dogs run around the neighborhood unleashed, without realizing that if a strange dog runs at a person it is scary as hell.

-people who let their dogs run around unleashed at the public park, despite the huge sign saying DOGS MUST BE ON A LEASH

-people who choose to own labradors or other super high ball-drive dogs when they live in an apartment in the city (kill your motherfucking selves, those are meant to be working dogs)

damn there are some douchebag dog owners out there, and a huge number of them seem to live in my neighborhood.
^I work at a kennel, tell me about it.

people who drive 15 under the speed limit thinking the cops wont notice theyre fucked up and driving.

when I repeatedly call someone's cell phone and they don't answer. Christ, its a fucking portable phone. I could understand if it was a land line!

When I tell someone im five minutes away and they decide to do somethibg that makes them unreachable at that moment. For fucks sake, wait the five minutes to let me inside th3 building cuz its fucking cold out here and then do your dishes/take a shower/ etc.

when my manager does something I would be yelled at for doing thus creating additional work for me. Fucking dick.
Every single time my mom goes to McDonald's (or wherever) she asks them, "Are the fries crispy?" Then she wants to check the fries before she pays for them.
My mom does the same exact thing everywhere French fries are served!

People who say one thing and do another.

People who only look out for themselves (I get that number 1 comes first, but fuck...)

Drunk people, and drunk people that show up at your house, no call, no asking of permission, no drugs or beer to offer. And then as if that isn't enough have the nerve to beg for every substance I have in my possession (even after 3 days in a row of me being much more generous than I should have been with him), and after being told, "no you're already drunk enough, you gotta be at a 2.0 blood alcohol level (he's beyond what you would call a hard-core drinker) for your own safety, no! And you need to leave!" And then he just keeps coming back and back! Fucking drunks! Some people.
Waiting for exams to be marked along with the lecturer insisting that there is another "phantom marker" that he has no control over.
Jealousy's a bitch. Go shave your legs, get a haircut, slap some make-up on, do a sit-up - and stop mean-muggin' me like I'm the reason you can't get a man.

That actually made me laugh out loud, props to you. +1

& I was going to bitch about the eating thing, but I don't have to. Dude up there described it perfectly. I can't fucking STAND that shit. I'll get up and walk away.

...& one to add, people who use noob-tubes on any fucking call of duty game. fuck you.
^dont hate the player hate the game yo

a guy came up to me while i was walking in the city and told me he's the devil

he did not look nuts at all i dont know why you would try talk to someone who has earphones in just to tell them you are the devil
I know this is a harm reduction site, but having said that: anything that comes between my penis and a vagina. I mean condoms ;)

Knowing your partner is on 'the pill' or any other contraceptive helps.
People who by rote respond to, "I don't like coke," with "Well, you just haven't gotten good coke." For any recreational drug known, there is a significant subset of the population who doesn't enjoy it, some of this subset even enjoying compounds of the same class.

lol true true ebola, have heard that a fair amount of times.

I don't really dislike any drug, I just like some more than others
i'm not gonna lie, it pisses me off more than it should when greenlighters try to argue with me / debate me about anything. i'm like motherfucker i don't know anything about you and you just got here, so of course i don't want to know what your opinion is on whatever the fuck. i'm not going to put effort into debating you because for all i know you could be a down syndrome child, so why don't you just keep your opinion to yourself and go swim in the kiddie pool.

fucking greenlighters, man. god i hate them all.
^Thank God for Greenlighters or this forum would die. You seem cranky in every post I catch of yours, no matter what the thread is about. Why doesn't getting high make you happy?
Hey Roge, you mad? Oh and that was not any kind of argument or debate, that was me telling an old man who thinks he know shit that he is fucking wrong.
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