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Perth pills 7/03 - Post Renaissance styles

Hi KraPolA!
Guess Who!!!

I know who you are...
A limited number of those extra special peach motorola's are in perth.
Someone must have stashed a few, a friend paid $100 for one at Technique.
It think he's a fool but he rekons it was worth it
I had a smiley on Saturday night and it was VERY powerful! I took it in halves, an hour and a half apart. Normally it takes me a whole to get going but I was peaking off a half.
These messed me up in a very strange way. I started getting visuals at about 5am while I was curled up in the corner. I was seeing of people walking up to me and guys putting their face up close to mine and then I would focus or regather or something and realise that they were not real. Very strange!!!
These had me going for a good 5-6 hours and the comedown was not so crash hot either. Please take these with caution, especially if your tolerance isn't huge - go halves!!!
Fry-d, Your friend that paid $100 for a pill - a,hem.. what's his phone number.
Is Don, Is Good
Fry-d you know him?
He's a very good friend of mine!! I spent about a month trying to track another of those things down for him... and finally found someone with one... unfortunately tho, it was just one that had been stashed from the previous round last year.
There's a slightly comical story as to how it came back to us lot ... but I dont' want to incriminate anyone

I can say that it's not a new batch tho :-/
$100 was the price tag required to get that thing back... I wouldn't have wanted to pass it up if they affected me like they did everyone else!!
All I have to say is that the smily's floored most people I know. My gf and a few friends were still feeling the effects the next day, after a 7 hour sleep (nothing could wake them). A few people who pill most weekends were floored off one. Only one friend said he could have been more fucked, although he is never satisfied.
But, he did say it was fucking good for just one!!
All in all, bloody good value!!
The Versaces were the cleanest MDMA pill i have had in a while.
A mild dose, but that didnt matter. I was like an excited school boy on the come-up and it was certainly that ecstatic feeling. Perfect for dancing esp at an event like last sat (Globe).
It was so clean, that at times i felt so clearheaded on the dancefloor, i thought it was over. Several trips to the car requiring mental energy proved otherwise. Prob could have got 3hrs out of it. (these were the white ones)
If u have these, leave the speed at home!
Chased it with half an XL; wanted a messy ending and we got it. Very strong, bizarre, but fun pill. I found dancing no problem though. Not sure whats in it; half messed up a few people.
One slight girl dropped a whole! didnt see her most of the night.
But 4 hours later i did; she looked like she'd been to hell and back, and had sex with the devil on the way
So the man wearing the motorola shirt on satdee night who's a good buddy of mine
must be a good buddy of yours
This is all hella confusing but I prolly know you without even relising it
They say that the world has 6 degrees of separation
In Perth, however, it must be noted that there are 2 degrees....or three at best. We really are an incestuous bunch, don't u think?
Even in Bluelight drug discussion we have ppl saying
"yeah i know him..."
"no way!"
dropped half an XL on Friday night at Ray Kieth, was amazed at the result, never really rolled off a half before...
Consequently at globe on Sat night we decided to drop a whole in halves spaced by bout an hour and a half... result was strong roll, lil messy, but danceable, for 5-6 hours easy... was very impressed, but be warned that dropping a whole XL will prolly sit u on ur ass in a big way for a while as it did to a couple of my friends...
Like Biscuit said, strong pill, but fun... and definste value for money...
dropped half an XL on Friday night at Ray Kieth, was amazed at the result, never really rolled off a half before...
Consequently at globe on Sat night we decided to drop a whole in halves spaced by bout an hour and a half... result was strong roll, lil messy, but danceable, for 5-6 hours easy... was very impressed, but be warned that dropping a whole XL will prolly sit u on ur ass in a big way for a while as it did to a couple of my friends...
Like Biscuit said, strong pill, but fun... and definste value for money...
I have a choice between bullets and the new batch of HQ's. What do you guys recomend?
Dont get the new batch of HQ's
mate of mine tested these the otherday with my tester.
Speed bomb thru and thru
damn.. are there many more of those XL's in perth? apparently the smiles are long gone.