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Perth pills 7/03 - Post Renaissance styles

litesource : they may be talking about those blue duck bills which look sort of hill like.
i think there should be a special dealers prize for the most creative pill name.
I am positive i got a beige dome last year that someone told me was a rolex.
Yeah those blue hills are nothing but those shitty ducks. only pill you should be spending your money on is the smileys/XL and the blue A if you can get em. Not many of em are in WA.
I havent seen these versaces yet and only know of 1 who had em.
I just found out that there are still some beige bullets around

yeah, beige bullets are still around, ask around and you might even find some white genies. as to holding on to pills, it's up to you. you never know what's coming up, feast or famine. i remember everyone here bitchin' about the lack of choice before renaissance. didn't turn out so bad after all, did it?

for those still needing concrete info on the versace's, 8mm diameter, 4mm tall, white, no specks, versace logo on the front (ie. a woman wearing an old-style bonnet, or whatever it's called type of hat), bevelled both top and bottom, deep v-shaped score on the back. it's all good. as long as you've got a pill stashed away for that one time when you get really stuck, something newer and better should be along sooner or later.
hey, sorry, I wasnt in perth for the genie and bullet era, can someone please describe the genies for me, and maybe give me an indication of how good those bullets are. i have choice between what i think is prolly bullets, and XLs...
A new, perth dedicated, pill testing website is up and it already has some reports on a few recent pills.
Drave: it has pictures of the genies up as well as a rating etc.
It will only be as good as the pill reports it gets so please contribute reports. Bluelight is host to the most informed and responsible users in perth so your contributions would be much appreciated.
Please also send in pill pics if you have the time.
the site is here
PS: we are looking for some more bluelighters to help moderate and update the page etc. anyone interested please mail me..

[This message has been edited by robo-t (edited 15 March 2001).]
Fuck that site, I'm not going to regularly visit somewhere where I have to systematically close down 5 new browser windows which opened with sponsers pages.
Why would I when i can just go straight to Perth Pills on Bluelight and get more trustworthy information anyway?
ITs a cool idea to have a page for just perth people, and I admire your initiative and effort in setting this up, but im not going to go there till its as smooth as Bluelight.
If something aint broke, dont fix it, blend it or remix it!
On a Perth pills tip, I just got over to Sydney and guess what the only things ive been offered are? Red HQ's and Blue A's (or Alphas). Seems like we are lucky enough to get some (if not most) of the stuff Sydney does! Jeff Mills is playing in Sydney at the old Sega World! FUCK YEEAH! hahaah so long suckers!
hey commuter hows it going
whats it like up there, havent spoke to you in ages give us a e-mail or some thing
Please, can anyone give a report on the XLs. Note, not the smilies please.
Has anyone knowingly had an XL, does anyone think they may have had an XL and not a smiley?
Calling a pill a smiley/XL is not ideal.
I only need to mind everyone of when we labelled the hammers and yonnexes the same pill. Big mistake.

God, only 2 weeks in renaissance's wake, and somehow i feel this weekend is of equal magnitude; must be all this variety of cookies, and surprise line-ups, or venues if ur doing system.
[This message has been edited by Biscuit (edited 15 March 2001).]
Robo-t : The esafe website isn't working i tried clicking on everything, but it doesn't work
. Check your email for my little contribution and $0.02

Commuter : tell us what u really think of esafe
. Have a good time in sydney, i'm kinda jealous but we get mr mills in 2 weeks
Drave : Here's some info for you

Genies: are tall pills (double stacked?) and about 5mm in diameter. They have a score down the back and a very intricate print of a genie's lamp on the front. Alot of people loved them but alot of people didnt like them and found them a bit "stoney". there's alot more info in the old perth pills thread here --> http://www.bluelight.ru/ubb/Forum10/HTML/003363.html?reload=56
Biege Bullets: another tall pill (double stacked again?) and about the same size as the genies. Can't remember any distinguishing features but it should be somewhere in the old perth pills thread (linked above) and there is a review from Don Corleone here --> http://www.pillreports.com/viewpill.php3?sub=-1&area=3&id=10090.
I haven't had any of them myself (big break from the bickies but anyway..
) from what people have told me i'd think XL's would be the best way to good. Good luck with the hunting and have fun
[This message has been edited by rc1n (edited 15 March 2001).]
rc1n : when you click for example, drug info, the litle circles that pop out are the different links to do with that page.. i had the same problem, thinking the pages were up yet, or that the page wasnt finished the other day until i notice the little circles that pop out.. i originally thought they were just something that looks cool but they have a function as well :p
commuter : i only get 1 popup with the page.. and thats when it first loads up.. because of the welcome.to or whatever forwarding service they are using.. all other links dont give me a popup so the page works fine for me..
Hey guys, just a couple of little things
A's or alphas: still around in small numbers, let me just reiterate that these are awesome pills, loved up, really clean, maybe not the longest peak ever (2-3 hrs) but you feel so good afterwards anyway that you won't mind.
White cherries: pure white, very thick, bout same diameter or slightly greater diameter than windmills (the old measuring stick
chalky looking, reasonable indent stamp of 2 cherries and a leaf (I think). Untested, sorry guys! just thought you should know they are about.
Have heard the ?marks being called riddlers or jokers, as were the last lot. Rumour has it that the people who brought you windmills brought these in, top effort whoever did

Applause for the esafe site, super-professional look, and I think it will help alot
Have a good weekend
a little speed makes a big difference
you can turn off specific page pop-ups in explorer... but I can't remember how... I've been trying to remember for aaages, but I don't use bluemail anymore so its cool
Was I hallucinating or, for a brief period, was I a 'Love' instead of a Bluelighter.
*puts on annoying nasal voice*
Please explain
Is Don, Is Good
Does anyone have a GOOD comparison of XL's and Smiley's? Any testimonials by someone whos munched both, and can compare them for me? Which is better, are the XL's worth getting, cause i know the smiley's kick arse?
Had a White Versace on the weekend, and thought it was complete shit.
An hour of feeling nausea followed by another hour of feeling very very tired. Not the good smacky tired either, just tired.
Everyone else has said these are good, so maybe it was just me.
There are two different batches of versaces about!!
One pure white, with a bit of a flat ridge around the edge on the unscored side, and one that's grey, with darker grey specks.
The stamp may be slightly different too. Sorry I don't have a more descriptive info, they were only in my hands for a short period, and I was way to busy to measure them, but they're very similar in size and shape.
Both are excellent mdma pills
With the pure white ones being more common.
[This message has been edited by entropope (edited 18 March 2001).]
At the moment there seems to be lots of smileys, xl's and beige bullets floating round perth. Is there anything new, or anything else good at the moment? Always excited when a good new batch hits perth
Esafe sight looks great, very classy and much easier to navigate than PillReports.
Keep up the good work.
Hey i have scanned photos of yellow smileys and orange question marks obtained in perth on a website. http://www.geocities.com/yabbadi2000 i hope to update it with as many photos i can scan and obtain to help out
[This message has been edited by kRaP0La (edited 19 March 2001).]