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Perth pills - 14/5

Just tested some white domes, don't have measurements sorry but a chunky pill. tested black in around 3 seconds E2.
OK the white domes are 8mm x 4mm, both sides domed with one side domed more than the other. No score. just sent pics to johnboy so hopefully they will be up soon. Hope this helps. Just to confirm they are white domes not beige ones. Alot chunkier than the beige ones.
a word on the caps,
there where a few caps going around at fundamental. including the ones I had. I know that the green ones are supposed to be ok but there is a dodge batch going around. and the ones I had where almost clear (possible light blue) and almost full
creeps up and hits you like a farking rock

beautifull!!! lasted about 4 hours - one was enough, I'm going to Lost The Plot tonight and dropping 2 over the night, see you all there?
Anyone know what these White Domes are like? Couldn't find a pill report on them.
I'm just curious if anyone has had these or not. . .
Let me know soon, the munt is awaiting at your word. . .
I munt, alot! Up The Munt! Go Fridge!
White domes are also being called SNOWFLAKES.
(similar to january 2000).
Judging by the size of these, the test result, and that they replaced HQs in one persons available pills, i would be putting $ down on these being very nice.
Provided they arent weak, white always means very high quality; and my guess is the reason these things dont need logos, and the like, is coz they'll be selling themselves after this weekend.
Was curious however as these things were offered with capsules. (is someone just getting a whole lot of powder and pressing pills as well as doing caps, or coincidence?)
(Side note; few people i know going on about being able to get fantasy atm in perth. Having exp with 1,4 who agrees with me that (considering the ease of it all) any fantasy offered may be 1,4BD and not GBL?)
white domes - early stage at the moment, seems they've just come out this w/e. Just spoke to a friend who ate one about an hour ago. Report so far is that they aren't too loved up, definitely MDxx (purple pretty much instantly, and black within a few seconds), perhaps not so clean, and they smell and taste pretty strange, not like your average super sweet mdma pill
But so far (one hour into the roll), they're pretty decent pills.
As for the fantasy.... hmmm... an bloke whot I know
was saying about how he'd been offered "pure ecstasy gel caps, with liquid inside". I was like.... "what G?" and that's kind of what it sounded like. Hmmm... is that relevant at all?
I know that you can get the real stuff in Melbourne... so I wouldn't be too suprised if it was available here. 1,4 is a whole lot easier to get if you don't have the option of making GHB.
**update on white domes**
now we're 3hrs in to my friend's roll. Reports sounds different now... more like... "probably the best pill I've had this year". They do sound very good, and quite clean too. Perhaps these dodgy looking and dodgy sounding pills are really fucking good!!

[This message has been edited by entropope (edited 25 May 2001).]
Any more info/reports on the white domes?
Can anyone give a comparison with the HQs?
Any info on the HQ's???? I went to test a batch yesterday, they were double domed and looked almost identical to the HQ's last year, except they were pinky orange not deep speckled red. Tested greeny blue at first with an E2 tester, then slow to blue!!!! What does this mean? I heard these beans, with this description, were the bomb!
Got some white domes last night, haven't tested yet. They smell funny, a bit like sherbert but harsher and more pharmaceutical. The dimensions are 0.8x0.45mm and they test instantaneously to purple/black with E2 tester no different to orange ?s and motorolas. They are pure white!! A scan of these are at http://www.geocities.com/yabbadi2000/whitedomes.jpg
[This message has been edited by mOO (edited 26 May 2001).]
Regarding the HQs, yes the colouring is somewhat inconsistent. From what I've seen, most are 'pinky orange' (speckled) rather than a strong red. Haven't given any the E1 or E2 treatment yet (my bad), but on a 'taste test' they certainly hit the spot.
Railed a third of the white 'dome' ... i find it's a good way to test strength and 'cleanliness'

I would say that it is lying somewhere "Around" the strength of motorola's... possibly slightly weaker.
Even though these are plain white, they don't look dodgy at all.. that have a somewhat "glazed" feel (i think...) and thats pretty sweet... ok ... random comment for the day has been said.
But anyway, go buy *some*
Dropped HQ's n caps last night witha group of friends at Gab Oliver.
All agreed the pills come on was a litte odd to say the least and then the peak sorta teased you and came on and off in waves. But when it was topped off with a cap all the textbook signs were there and an awsome night went hand in hand.
I am a bit confused about these caps going around.
The clear ones with a blue powder and are pretty full are supposed to be pretty good right?
Are the green ones clear caps with greenish powder or what? What about the dodgy ones? Are they really full or only a small amount of powder?
Sooo many questions if anyone can clear this up a bit I would appreciate it.
BB's have finally landed here, (haven't seen em, just noticed a post on pillreports)
and ummmmm... hq's rock hehheehe
I've got to say some stuff about caps...
Most of you already know this stuff, but it's just gotta b mentioned again...
Basically, any cap that is full indicates that it has been tampered with... usually a cut of the original contents, and then bumped up to "more" than was originally in there. e.g. 120mg of mdma powder is only going to take up around half a cap's capacity (NOT panadol size capsules..., prescription pharmy caps, much smaller), and thats a pretty good dosage i think... No 'capper' in their right mind would put more than necessary of the real stuff, unless they're reallly reallly nice. They would however make it look like more's in there.
serious reaction...
you're not talking seconds here, or a "quick" change to black..., U want an instant change to black & a touch of bubbleing (very very small bubbles), all in under 1 second.
If you're gonna get caps, make sure you could trust the person with your "partner"...
Otherwise, don't get em.
They may be "clean" because caps are hardly ever cut with interactive adulterants, but they most likely will b a "more than one for a night" sorta deal, which is expensive no doubt.

Plz, if I made any outrageously wrong claims here, correct me, my mind is racing
on another note... these new white domes look just like the "Pharmaceutical Grade, one per frier" pills from Go!
... ok... yet another random comment.
Another note on the caps:
The ones we had wernt blue or green
But a clear cap with a slight red tinge. The caps were a lot smaller than previous batches but were a fair bit fuller to compensate. I suspect they were with some gluc tho as the taste test was pretty much spot on but the sharp taste was masked a bit by something a little sweeter, and they wernt nearly as strong as caps I've had in the past. E tested to black but not a quick bubble and fizz like it should've been. But I doubt that info is useful to anyone as I've been holding onto them for a month or more till I ate it on the weekend.