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"Peaches brown was 61% pure"


Oct 29, 2018
Whenever you read about Peaches Geldof's heroin being 61% pure it says 61% is importation level then it gets stepped on down to 26% for the street.

61% pure heroin - you'll die young but its like kissing god.
Back when i started using Heroin here in New Jersey back in the early 2000's all of the Dope was well over 60%. There was even samples taken from Asbury Park (where i copped) and it tested at 90% pure. Back then NJ was known for having the best quality #4 Heroin in the US.

High purity heroin often exceeded 60 percent in 1999, an increase of over 5 percent from purity levels in 1996. MAGLOCLEN reported that heroin purity in the state ranged from 10 to 90 percent at different levels of distribution. The DMP indicated that heroin purity at the street level in Newark ranged from about 50 to 90 percent in 1999. The average heroin purity at the retail level between April and June 1999 was the highest in the East Coast cities of Philadelphia (76%), New York (66%), Boston (68%), Newark (66%) and Atlanta (66%). Additionally, the DEA Atlantic City Resident Office reported that heroin purity levels in the four southeastern counties of New Jersey--Ocean, Burlington, Atlantic, and Cape May--increased substantially in 1999. Law enforcement reports indicate that purity levels ranged from 74 to 84 percent at the retail level in those counties in 2000.

When its super good like that you just dont use that much, one bag could get you high literally all day. Id do half in the morning and later on in the evening the other half and i was good. Never even got dope sick for the first year or two of use cuz i simply never ran out, maintaining the habit of ten bucks, eventually i was doing 3 bags so thirty wasnt difficult. Didnt taste the horror of withdrawal till i went on vacation to the Bahamas and i was too pussy to smuggle dope into the country with me, bitch move.

Got so sick it was a nightmare, like traumatic. Well the Heroin didnt stay that level purity and dipped off as years went buy but even until 2016 i could still find very good dope in NJ, but sadly it doesnt exist anymore really. I can count the times on one hand that i got bags that contained Heroin since then, even then im sure it had Fentanyl also.

The Dope Game is Dead.

21% was UK average in 2014. BUT the rich users mostly obtain SE Asian 'white' heroin which is almost 100% pure diamorphine hydrochloride suitable for snorting which the media connected with her death.

If anything, 100% pure is the safest possible format as you CANNOT get any variation in potency. BUT I have to say that many people regard it as being 'too clean' and 'too subtle' (their words) when compared to the usual brown heroin. She had been busted with quarters of China White (well, 5.1g so she had HAMMERED it before getting busted) and was in treatment at the time.

One thing I DO know is that a private doctor will not shy away from giving a patient 100mg of methadone on day 1. Split into 3 doses. You turn up at 6AM and get 30mg, you turn up at 2PM and if you are not visibly intoxicated, you get another 30mg and then once again, if you aren't intoxicated, they will give a further 40mg. They found 27 empty bottles of methadone when they found her body... so likely she was on a LOT.

I don't know how cosmic charlie feels, having been a user.

I know that the methadon bus in Amsterdam (and other Dutch cities) used a very similar tactic, the idea to FULLY substitute heroin for methadone and get the patient stable in under 48 hours... and it works IF people want to stop. But if you are necking a stack of methadone on top of your regular dose of pure diamorphine. Well, it's 'textbook' overdose. The coroner decided it was the H that caused her death BUT methadone, morphine and codeine were also found.
I don't know how cosmic charlie feels, having been a user.

With that really pure Heroin the euphoria was godly, the first time i sniffed it (half a bag) i vomited a few mins later but wad greeted with the warm, fluffy bliss spreading thru my body. My eyes started to droop and smile spread across my face. And i knew right then i was going to be chasing this feeling for a very longtime. When the Dope is clean like that and your same dealer doesnt change up stamps its actually pretty safe cuz you know how much to use.

The first bags i got were called Fleetwood Mac and had ait stamped in red, still probably the best H ive ever used. Id gotten that same stamp for about a year. The weaker Dope years later was still good but you just needed to do much more, like id do a bundle (ten bags) a day.

Selling drugs uncut is the best move, its why i never tampered with any of the RCs i was getting rid of. If you keep the customer happy in the end your gonna make much more money. Especially with drugs like those boughten cheap in bulk. Stepping on stuff with other compounds can be dangerous if you dont know what your doing.
I think anyone with sense could eyeball pure H reasonably safely, but with active cuts like fentanyl and now the nitazines, you don't know WHAT you have...

Unless you move in the circles where people will pay £140/gram and it's REAL 'China White'.

The thing is, their are some even more euphoric synthetic drugs but what is interesting is that none of them are THAT potent. Palfium is x3 M, Kegogan is x 2.5 M and Levo Dromoran is x6-8 M. Nortilidine is only about as potent as M and Dipidolar only x 0.75M.

I have yet to find a trip report of a high-potency opioid that even NEARLY produced the euphoria of the above.
When you overdose do you have time to think "Fucking Ada"? Or do you just fade to black?
When i have ODed on Fentanyl everything just gets really blurry and the rush is overwhelming and before you have time to even say anything your unconscious. Waking up sick after you get hit with Narcan all confused, its a terrible experience. One time my kidneys shutdown and i was in the ICU for a week, i didnt use Dope for almost two years after that.
Back when i started using Heroin here in New Jersey back in the early 2000's all of the Dope was well over 60%. There was even samples taken from Asbury Park (where i copped) and it tested at 90% pure. Back then NJ was known for having the best quality #4 Heroin in the US.

When its super good like that you just dont use that much, one bag could get you high literally all day. Id do half in the morning and later on in the evening the other half and i was good. Never even got dope sick for the first year or two of use cuz i simply never ran out, maintaining the habit of ten bucks, eventually i was doing 3 bags so thirty wasnt difficult. Didnt taste the horror of withdrawal till i went on vacation to the Bahamas and i was too pussy to smuggle dope into the country with me, bitch move.

Got so sick it was a nightmare, like traumatic. Well the Heroin didnt stay that level purity and dipped off as years went buy but even until 2016 i could still find very good dope in NJ, but sadly it doesnt exist anymore really. I can count the times on one hand that i got bags that contained Heroin since then, even then im sure it had Fentanyl also.

The Dope Game is Dead.

Yup the heroin I was getting in the Midwest was also 90+% pure, this was 06-09. Always the same, always reliable. This wasn’t common but I worked my way up the ladder by any means necessary. I also paid an arm and a leg compared to others, and it was hard dealing with these guys cuz you had to not act like a fiend even tho deep down you’re screaming for some. Also it was hard to procure a minimum of 100$ just to usually get gouged. For $225-250 I could get 3-4x as much too cuz then they started taking you seriously. I’ll never forget the time we tried getting a 50, the bag was so insulting small it was a message to never do it again.

If that shit was put in front of me right now I wouldn’t be able to say no. Glad I don’t live in AUS for this reason. 15yrs later I still think about the stuff.

wait what? Am I reading this right?
Well not many ppl have access to white heroin in the UK, that's rockstar level shit. Most peeps and gals have to use brown afghan base. I didn't mean anything racist btw.
Well not many ppl have access to white heroin in the UK, that's rockstar level shit. Most peeps and gals have to use brown afghan base. I didn't mean anything racist btw.
thought you were talking about raping a little girl.... thank god I got that wrong

Im not white but its ok and doesn't matter anyway.

No soy completamente estadounidense, tengo raíces en otros lugares también
So peaches brown wasn't really brown, it was white...like her "privilege". That doesn't mean she didn't struggle tho.

Sure - you need money and connections to acquire and maintain such an addiction. Likely she was such a good 'mark' that dealers would ensure she got the best and LOTS of free samples.

But I am not convinced that methadone is always useful. If she had entered HAT then she MIGHT have come out the other side alive.

I'm pretty sure methadone isn't of much help in dealing with people who have developed a significant fentanyl dependence. Their IS a compound that is proven to aid in fentanyl detoxification. It isn't even THAT costly, but since it has SOME misuse potential, it's no longer in use.

I think that most nations are waiting for thienorphine to be granted a marketing licence. It's much more active than buprenorphine and it's duration is long enough for people to be given it on alternate days.
She can't have been getting good stuff always tho - she died because she'd been taking shit quality gear - the first time she got some 61% pure she was dead in 30 seconds. Didn't even have time to get off the fucking bed she was sat on.
She died because her normal ROA was smoking but she wanted to try fixing- did nt last long.
No - I think she had been off the gear for a while. Look at Eva Rausling. She went on holiday and just took her methadone script, she comes home after two weeks, has her usual (massive) hit and promptly dies.

The coroner found multiple syringes, so it wasn't likely to be her first go on a needle. OK, maybe first time IV, but she was no needle free princess Peaches.

But whoever it is and however it happened, it's still an awful thing for any family. Of course, nothing is so bad that Russell Brand cannot make things worse. Still, he spotted the market for a version of Das Kapital for CBeebies viewers... didn't his 'don't vote' campaign work out well...
She died because her normal ROA was smoking but she wanted to try fixing- did nt last long.

There's another kid she knew who died tho - Freddy Mcconnel - think he overdosed in 2011 - his parents were looking through his diary and it says something like "Peaches is coming over to show me how to inject for the first time. Perhaps I shall die"

Peaches had 6.7g of H and knotted tights to jack up with - I think she knew the score needle wise.