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☮ Social ☮ PD Social Tripping Thread: Tripping Past 2020

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How experienced is she with psychedelics? =D DPT is a pretty hard psychedelic, a comparison I read some time ago is that x mg DPT is about x mg 4-AcO-DMT in strength, that's a lot and it lasts.
I don't know anyone, sadly, I could confidently give that amount, let alone in my unstable presence...

Last time I took 120mg and went psychotic fast, had a terrible time. Didn't hurt at all to snort though, I swear, a total non event the two times and it was quite a bit of powder, contrary to what everyone's been saying. Very strange.

She has taken LSD, Mushrooms and MDMA plenty but hasn't tripped in over a decade. So this is why I plan on giving her some other psychs first and see how she reacts to them. She is very enthusiastic and is looking forward to tripping with me, and said she would wanna take whatever I am doing so she doesn't have to sit back and just watch. I'm gonna do some 2C-E with her at some point also, 15mgs each. That is gonna be epic also and maybe I should do that first to see how she reacts to the more powerful psychedelics....
She also spent a couple years smoking PCP regularly, when she told me this I was blown away. Me and this girl have so much in common it's banana's, so glad I have finally met a woman who is a match for me. When we were doing Nitrous the other day we each went balloon for balloon blasting off at the same moment, then we would start making out again after it started fading off, if that's not true love I don't know what is. I'm pretty sure we are soulmates 😍
One other thing from my mezcal trip - I've played guitar for decades and could probably make the leap on that instrument but all the strings, electricity, magnetism, I've destroyed two really nice guitars because I just fucking can't play the fucking instrument anymore. Even if I only used it to write a song. I like to sing a cappella so I think I'm going to do that. Maybe strum a chord and pluck a simple melody on a high action "kids" guitar if needed. But really, I don't like playing music, I like to sing so I'm working on that daily. It really brings out the gentle in me.

EDIT: I can still shout it out as good as anyone I guess, I've never taken vocal lessons, so I'm trying figure out music theory and staves with my body. I think I'm gonna need a music teacher (finally).
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Well I been doing some thinking today and I decided that I am gonna share the DPT with my girlfriend and we will each do 60mgs at the same moment, in two lines one for each nostril to spread it out so it will absorb evenly. Then we will do some n2O on the downslope if we wanna take the trip back up. I'm thinking that dose will be plenty for us to get a feel for it. I'm pretty sure I will be able to source some more DPT down the road. Honestly I'm a little nervous too cuz this will be the first time I try it not being already totally loaded on other drugs. I'm pretty sure I will love it tho cuz I literally haven't met a Psychedelic that I'm into yet... I'm gonna do some 2C-B and 4-AcO-DMT trips with her in moderate doses to ease her back into tripping first tho, sure these will be bonding experiences.
I hope she's a trooper. That's the one and only psychedelic that I actively and profoundly disliked the vibe of.

You don't by any chance have DMT around that you could start with instead? I'd hate for her to revisit psychedelics after ten years and have a bummer of an experience, and DPT seems to be intensely polarizing.
I was also gonna say, probably DPT isn't the best re-introduction. Though most everyone I speak to these days really enjoys it, still, it's very intense, in my mind, not for beginners or those who might be nervous about diving back in.
I hope she's a trooper. That's the one and only psychedelic that I actively and profoundly disliked the vibe of.

You don't by any chance have DMT around that you could start with instead? I'd hate for her to revisit psychedelics after ten years and have a bummer of an experience, and DPT seems to be intensely polarizing.

Yes, I have a couple grams of DMT and do plan on vaping some with her in the future eventually. My plan isn't to give her the DPT first that will be down the road after she has tripped a number of times if it all goes successfully. I was thinking about us taking a light dose of 4-AcO-DMT together, around 14mgs and just getting her toes wet figuratively. Then when we are peaking on that does vape some Nitrous to make it a little more powerful. Plan on renting a hotel room for our trips and bringing drinks, food, music and etc.

Then after that trip goes successfully which I'm sure it will we are gonna do 25mgs of 2C-B which is gonna take things up a notch and will be so euphoric. She is a really sexual person and I think that the Phenethylamines will be a real hit for this reason. Exploring the erotic on these drugs has always been a beautiful experience, with the increase in tactile sensations it takes things up to a level that just isn't possible when you are sober.

At this point she is gonna be really enthusiastic about taking these drugs with me. This is when I plan on taking things up a notch and introducing something a little more powerful, namely 2C-E. We are gonna dose on the moderate side with 15mgs which will surely be enough for a full on dose. I have had some really powerful trips at that level and used it in that range the most times. The visual effects with this dose are just breathtaking, persian carpet like effects that shift through all different colors of the rainbow.

Psychologically it can be a bit confronting and I will just hold her close and talk her through the come-up/peak of the experience. I've always found that once you are settled in it's a really magical drug and becomes quite euphoric and sexual for me. This batch I have is really good too, when I last took 20mgs of it the stuff straight blew me out of the water and I don't think it would be wise to give her that much. Also if I use it at 15mgs I can get five doses out of the sample that I have.

I was also gonna say, probably DPT isn't the best re-introduction. Though most everyone I speak to these days really enjoys it, still, it's very intense, in my mind, not for beginners or those who might be nervous about diving back in.

After all these trips is when I plan on introducing the DPT, maybe I should have us take even less and just sniff 40mgs each and see what happens. I have awhile to think on this and plan out how I will go about it. I'd just like to share with her a part of my life that I have always been very passionate about, which is exploring new states of consciousness. Honestly she has the type of personality that leads me to believe she will handle all of this stuff very well.

But of course I appreciate your concern guys and will build up to this, I'm planning out approaching vaporized DMT in the same manner. Probably won't be using that one for awhile. I'm personally really looking forward to that cuz without tolerance I'm hoping to have a real breakthrough. Going to try layering the DMT in some plant matter like Damiana and putting like 50-75mgs in there and blasting off to HyperSpace. I've explored the lower realm 20-40mgs in a Meth pipe more than enough.

I find it hard to vape large amounts in that manner when I'd load up really big doses in there it would just take way to long to vaporize it all and I'm trying to get as much in my system in the shortest period of time possible. I've heard alot of people's stories about having great success with this layering teqnique. I've tried it in the past with some dry ass parsley and it didn't work as well as I planned, I'm hoping that with some fresher plant matter it will allow me to utilize the DMT to it's full potential.

At some point I'm also going to introduce her to aMT and we will share an empathogenic/trip together but I'm going to have to give it to her orally because she refuses to plug anything. I've been thinking about the 40-45mg range for her and I was going to plug 65mgs personally. I'm hoping that once she passes the come-up the nausea and body load passes and she just has a euphoric and satisfying roll. This is one of my favorite drugs ever, especially in the family of empathogens.

Hope this lovely woman realizes how special it is to have access to so many glorious compounds. Also plan on introducing her to Mescaline down the road as it is another classic she hasn't tasted before. These truly are all catalysts for having life changing experiences and who knows maybe at some point she will even have the chance to get an ++++. I'm gonna keep on trying different things with her and share this drugs that have had such a positive impact on my life, this journey of exploring altered states has certainly been magical and I wouldn't trade my life with anyone else's.

~Cosmic Charlie
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When I describe the mania-like state of a nice dose of LSD my wife gets turned off. This woman enjoys psilacetin far more than I do.

People like different stuff. Doubt I'll ever get any acid into my wife, despite my love for it.
Interesting, hard to imagine acid turning someone off if they like 4-AcO-DMT.

I'm packing up to go on vacation with my family for a week. Gonna bring a dose of some psychedelic, trying to decide what. Not a big dose, just a dose to enjoy a day at the lake with a little zest. I might bring DOC, that never fails.
I'm packing up to go on vacation with my family for a week. Gonna bring a dose of some psychedelic, trying to decide what. Not a big dose, just a dose to enjoy a day at the lake with a little zest. I might bring DOC, that never fails.
Have fun!
I met a guy recently, long story short, I've got a very nicely sized stash of 2C-B again👍 I could've gotten it all cheaper online, but I quit man, it's stressful, then you're buying for friends, then you think you why not buy mephedrone and other stuff. Especially since I actually have money now I'd be even more terrible at controlling all the impulses than I used to =D I like the idea of retiring fully unless it's a must-try kind of occasion.
How fucking awesome is mescaline!!! Took 400mg of some fine-looking mescaline hydrosulfate 8 hours ago and I'm still having a blast. Absolutely amazing substance.

Edit: but the headaches never fail to show up... I'm prone to getting headaches on PEA's on the comedown but mescaline hits different...
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On a diet of O-PCE and thea 'n coffee 'n keto 'n chess 'n runnin' on music in the night, barely checking in but I'm reading y'all cuz I love our connextion as crazy as it is.
What is the difference of intensity between a 300ug and a 450ug dosage of 1cp-lsd or 1v-lsd?

Or will it just last longer and how much longer?
Well I phished out on Nitrous today trying to do two balloons back to back with not enough oxygen, like 7-8 chargers in a minute...so stupid in retrospect. I fell off the bed and smacked my face off a table and my girl tried to catch me and I knocked her over cuz she is little and then smacked my face on the ground next. Now I have all these bruises on my face the one under my eye kinda hurts and the one one on my side is sore as well as my jaw....

Will never try to do a ton at once like that I had no idea some shit like that would happen to me, I read about it but you don't think it will be you. My girl was upset and didn't know what was going on and was freaked out for awhile. I came around fine in a few minutes and then we went shopping for dinner. We we're literally in the hotel room for 5mins before that happened, wtf.

When we got back I did the rest of the two cases but only balloons with three chargers in them and then I'd take a break for 5mins or more after the balloon. I was fine when I slowed the pace like this. I'm not gonna stop using Nitrous so please don't get on me about it guys I just sorta wanted to share my experience to let people know if you do this shit too big a dose it's reckless, and the stuff can bite back. Now I have to go-to work looking like I got in a damn street fight 😑
What’s a normal dose of nitrous? One full charger?
Does nitrous have a “rule of thumb” like DMT you’re supposed to take 3 big hits?
What’s a normal dose of nitrous? One full charger?
Does nitrous have a “rule of thumb” like DMT you’re supposed to take 3 big hits?

One charger doesn't do it for me, I use at least two but more often than not three carts in the same big balloon...even 4 in one balloon and 3 in another, but like I said that was way too much. With my new dispenser I can easily put two-three chargers into the device itself and then I put a punch balloon on the nozzle and blow that up for use, should not just put your mouth on dispenser the gas is very cold and it can freeze your mouth, also the air pressure can burst a lung supposedly. Always use a balloon they are cheap, and it's fun.

It shoots the gas out at a pretty high pressure if your putting multiple chargers in it. I have a One Quart Dispenser that is all steel so I feel pretty confident in it handling that amount of gas. If your using a cheap one that's aluminum with plastic parts I wouldn't try to load up multiple chargers they have exploded on people. Three worked but I will probably just do release intial two in the balloon and then have one in ready to crack and then blow that in too, just to be careful.
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I have a ghetto one that does it a single charger a time and unless you pinch the balloon it lets it out when you open it. I don’t even pull the balloons off I hit it hold my breath as long as I can and reload it. The stuff definitely cold gives you like burns on your lips. I don’t really do it often though I’m not buying any soon. I really want to IV 4-ACO-MET but I don’t want to buy a box of needles and getting a single one raises more eyebrows they think I’m trying to kill myself or something idk they get all strange and I have to tell them I’m using it for E juice only and explain how syringes are legal in my state. I wish I had a car I’m sure a needle exchange would be less judgmental. I shot 4-ACO-DMT before and am convinced 4-ACO is most active in IV. It had effects 3X the oral dose at the same weight did not have almost deliriant like but extremely pleasant I saw like flowers everywhere and was literally in like a dream state.
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