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☮ Social ☮ PD Social Tripping Thread: Tripping Past 2020

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I get headaches more times than not with 2c(/t)x. Sometimes it’s midtrip, others at the end or the next day, if I dosed later in the day preview. Sometimes it’s incredibly debilitating.

I’ve found preloading and dosing throughout with magnesium and niacin, whilst maintaining proper hydration to help. But there’s no guarantee. Anti inflammatories such as Advil seem to help marginally.

Oddly enough I get it from 4 subs too, albeit less often and less severe. A number of friends have reported moderate to severe headaches after 4 aco met too (all the same batch... possibly impurities?) but I also get em occasionally with 4 aco dmt (different batches) and mushrooms.

I’m usually decently hydrated and well fed, esp if a trip is coming. It feels more of a tension headache/vasoconstriction, hence the copious amounts of mag/b3 which are helpful
Crazy that you can feel it so fast! Hard to remember but I think 2ce always took about 50 minutes for first alerts for me. I always drank it in liquid, not fully dissolved.

On your combo, did you end up with “only” a 2ce trip / comedown near the end? 2ce duration is about as long as lsd for me, and since you dosed 2 hours later, I would think that would make for a long drawn out come down
The come down was at the same time and I didn't notice any sort of long drawn out comedown.

I was absolutely wrecked and pretty much in over my head from the get go. If I did it again I wouldn't take nearly as much LSD (5 ~100ug tabs and 14mg 2C-E). It was something I had thought about but it wasn't planned for the evening just sort of happened. I couldn't follow any sort of conversation and was just in my own world for a good 4 hours.
I get headaches more times than not with 2c(/t)x. Sometimes it’s midtrip, others at the end or the next day, if I dosed later in the day preview. Sometimes it’s incredibly debilitating.

I’ve found preloading and dosing throughout with magnesium and niacin, whilst maintaining proper hydration to help. But there’s no guarantee. Anti inflammatories such as Advil seem to help marginally.

Oddly enough I get it from 4 subs too, albeit less often and less severe. A number of friends have reported moderate to severe headaches after 4 aco met too (all the same batch... possibly impurities?) but I also get em occasionally with 4 aco dmt (different batches) and mushrooms.

I’m usually decently hydrated and well fed, esp if a trip is coming. It feels more of a tension headache/vasoconstriction, hence the copious amounts of mag/b3 which are helpful

Interestig, I don't think I've ever gotten a headache from any tryptamines besides AMT.
Kicking myself for not trying DOC sooner... I was expecting a heavier trip with a body load and some vasoconstriction. Instead it was a very clear headed social high with the perfect amount of stimulation. Body light as a feather with enough energy to take on any sort of adventure with no vasoconstriction to write home about.
Yep it's a wonderful substance. I start to get some vasoconstriction around 3mg or more, which used to be my usual dose but these days I take 2mg at most generally, and don't really experience any noticeable vasoconstriction.
had the most ketamine of my life this week. Spent hours and hours in the k hole with LSD and weed at the end of it all. Does anybody else crying coming out of the k-hole it just makes me very grateful everything for life. Id say out of any drug ketamine has helped me the most i have only used a small amount of it since last year.
I recall reading a paper on psilocybin induced headaches after a particularly rough headache caused by mushrooms.

“Psilocybin’s inductive effects on headache may be due to a num- ber of different mechanisms: (1) induction of delayed headache through NO release, (2) facilitation of glutamate release in the cortex, with headache generation in those susceptible; (3) suppres- sion of dorsal raphe nucleus inhibitory activity on the LC with 􏰂 adrenoreceptor-linked vasoconstriction during the period of acute drug effects, followed by vasodilatation and headache, (4) direct triggering of migraine attack through 5-HT2B agonism in migraine- susceptible research subjects, (5) induction of I􏰀ˇ- ̨, inhibiting NF􏰀ˇ, TNF-􏰂, and iNOS, with subsequent “rebound” headache; or a combination of the above.”
TripSitter, didn’t you do enough K to make your bladder hurt? Be careful dude! When I came back to bluelight a few weeks ago I was reading a lot of old posts and many of yours (I may be confusing some with AcidTripper’s) talk about not wanting to do drugs / take a long break. You can do it!

On the topic of psychedelic headaches - I have also gotten one from 4-ho-mipt when dosed at 22-25 mg. I somehow got the idea in my head that doing too much psychedelics (mostly 2ce for a couple years, once or twice per month) did something to my brain to make it more prone to headaches. For awhile, smoking weed was “different” after all that tripping and could produce that same weird back of the head headache. Could be psychosomatic or due to dehydration like was suggested. And in that case pre-dosing with vitamin C might just be more dehydrating.

NOWadays, I get occasional headaches for a different reason. Got assaulted pretty bad last June and got a brain bleed. Haven’t tripped since before that, kinda nervous how it will play out when I do. Probably over worrying about all this. The neurosurgeon didn’t even schedule a follow up - he thought I would heal just fine.
TripSitter, didn’t you do enough K to make your bladder hurt? Be careful dude! When I came back to bluelight a few weeks ago I was reading a lot of old posts and many of yours (I may be confusing some with AcidTripper’s) talk about not wanting to do drugs / take a long break. You can do it!

On the topic of psychedelic headaches - I have also gotten one from 4-ho-mipt when dosed at 22-25 mg. I somehow got the idea in my head that doing too much psychedelics (mostly 2ce for a couple years, once or twice per month) did something to my brain to make it more prone to headaches. For awhile, smoking weed was “different” after all that tripping and could produce that same weird back of the head headache. Could be psychosomatic or due to dehydration like was suggested. And in that case pre-dosing with vitamin C might just be more dehydrating.

NOWadays, I get occasional headaches for a different reason. Got assaulted pretty bad last June and got a brain bleed. Haven’t tripped since before that, kinda nervous how it will play out when I do. Probably over worrying about all this. The neurosurgeon didn’t even schedule a follow up - he thought I would heal just fine.
i found out it wasent the ketamine it was the coffee the bladder pain went away went i stopped the coffee. Ima do my last amount of ket on friday for some healing.
i found out it wasent the ketamine it was the coffee the bladder pain went away went i stopped the coffee. Ima do my last amount of ket on friday for some healing.
Went on a bit of a bender last week my kidneys were in quite a bit of pain on monday from all the K. I don't get the bladder pain but my kidneys definitely do not like it.

Whenever I have K around I always end up doing a line or two before bed. Had a little pile left busted in my desk but tossed it.
Bought some weed. Haven't smoked in over 6 months. A couple of beers + some weed is a pretty perfect relaxation after a work day.

had the most ketamine of my life this week. Spent hours and hours in the k hole with LSD and weed at the end of it all. Does anybody else crying coming out of the k-hole it just makes me very grateful everything for life. Id say out of any drug ketamine has helped me the most i have only used a small amount of it since last year.
I tried Ketamine for the first time earlier this week. Overall I found it quite an unpleasant experience, even going so far as writing a note to myself on my phone saying to never take K again. In total I had about 500mg over an afternoon but I didn't hole and mostly my mind just wandered to some really weird places and I didn't feel like I gained much from the experience.

I also stupidly tried some DMT towards the end of the Ketamine and it was the most confusing and uncomfortable experience I have had on any drug. It was mercifully short and I thankfully I don't remember much of it otherwise I think it might feel more traumatic. Really not sure why I thought it would be a good idea.
I tried Ketamine for the first time earlier this week. Overall I found it quite an unpleasant experience, even going so far as writing a note to myself on my phone saying to never take K again. In total I had about 500mg over an afternoon but I didn't hole and mostly my mind just wandered to some really weird places and I didn't feel like I gained much from the experience.

I also stupidly tried some DMT towards the end of the Ketamine and it was the most confusing and uncomfortable experience I have had on any drug. It was mercifully short and I thankfully I don't remember much of it otherwise I think it might feel more traumatic. Really not sure why I thought it would be a good idea.
500 mg for the first time seems like a huge amount. How confident are you it was quality stuff? And how did you take it? My first time about 250 mg IM (in 2 doses) sent me to the hole for well over an hour and left me wrecked for quite a while after that. On acid I was only needing 50 mg snorted to get to the same place.

The first time I did find it a bit nauseating though. I came to think that was seasickness from looking at the world with spinning eyes open. It went away and I felt great within I shit my eyes and made no attempt to move.

I can’t deal with DMT by itself smoked. The come up is just to fast and shocking. I don’t feel it would be a good match with K at all. I’ve had plenty of bad combination ideas in the moment as well. It’s definitely a thing.
500 mg for the first time seems like a huge amount. How confident are you it was quality stuff? And how did you take it? My first time about 250 mg IM (in 2 doses) sent me to the hole for well over an hour and left me wrecked for quite a while after that. On acid I was only needing 50 mg snorted to get to the same place.
I plugged it in maybe 4 doses over 6 or 7 hours, I think I started with 75mg, then an hourish later tried 100mg, and then everything's a bit hazy after that, I don't think I ever did more than 150mg at once though.
I plugged it in maybe 4 doses over 6 or 7 hours, I think I started with 75mg, then an hourish later tried 100mg, and then everything's a bit hazy after that, I don't think I ever did more than 150mg at once though.
I felt nothing when i tried plugging. Maybe you’d have better luck with another ROA?
Almost any K I ever find on the street in America is absolutely shit quality (like all street drugs here these days). I started using K with pharma K and 130mg nasal holed me hard to where I didn't even know I had taken ketamine for the peak. It was wild. Dissociatives aren't for everybody though, I know some people who have definitely had the real thing and just don't like them.

Nasal is better than plugging for ketamine. ketamine is weird in how it absorbs. Almost every other dissociative in the class is more potent and better orally for me than nasally, and plugged is like twice as strong as oral. But ketamine is different for whatever reason, it is only half or less as potent orally and plugging seems to be inefficient, too. But IM apparently is the best ROA, followed by nasal. Even 2f-DCK, which is ketamine with the chlorine replaced by a fluorine, is stronger orally than nasally.
I never once had any bladder pain from any ketamine binge. Nor did anybody I knew at the time using it recreationally at a similar level.

I never went berserk on it, mainly financial. I needed every spare wage penny for as much as I could afford, so it was striking a balance between MDMA, LSD, Ketamine and Skunk.

I often sacrificed more skunk for more ketamine.

I definitely did half gram lines of pure ket on acid, and off. Kind of easier on acid really.

2 grams in a night was common, maybe 4 or 5 grams a week average for 2 years.

Which looks fairly heavy on paper, but I never regarded myself as a heavy ketamine user.

Never any bladder trouble at all. But there was a guy I knew of called Dickie, who literally snorted 12 full grams of ketamine daily, one gram lines each time.

He did develop bladder problems eventually.

I never sniffed a whole gram at once but actually I think I did once by accident.

At a friends house, she called me into the kitchen for my line.

I was on MDMA and alcohol before, I scuffed my line up with the straw, couldn’t see so clearly.

I picked up the bankcard next to it, made a neat new line, without really looking.

As soon as I sniffed it I felt something wasn’t usual.

Quite soon I was in one hell of a K hole.,I could watch but not respond as normal so I just relaxed back.

Listening to the reactions of surprise when the girls discovered that “someone’s taken all of Maggie’s ketamine.”

It turns out the rest of the ketamine to share around, god knows how much, was underneath the bank card and all brushed it all together blindly. It could have been quite a lot, this was a heavy user and dealer with massive lines and big piles on tile most of the time, but she only had a limited amount that night, usually we’d just get our own and do as please.

They thought someone had stolen it all slyly from under their noses literally lol.

But even then, no bladder pain.
I never once had any bladder pain from any ketamine binge. Nor did anybody I knew at the time using it recreationally at a similar level.

I never went berserk on it, mainly financial. I needed every spare wage penny for as much as I could afford, so it was striking a balance between MDMA, LSD, Ketamine and Skunk.

I often sacrificed more skunk for more ketamine.

I definitely did half gram lines of pure ket on acid, and off. Kind of easier on acid really.

2 grams in a night was common, maybe 4 or 5 grams a week average for 2 years.

Which looks fairly heavy on paper, but I never regarded myself as a heavy ketamine user.

Never any bladder trouble at all. But there was a guy I knew of called Dickie, who literally snorted 12 full grams of ketamine daily, one gram lines each time.

He did develop bladder problems eventually.

I never sniffed a whole gram at once but actually I think I did once by accident.

At a friends house, she called me into the kitchen for my line.

I was on MDMA and alcohol before, I scuffed my line up with the straw, couldn’t see so clearly.

I picked up the bankcard next to it, made a neat new line, without really looking.

As soon as I sniffed it I felt something wasn’t usual.

Quite soon I was in one hell of a K hole.,I could watch but not respond as normal so I just relaxed back.

Listening to the reactions of surprise when the girls discovered that “someone’s taken all of Maggie’s ketamine.”

It turns out the rest of the ketamine to share around, god knows how much, was underneath the bank card and Ali brushed it all together blindly.

They thought someone had stolen it all slyly from under their noses literally lol.

But even then, no bladder pain.
Fuck. They are brutal usage levels you are describing. I’ve still got a bit left in my first gram bag of the stuff and have holed several times out of it.
I never once had any bladder pain from any ketamine binge. Nor did anybody I knew at the time using it recreationally at a similar level.

I never went berserk on it, mainly financial. I needed every spare wage penny for as much as I could afford, so it was striking a balance between MDMA, LSD, Ketamine and Skunk.

I often sacrificed more skunk for more ketamine.

I definitely did half gram lines of pure ket on acid, and off. Kind of easier on acid really.

2 grams in a night was common, maybe 4 or 5 grams a week average for 2 years.

Which looks fairly heavy on paper, but I never regarded myself as a heavy ketamine user.

Never any bladder trouble at all. But there was a guy I knew of called Dickie, who literally snorted 12 full grams of ketamine daily, one gram lines each time.

He did develop bladder problems eventually.

I never sniffed a whole gram at once but actually I think I did once by accident.

At a friends house, she called me into the kitchen for my line.

I was on MDMA and alcohol before, I scuffed my line up with the straw, couldn’t see so clearly.

I picked up the bankcard next to it, made a neat new line, without really looking.

As soon as I sniffed it I felt something wasn’t usual.

Quite soon I was in one hell of a K hole.,I could watch but not respond as normal so I just relaxed back.

Listening to the reactions of surprise when the girls discovered that “someone’s taken all of Maggie’s ketamine.”

It turns out the rest of the ketamine to share around, god knows how much, was underneath the bank card and Ali brushed it all together blindly.

They thought someone had stolen it all slyly from under their noses literally lol.

But even then, no bladder pain.
Fuck. They are brutal usage levels you are describing. I’ve still got a bit left in my first gram bag of the stuff and have holed several times out of it.
Fuck. They are brutal usage levels you are describing. I’ve still got a bit left in my first gram bag of the stuff and have holed several times out of it.
It was deemed very acceptable though. There was a whole culture then, 2002 to 2005 at party capital county UK too, of people taking way more.

We’d go to outdoor Forrest raves, and everywhere would be catatonic statues of people with arms pointed outwards in funny rigger mortis like standing up positions for hours in a K hole.

Others flat on their back, eyes wide open. Looking dead for about 5 hours after sniffing grams.

I was lucky to have constant access to uncut ket non stop through that time.

It’s so mental that scene and vibe getting wasted on ket at those raves on top of acid and MDMA. The ketamine just takes you right there. I do miss it you know.
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