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I've wondered about that: if the telomeres are so associated with aging, how does Salvia Divinorum, which mostly propagates by asexual cloning, secure that the telomeres don't run out?

After checking it seems that some particular cells have telomerase activity which protect from telomer shortening.. that must be the explanation then..

What about trees that grow up to be thousands of years old? Kind of surprising senescence doesn't ruin it?

Peyote was/is thought to be less potent when its growth is immensely sped up by grafting, but I recently read plenty of that being questioned, with basically little to nothing to back up the original claim.

Potency is indeed considered to be correlated with age, although I really doubt the telomeres have anything to do with it. My personal guesses would rather be that alkaloids partially get stored up over time or that alkaloid synthesis regulation gets bumped up from trauma, but not that much bumped back down. If you want to use younger plants I would really stress them for a while to maximize potency / compensate for the young age, and inject doping with PEA precursor compounds..

If you graft an old cactus with a new cactus the pieces still have different age don't they? If you transplant an organ in humans, the lifespan matters if the organ is from a quite old person, although in certain cases, blood from a young person can reinvigorate old tissue, still you can't cure wear and tear.. or senescence, not yet.
Seems pretty complicated to try and predict how alkaloid synthesis is expressed, if hormones provided by the rootstock influence synthesis or if alkaloid content is regulated by metabolism non-locally, the age difference may actually matter. But more likely seems that it is just controlled by the age and properties of the scion and merely relying on nutrients provided from below.

I don't keep cacti to one day eat them so I don't worry about having to slaughter them out of curiosity. I'm interested to find out whether it is really different from synthetic mescaline since I didn't really get much effect out of the only time I ate cactus slime... but the only way I'd eat mine is if I could over time expand my graft collection and make a veritable peyote-on-stalk forest. Right now I even doubt that I can just plain keep these kinds of plants alive at all for years, especially the caespitosa ssp is a bitch since so much disease can fester in between the cracks of all the pups.
I still have some mescaline somewhere so it's fine either way. If someone else wants to try it, I'd look into alcoholic extractions of powdered San Pedro or Torch skin, and make those tarballs.

Hopefully I can manage to train my baobab like a bonsai, and hopefully it won't take decade upon decade for the caudex to start looking serious..
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Guys I'm so damn excited. For ages I had the desire to keep a journal vaguely floating in the back of my mind, but I never had the ambition to start one. I kept feeling frustrated that the fine details of my various insights and experiences were slowly evaporating from my memory over the years.

Now I'm inspired to capture them in a permanent record. It'll be like having a superhuman memory. It'll be like... being able to step into a time machine and ask myself what I was thinking and feeling on any week in history! How great is that?!

I just wrote my first journal entry today. :) I even got all fancy with the formatting, and put in some

     _    ____   ____ ___ ___              _   
    / \  / ___| / ___|_ _|_ _|   __ _ _ __| |_ 
   / _ \ \___ \| |    | | | |   / _` | '__| __|
  / ___ \ ___) | |___ | | | |  | (_| | |  | |_ 
 /_/   \_\____/ \____|___|___|  \__,_|_|   \__|
Guys I'm so damn excited. For ages I had the desire to keep a journal vaguely floating in the back of my mind, but I never had the ambition to start one. I kept feeling frustrated that the fine details of my various insights and experiences were slowly evaporating from my memory over the years.

Now I'm inspired to capture them in a permanent record. It'll be like having a superhuman memory. It'll be like... being able to step into a time machine and ask myself what I was thinking and feeling on any week in history! How great is that?!

I just wrote my first journal entry today. :) I even got all fancy with the formatting, and put in some

     _    ____   ____ ___ ___              _   
    / \  / ___| / ___|_ _|_ _|   __ _ _ __| |_ 
   / _ \ \___ \| |    | | | |   / _` | '__| __|
  / ___ \ ___) | |___ | | | |  | (_| | |  | |_ 
 /_/   \_\____/ \____|___|___|  \__,_|_|   \__|

<3 Quoted for eternity

I keep a dream diary, since maybe 5-10 years?. Just write it the first thing in the day, while the subsconcious is wide open. As you take the discipline to do so, it opens a feedback loop so you get more conscient in dreams, and therefore more able to recall and interactuate and write it down...


I descend to infernal regions... there´s an multiverse, shifting

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I had some really, really weird dreams last night. I took 8mg of galantamine... I have taken 4mg a few times before, but never 8. I fell asleep and I suddenly woke up in a sweat, not sure how much later, and had a really confusing sensation. I felt like all my senses were mixed up somehow, and I had this idea running through my head that I was supposed to understand, and it was giving me anxiety that I couldn't. I'm not really sure exactly what was going on there or how to explain it better, and I don't even really remember what it was like totally. After a bit I slipped into dreams, so many dreams, one after the other. Some were pretty bizarre, and all were quite colorful. I slept really lightly it seemed, so I'd briefly wake up between each one. I noticed when I would wake up, there were a lot of colors behind my eyelids, like faint lights coming through, moving around quite a bit.

Unfortunately I was woken up 2 hours before my alarm by my roommate fighting with his girlfriend and stomping around, and when I fell back asleep after that I had no more dreams, and now I don't really remember any of them apart from some flashes. 8) But anyway, galantamine is some strange stuff. Interesting though. Every so often I decide to take it, and it always proves to be a powerful dream enhancer. I have read that the best recommendation for having fully lucid dreams (which has only happened to me twice) is to sleep for 5 hours, wake up, take some, then fall back to sleep. I can buy this, because generally I have the strongest dreams when I wake up in the early morning and fall back to sleep for a couple of hours.
Was not really techno, but rather acid / experimental electronica / braindance / idm (sorry just trying to be helpful).. on that label is also dwaallicht which is the latest moniker of Wisp, a legend in idm :D
Techno is more regular rhythmic, usually more oriented for dancing but not always - hard to properly explain differences, but choice of 'instruments' says a lot.

Here are experimental electronica picks of mine, although a few of them are not that experimental. Its not all equally melodic, chaotic, etc but varied:


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vGRmriRRE3U&list=PLeTTqnq4qBGoX64exXWJcDTEO_vBqY6Ue (more acid)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2-sd_oKTchc (extra acid)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yuJCLMOlKIY&list=PLaAArUShcYECEISy6GdZL1KOMHjBm4ldg (venetian snares is insane, just like the primitive way he was able to create this)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4K24MKH_sAI (this sound design is completely insane)
https://youtu.be/WJ1ajL5hapg?t=19m32s (much more happy)
https://soundcloud.com/astroposer/spt-cl-j0546-5345 (this actually has some techno-related elements)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qmlJveN9IkI (interesting but unlike the rest of this music - intense clip, pretty psychedelic, lol dat 8-ball!! but the last bit is bullshit ;) )
https://funckarma.bandcamp.com/track/skinetic-culpture (listen past the first bit, tell me that isn't a fat groove - with the crap dubstep devolved into, this is some wubwub that makes me wanna wublubbadubdub)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_4MyEVvu9lQ (old school)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MBFXJw7n-fU (retrooutro)

haha the smiley in that youtube link! :D

and yes, i like arps hehe

does anyone like M83 by the way on an unrelated note? have you guys ever heard baroquecore (and pretty much the only guy who makes it afaik)? That qualifies as the strangest genre I know..

Is galantamine safe, xorkoth? something put me off it or I forgot since I didnt want to spend money on the order at the time..
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As far as I know it is, I have never read anything to the contrary.

I just remembered one of the dreams... in it I was pregnant and was about to give birth and it was pretty terrifying. =D

Also the main one I remember was one I've had a variation of before... for some reason my ex came back to Asheville and started living in my house and we were trying to be back together... but I didn't really want it, for some reason it was happening anyway, and I started feeling guilt/anxiety about my actual girlfriend, and as the dream went on I became quite despondent and sad. When I woke up I was so glad to see her next to me. <3
Wow thats intense and heavy... I hardly ever get nightmares, or remember my dreams - its been a while since I practice recall and lucid dreaming.. but I woke up sort of sobbing once or twice in the last month, for some reason I also continued the dream at least one of those times, clearly not a lucid deciding process.

Some of my crazier dreams involved 1) A whole archipelago with me going from one to the next to the next using James Bond style 'extreme sports' type transportations, which is not really crazy but it was wild, and 2) A world like a fantastic intricate and colorful 3d platform game, where upon jumping on one of the platforms I randomly found Gary Busey masturbating. I neither like or dislike the guy, don't think I ever really stopped to consider him existing - wonder what it means lol =D - Guess I can't really remember/describe the really freaky ones. 3) Me getting arrested when I accidentally gave the wrong answer when a cop asked me if I raped someone (I wanna assume not Gary Busey)..
I've seen my craziest dreams when I've been in alcohol withdrawal and tried to sleep it off by taking a large dose of antipsychotics as a hypnotic... In one of those dreams I was stuck in some kind of looping "3D video" that was made of something that looked like 1980s CGA graphics and it kept repeating itself over and over again... In that "video" there was a giant entity that was hitting me with some kind of racket or bat and throwing me against walls.
The confusion of senses feeling reminded me of this one fever dream I had once when I was sick... in the dream, I was all the leaves on a tree, and the leaves were falling. I was these falling leaves, and I would have to move in these geometric fashions and re-attached to the tree, or I'd die. The movements and especially the reconnections caused my body these painful jarring sensations (the muscle pain from the fever I think), which were really uncomfortable. This dream seemed to last an almost infinite amount of time... every time I woke up I had this anxiety that I NEEDED to be accomplishing this strange motion, or bad things would happen... all night I went back to the same dream every time I fell asleep. It was really discomforting. The sensation this time was similar except it only happened during one period of time and it was different and not painful... but I still had this bewildering feeling I had to be doing something really abstract regarding my jumbled sensations. Very strange stuff.

Galantamine is crazy stuff, best dream recall enhancer I've encountered. it makes me sleep lightly which is I think part of why it works. The first time I took it, I was camping, and I took 4mg. When I fell asleep, I had a dream I was doing a bunch of drugs, at first it was fun and I felt really good, but then I blacked out. When I came to (in the dream), I was surrounded by my parents and friends and police, all clamoring at me about what I had done. I was bewildered, then I woke up. Every time I went back to sleep after that, I re-entered the same dream, but from various perspectives. Each time I was present in my body, witnessing myself doing stuff, from when I was blacked out, unable to control myself or change anything. I was doing stuff like stealing from stores, harassing the police, driving, etc. Honestly it was quite difficult to experience, I was really glad when the sun came up, it was like 6:45am and I just got up and went exploring in the beautiful nature for several hours until my camping companions woke up. Had an amazing day really. But a strange night's sleep.
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Yeah, I didn't get much from it, certainly nothing approaching galantamine. Except, if you want to taste something TRULY bitter, calea is the way to go. I'm the sort of person who puts research chemicals on their tongue and washes down with water and doesn't flinch, but calea is grotesque.
A lot can be told of a person by their dreams...you guys are obviously some pretty colorful and tuned on collections of consciousness, but I already knew that ;)
I've always liked that term, taking the piss. I love how the different versions of English all have their own slang. English is a cool language.
Anyone read this new TR on Erowid about caffeine?


Like... what? I've never heard of anyone responding to caffeine this way. Neon colors and the best high ever? Withdrawals after a few times consisting of hallucinations? Weird...

Looks like trolling to me. But anything is possible. If you're already prone to intense mood swings (manic depression, perhaps?), I can see how something relatively innocuous like caffeine could trigger an intense cascade of effects.
....that feel when you find your secret stash, and it's right on time. So funny these days even when I'm dead sober everything is in the flow. The drugs just amplify the magic!
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