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i typically prefer singing, but there are some bands that yell that are awe inspiring for me. like Baroness --

though, imo if a band yells then they need to have very strong instrumental musicianship for me to enjoy them.
just, FUCK.!, ya know?

I prefer classical for that.

If you like LLSS, listen to their song "Meth is Fun" lolol, another close favorite.
Also, check out the band Giraffes?Giraffes!, their song, "When The Catholic Girls Go Camping, The Nicotine Vampires Rule Supreme", and maybegive a listen to Tubelord's "He Awoke On A Bench In Abergavenny".

^Not bad, enjoying LLSS more than the other ones.

Alright dancing electronic people, let's team up. :)
Okay droog, NKB rocks my world bahahah. Sooo, maybe Amon Tobin's Chocolate Lovely. For EDM (but post- and /DIS,ya dig?).
Currently looking for Neil Cassady's book, and John Clellon Holmes stuff but they're bit harder to find.. Go has a digital version, I'll probably end up with that. Right now I'm enjoying Quiet Days in Clinchy by Henry Miller.

Love it though, I've been feeling so cool because of it (has to be when Davis is on the speakers). More so than when I was living on the edge of cultural development. That's not to say my love for house and the like is gone, but there's an energy here that I've been missing my whole life. I want to be a mad one :)

As a science-fiction affeciando there is no need to talk to me about Philip K. Dick :D Vonnegut is high on my list though
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I don't think any other genre will ever compare to screamo.

Hello PD; it's been awhile :).
Loungers, lol, been a day or two since we sat back and rapped, eh? My phone's data is just low, and I need speed connection to do the back and forth. It legit takes me like seven minutes to load a page these days, and by then, five posts have gone by, and then I'm dumb for answering oldies bahahah. When my contract is up with t-mobile in a month and a half, I'm gonna switch to Sprint and get a Galaxy Note 3.

Anyway, miss ya.

And also, I need to fucking sleep. Haha, I've been up two days now, and shit. I might be slightly insomniatic... My circadian rhythm is all wonky and same with my eating. I just feel like I don't need it. I reject the animal. Bahahahahah..

How's the weekend going? Mine's been sweet. DMT, MXE, woods, penny boarding, fresh chile peppers roasted, and labor day will be noice. :)
Woah, similar twinners over here, bloodgang whatwhat, bahahahahah. (;

I'm off to the race track though, I got free suite tickets from my mom's job, dinner included, so I'm gonna go watch cars I guess.
Later alligater suede shoes, keep it sleazy.

"Why the fuck would I blow up the fuckin' chicken filet, shit's fuckin' delicious."
And the steetlst. Mr. Walk-Down-Me-I'm-The-Walkway; lead me to the building; FUCK YOU.
And the kid in the background going fucking craaazayyyyy.
Because, ya know, I call this one, "Bailey's." And I call this one, "Bailey's Also." I call this one, "As Close As You Can Get To Bailey's Without Gettin' Your Eyes Wet."

Oh jeeze, nostalgia.. Fuck man, I'm getting older... What the fuck am I gonna do?.. ahh, TITS!, that buildings only six stories, not tall enough.

Man, also, I fucking miss that girl.

Sometimes I don't even know what I'm saying, but then I finish what I start, so then I just say, "Fuck it.", and make myself look stupid.
Maybe people are just nice to me because I'm retarded. I might be in a coma right now. I probably broke reality, too.

I know for sure I broke The What... Sorry 'Nika... You're so quiet, and I know I suck, but just, remember me!
That way, maybe you'll break the circle. Or at least not end up dead like Georgia.
I remember, and I hope so. It didn't fucking laugh. Fucking sailor scout my ass, I'm a fast, fast dog.

I'm just brambles now, time to quit the chime in, bell's got the right idea anyway, praying to a horse named God.
Oh Mi, it's eight thirty?! How do I lose time when I'm watching a screen that has the time in the upper right corner constant??? I'm too late the the speedway races.. Guess it's off to the TTYS then, maybe I'll be able to pass out tonight anyway. I need to recoup a bit. See ya there square.
what are your favorite screamo bands, kirby?


Love Like... Electrocution

Neil Perry

City of Caterpillar


The Khayembaii Communique has an awesome track, Death of an Aspiring Icon


I can link you to youtube if you want.

Do you like screamo?!
Rock N' Roll AMERICA for sure, free will, and thank god christ came back then ate ceiling and concrete. Clean it up.
Lately I've been thinking I should quit smoking weed/hashish, or at least as frequently as I do now. Kinda tough when literally every person you know smokes weed like a chimney, but I guess I'll manage. Anyone in here who made the same move?
I know what you mean; it's almost impossible to cut back on deforestation when everybody's blazing all day everywhere.
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