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☮ Social ☮ PD Social Talk Thread: Somatic Swirly Sepia Summer Sausage Stage Set Suppository

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yea that 10-20mg range is like the most i want to insufflate of anything nowadays, thats why i dont even like ketamine anymore that much
Any coke i've seen on the streets has always been stroke-dust. It's much safer to use crack cocaine, it lasts about an hour and then the comedown lasts about an hour and then you're back to baseline. With cocaine, I've always had a barrage of nasty lingering side effects and unwanted bothers.
My first coke experience was blah, it was most definitely cut to shit. Subsequent tries have been better though. I enjoy what it does when I'm out drinking and I never find that it keeps me up later than is comfortable. Also seems to check my drinking for some reason... or maybe I was just broke the last few times haha. Either way, I'm becoming fond of the way it seems to find me at all the right moments. Never bought any myself either, I'm the kinda guy that people are always offering free beer/coke/weed to for some reason. I guess giving away so much acid and MXE in recent years has garnered me some good drug karma 8)
I always share my Billy Dee Williams and then I never get any good Isaac Hayes in return from random people.. So you gotta take what you can get when the universe is offering it to you I suppose.
I guess it doesn't work every time.

→ low class thread
“Your visions will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.”
― C.G. Jung
Man I used to do a lot of coke from 07-10. Even good coke kinda sucks. Now all the shit is cut with levamisole anyway. Kinda wanna acetone wash a G of coke and find out what pure feels like. Not really high on my list though.

Crack... I smoked a handful of times. Its a quick rush, 15 min of feeling good, then more more more. Luckily we could never get more the times I tried it.
Yeah coke is a drug for when it happens to come around. I would never buy any (I have in the past but it's a rip-off even if it's really good. It's just not worth that much money).

I've got 2 grams of the old batch of 3-MeO-PCP that I loved so much coming in a few days, I'm pumped. :) And tonight we're having band practice and having a new guy come in to play bass, hopefully we can finally get someone who can be a part of our thing and contribute to its growth. It's been really tough finding a new bass player.
What a nice night... had a great band practice, possible new drummer was a no call no show, but we solidified much of 2 new songs and a cover. Really nice recordings. Then we all went to the Tuesday night funk jam. Music is cool.
One of the first hard drugs I tried was rock cocaine. I have never encoutnered it before or since in Australia. It sucked, I don't recall it having great effects probably because I had no clue how to smoke it. Every other time I've had coke (maybe 5 times?) I've gotten such basic effects and such compulsive redosing that it was basically shit. And it would be fucking impure and weak by the time it arrives in Australia. And its expensive, I think $250 a gram about 10 years ago.

This is such a nice little tune. The vibraphone-y melody just tears at my heart <3

Stimulants? Yuck. Never got off on them. I guess I just don't like the pounding heart! Speed a couple of times and coke a couple of times. Just can't bear the come down.
I live in South America, and cocaine is abundant, cheap, and supposedly pure (Although I've read toxicological reports from police busting and many times it is still cut to shit, as low as 36% purity. But I think the average in my region is 55% purity, at least based on the police information).

Funnily enough, I've never tried it. It isn't a drug that really fancies my attention. I'm not much of a fan of stimulants in the first place anyway. But also, I've seen what cocaine makes of my friends, and I'm not sure I really look forward to that, lol. It's like everyone I know that's into cocaine is incapable of partying without it, and whenever they bring it they mostly center the night around it until it's gone then the fun is over. So yeah, I know I won't necessarily become a coke-head, and eventually I think I'll try it just for the sake of curiosity, but at the moment I don't really fancy it much.

Hey Swilow, I think I haven't seen you here for a while. How are you doing ?
Have you listened to the latest Alcest? I personally think It's the best since Écailles :p
Damn swilow, every time someone mentions a price in Australia, I'm like god DAMN you guys have expensive drugs!
I live in South America, and cocaine is abundant, cheap, and supposedly pure (Although I've read toxicological reports from police busting and many times it is still cut to shit, as low as 36% purity. But I think the average in my region is 55% purity, at least based on the police information).

That's insanely good cocaine my friend. In the states, the DEA has found most 'coke' to be below 10% purity. I prefer the 90% + range, which is why I smoke it!
“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”
― C.G. Jung
Got an unexpectedly large paycheck today, and found 15 bucks on the ground yesterday when out grocery shopping. Pleasant surprises :)
For some reason the entirety of bluelight.org isn't loading on my laptop... I'm gonna restart and see if that's the issue, but for now I'm on my phone!

I decided to micro dose some ALD-52 today as it a big day and I felt it would contribute to my efforts. It turns out 1/16th of a blotter is just the perfect amount. I can feel that I took it, but in no way is it hindering my ability to function in a productive manner, whatsoever. All other times microdosing whether with LSD, aMT, 4-HO-MET, or whatever else I've tried and forgotten it's either been I don't feel anything or I feel slightly too much and get some anxiousness and the like. This is absolutely perfect.
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