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☮ Social ☮ PD Social Talk Thread: Firly Swolks Discussing Mitillating Tatters Fithout Wilters

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Yo dogs..
I am gonna make the sherdz+l combo happen soon.
Next time I get the sherdz I'll make it happen.
Ill be in the burgh again the first week of October and I almost wanna bring either or both cause riding the incline on L would be crazy and the view of the whole city would be so awesome.
Idk id have to drop at the game though cause im not staying as long as I would like to
Great to hear man! Sounds like some good ole fashion fun! I'm actually going to give ETH a try at the rave scene tonight, had my first difficult experience last time at 300ug, just doing 100 for this go-round

ETH is pretty awesome... I have to say that the combo of AL-LAD and ETH-LAD (with somewhat more AL) is really pretty incredible. Wonderful euphoria, sociability, plus a deeper and more clear mind state. I've tried it twice now, the first time at 150ug AL and 50ug ETH, then this last time at 150ug AL and 100ug ETH.

Man, so I hadn't been drinking much at all until I went to visit my family the other week... partied with my brother and his friends for 4 days straight. Then came home and ended up drinking most days since then. Yesterday I didn't drink, and damn did I feel compelled to. I resisted, but then around 9pm I started to get a runny nose and watery eyes and my sleep was really light and hectic. I had a dream all night long, kept going back into it, about a demon/demons. It started where I was with a bunch of people in this pitch dark forest, and there were demonic forces coming. I heard the most horrific blood-curdling screaming and terrible noises (reminiscent of some really fucking weird shit I heard the first night living in my house that I haven't even remembered in a long time). I usually don't feel fear in dreams, just sort of like the representation of fear, but it was terrifying. I woke up because my girlfriend got up to pee, and I was terrified in the dark still. I had to pee then too and it freaked me the fuck out.

Then I went back to sleep, and the dream shifted to my first girlfriend, or someone like her... we were in the lake house in Wisconsin (where I met her), my family was all there too. She was super sexy and the dream consisted of us being about to hook up, except she was actually a demon, and I knew this. She sometimes got demonic, and sometimes wasn't. Parts of this dream were fun, none of it was terrifying, but it was really weird and insanely repetitive. I kept waking up and going back. Elements of the book I'm reading were coming into play too. Eventually I was being assailed on all sides and I don't even remember anymore what I was trying to accomplish, but it was hard as fuck.

Anyway I feel good today, I notice that whenever I drink too much I have a refractory withdrawal-esque period, but it's obviously not full-on alcohol withdrawal because it basically just feels like very light beginnings of opiate withdrawal, sort of. I also got really drunk the night before, like way more than I should have, and had a hangover all day so that's probably why. Either way, it's incentive to chill out again, I hate feeling off, and that runny nose/eyes/restless feeling I particularly hate. That and sleeping poorly.

She was super sexy and the dream consisted of us being about to hook up, except she was actually a demon, and I knew this.

Ha ha, sounds like my last ex! 8(

Dreams are a real trip (pun intended), aren't they?
Haha, mine too! =D

Yeah they are, my dreams are so wild since ibogaine. I just posted in your dream thread in LAVA by the way. :)
I'm making some vegetable stir fry, and I fried some tempeh separately to go in at the end so it would be crispy. And holy fuck! This is the best tempeh I've ever had or imagined! I fried it in butter in a pan, with some salt, balsamic vinegar, and garlic granules. It fried to almost burned in each side, but not burned, it just deeply caramelized the balsamic. I'm almost having a mouthgasm now. 8o

The stir fry has red onion, carrots, broccoli, yellow pepper, corn and zucchini, with olive oil, toasted sesame oil, umeboshi plum vinegar, rice vinegar, a little balsamic vinegar, a muchi curry powder blend (too lazy to make my own right now), chili powder, garlic granules, tamari soy sauce, and shortly I am going to add in a little peanut butter, honey and nutritional yeast, and then add in rice noodles and the tempeh. Pretty excited. :)

Man I decided to try out fasoracetam today, it's a GABA-B antagonist and I had pounded my GABA-B receptors soundly for years with phenibut (a selective full agonist at GABA-B). I was reading that fasoracetam, when taken sublingually, is great for recovering from phenibut abuse after you get past withdrawals. I must say I feel pretty amazing right now, very sparkly and excited, it's somewhat reminiscent of phenibut. Cool! I certainly feel more motivated today than I have in a while.
Its that time again it seems, where my life is upended and I am forced to recalibrate everything. If it gets me out of the meth 'hood and associated psychosis that permeates it I will be happy. Sucks that one bad roommate can ruin the whole pot. Two of the other guys are moving in a couple days, and I don't want to be alone with methpsycho. I'm way too sensitive to ambient energy for it to not affect me negatively. No offense to users who can responsibly handle it, but as with the hard drugs, the slope is slippy.
Since Ive taken a break from the cannabis my dreams have been getting exceedingly more vivid and weird.

Most recent one I was stuck in this building with a bunch a people and the basement was filled with ghosts living out their lives just like us but they were deceased. Haha and Elija Wood was in it ?? Wtf lmao
Mmmm, that post makes me want stir fry.

I've been considering phenibut for a long while... I've only hesitated bc I have an addictive personality and am compulsive as shit. So are we thinking that fasoracetam may be a slightly safer alternative with less addiction potential?

Not really the same thing honestly, but faso is nice. Phenibut is a full-on drug though, it's a gabapentinoid. I find it not compulsive, but it's easy to slip into using it regularly. It's really good when you can find the right dose. I mean I got addicted to it, I also came off it without too many periods of sketchiness. I'd say, be careful. It's not compulsive nor does it have a "hit" like the really addictive drugs, but I've also talked to people who had real problems with it. For me, when I decided I needed to stop, I did... took about a month and a half of feeling a little off with short periods of feeling really off here and there.
Haha that's funny. =D

Yeah phenibut is physically addictive if used too regularly, but it is fantastic for motivation, mood and anxiety. It makes me feel like I'm having a great day, not so much a full-on drug-like effect. I feel super inspired, especially for music (it's amazing for playing music). I feel more sociable and better at communicating. You gotta do it right and it comes on very slowly, takes 3-5 hours to reach full effects for me.
I'm making some vegetable stir fry, and I fried some tempeh separately to go in at the end so it would be crispy. And holy fuck! This is the best tempeh I've ever had or imagined! I fried it in butter in a pan, with some salt, balsamic vinegar, and garlic granules. It fried to almost burned in each side, but not burned, it just deeply caramelized the balsamic. I'm almost having a mouthgasm now. 8o

The stir fry has red onion, carrots, broccoli, yellow pepper, corn and zucchini, with olive oil, toasted sesame oil, umeboshi plum vinegar, rice vinegar, a little balsamic vinegar, a muchi curry powder blend (too lazy to make my own right now), chili powder, garlic granules, tamari soy sauce, and shortly I am going to add in a little peanut butter, honey and nutritional yeast, and then add in rice noodles and the tempeh. Pretty excited. :)

Tomorrow will be three months since I gave up meat and I don't miss it at all, which really amazes me! I still eat dairy though. Going completely vegan would be really hard.

I actually have some tempeh in the fridge right now, but I'm far too lazy to prepare it with all that awesomeness! I usually whip up a quick miso/garlic/chili/ginger sauce and call it a meal :D
A really good way to prepare tempeh is to cut it into small cubes or pieces, pan fry it pretty hot until it starts to turn golden, but without burning the oil. Then add ketchap manis and stir it around until all the sides are coated. Then you keep the heat on until the ketchap manis starts to caramelize, and take it right off the heat before it burns. This is how it was served a lot in indonesia when I had it there. So good..
Had to look that up, ketchap manis... at first I thought it was an uncharacteristic typo of "ketchup and mayonnaise". =D That stuff sounds amazing, I kinda want to order some from Amazon. Pretty expensive on there but I'm guessing a little goes a long way?

Regarding meat, I haven't totally given it up but I don't eat it often anymore. My girl developed stomach issues about 2 years ago, and basically had to go vegan but not entirely, she eats eggs and sometimes a little butter, and meat once in a blue moon, just a little of it. She used to eat meat a few times a week and not really worry about her diet but she's always eaten good quality food and lots of vegetables. Anyway, before this happened, I was eating lots of meat and cooking very heavy food mostly. But in an effort to be able to cook food for her, I started venturing into the realm of the overwhelming majority of my food being plant-based, and trying lighter flavors. I've been cooking asian inspired food for a while now because it's her favorite, and I've really started to love it. I also love not eating meat most the time. I basically only eat a meat-based meal when visiting my family or occasionally when I'm really hungry because I forgot to eat dinner, and super stoned after band practice and I have the munchies enough to get a drive-thru burger. I use meat in stuff sometimes, like I'll add a cut-up sausage to a stir-fry. But I really don't desire to eat meat very often anymore. I eat 1-2 eggs every morning so I get some animal protein that way.

I have a good friend who works out a bunch, and is convinced that beef is the healthiest possible thing for him to be eating. He says stuff about how his body processes it optimally and he always feels amazing after eating it. A doctor friend was trying to tell him that it's actually not good to eat beef every day, and he got pretty upset about it and really flustered. He eats beef every day or almost every day, usually burgers. One time he texted me to tell me he was grilling burgers AND steaks right then. I'm like, dude, ever hear of congestive heart failure? Geez, slow down on the beef.
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I try to steer clear of red meat for the most part now, because of digestive issues in relation to it, but... I don't think I'll be giving up poultry or other animal products 8) I like the way chicken can take on whatever flavor you want it to.
Yeah chicken is good shit. I don't plan to give up meat, but I just don't crave it very often anymore. Surprises me more than anyone because I grew up in the midwest where "it isn't a meal without meat" (I'd imagine Texas is similar CG?) and I was adamant about that for most of my life.

I really like fish too, fresh fish, but it's so much more expensive than land meats. I keep meaning to go on a fishing trip to catch mountain trout, but haven't yet. It would be awesome to go right after they stock the streams and get half a freezer full of fish, I'd eat a lot more of it.
It took me years to break the 'it isn't a meal without meat' train of thought. I still kinda feel it :sus:

My grandmother thinks that without sufficient red meat intake, you can literally die. When I told her my fiance's old roomy was vegan, she seemed legitimately concerned that the girl would up and drop dead at any moment 8)

I must admit that all this talk of beef has me hankerin' for some reallll good briscuit on a sourdough bun with some dank slaw... mmmmmmm, BBQ.
Weekend is here!

Time to hack the old brain =D
Stock the streams?

Yeah it's very commonly done, stocking streams/lakes with fish they farmed, to help replenish what is taken during fishing. Trying to keep the ecosystem in balance because there are so many people taking from it.
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