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☮ Social ☮ PD Social Talk Thread: Firly Swolks Discussing Mitillating Tatters Fithout Wilters

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Mcgregor about to get embarrassed lmao, but that paycheck? Who wouldn't take a beating for that.

Watching the fight with the homies. So my lovely lady Lucy must wait tI'll next weekend unfortunately :(

Stay 100% PD :D

Edit: Damn Conner put up a better fight than anticipated.
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He still looked way out of his element. After 4 or 5 rounds the writing was on the wall.
Drug testing strikes again. Well at least psychedelics are all good. It's so absurd that marijuana takes basically the longest of any drug to leave your system, but fortunately psychedelics are out so quickly that they don't even bother testing (unless you count PCP).

Going to a one-day free music festival in a small hippie community on Saturday with my girl and her friend who I'm getting to know. Currently she feels like taking some acid, I'm certainly down. :) Should be great. Her friend is really cool, we've gotten along great so far. She just moved here from Oregon (where they both used to go to college, which is how they met), and my girl was so happy she teared up, because this is one of her best friends.
How was the fest?
True. Instincts are apart of nature. However in the context of this particular sport both opponents stepped into the ring agreeing to adhere to specific rules of said sport so his actions can only be perceived as a desperation to win.

I mean if we arent in control of our instincts we are merely savage beasts.

Entertaining fight nonetheless:)

Edit: Because I am drunk and I found this gif to be fitting hahah

Seriously tho PD whats up?!
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True. Instincts are apart of nature. However in the context of this particular sport both opponents stepped into the ring agreeing to adhere to specific rules of said sport so his actions can only be perceived as a desperation to win.

I mean if we arent in control of our instincts we are merely savage beasts.

Entertaining fight nonetheless:)

Edit: Because I am drunk and I found this gif to be fitting hahah

Seriously tho PD whats up?!
No doubt, great fight. I found the fight between the two young'ins right before the main event to be more action packed

Action packed. I am not mad at the amount I paid to witness LIVE ($10:))
I even told her when I was having my worst troubles with opiate addiction, and my other boss found out I did ibogaine to get off opiates (because I wrote him an incomprehensible email).

Ah Yes, the infamous e-mail from the Erowid report "Into the Flood"! :D I still think of that when I need a good chuckle (which I can use lately; I feel so friggin' down sometimes)

That, and the "Into the Rabbit Hole: Beauty and Terror" one ("TOTOTOTOTOTOTO FAR!")

The fact that you are (normally) such an eloquent writer just makes it that much funnier!

I have notebooks filled with that kind of stuff, since I do most of my writing "the old-fashioned way". The heading of one page is entitled, "This is the most profound thing I'll ever write..." What follows is essentially a blank page with a small "nod-off" scribble at the bottom. TRUE GENIUS!
finally out of the hospital after my three week stay. won't know for a bit if the chemo worked this time. this high-dose stuff was a doozy tho. lost most of my hearing in my right ear and some of my hearing in my left ear from it. doctors say it might come back or it might not, just gotta wait and see. really glad to be home tho.

the doctors said they want me to do this high-dose treatment twice, even tho the research shows that twice is no more effective than once. i've decided that i'm done with treatments, tho, no matter whether this one worked or not. i'm just too tired of chemotherapy. the side-effects are awful. if it worked this time, then wonderful. if it didn't, then i'm just going to focus on making the rest of my life as comfortable as possible.

hopefully it worked, tho. prayers and whatnot if you guys believe in those.
^ Hey man, I hope it does too because you dont deserve this cancer bullshit and definitely a rotten set of cards you got dealt.

It might not and yeah your life could be a lot shorter than should have been but its not over yet. Alls you can do in the case of stopping chemo is just living life how you want to, no regrets, be happy and just pain management.

Chemos horrible. I so much hope it works but yeah enough is enough of that treatment.

How was the fest?

Fucking great. I took 150ug of AL-LAD and 100ug of ETH-LAD. Went with my girl and her really close college friend who just moved here. Super cool girl. They almost did some LSD, but decided against it. When we got there we went to a costume tent and I found a headdress that was SO AWESOME... it was just strips of clothing hanging from a knotted ring of cloth. At night it was blacklight responsive though. I enjoyed it so much and got so many compliments that I'm gonna make one for music festivals.

The music was great, I felt 100% free and uninhibited, danced my ass off, so did my girl for about half of it. Really good music, it was local so not like as technically high quality as you'd find at an actual music festival but it was great, the last band jammed the fuck out, they played covers of 60s and 70s rock songs but really went to town with jam sections and stuff.

Basically it's an "intentional community" (meaning not an official town and they organize themselves on some shared land in the mountains, but they all have houses and shit, they live pretty "normal" lives) that's been around for a long time, a collection about about 40 families of hippies. So there is tons of love there. My girl has known some of them since she was a child and so she's kind of a part of their community though she's never lived there. I felt so accepted there, it was really beautiful. The kids and some of the adults put on a play with giant puppets that was hilarious, it was basically about becoming the river, meaning consciousness, and you already have what you need.

Man, yeah, it was awesome, loved it. :)

Ah Yes, the infamous e-mail from the Erowid report "Into the Flood"! :D I still think of that when I need a good chuckle (which I can use lately; I feel so friggin' down sometimes)

That, and the "Into the Rabbit Hole: Beauty and Terror" one ("TOTOTOTOTOTOTO FAR!")

The fact that you are (normally) such an el

Haha, yeah. The ibogaine email is the best (now it is, I was pretty fucking embarrassed). =D Back in the day when I wrote the 2C-E report I wasn't as good at writing IMO, but I would often leave my unedited notes there. Man that was a HELL of a trip. So beautiful and terrifying.

finally out of the hospital after my three week stay. won't know for a bit if the chemo worked this time. this high-dose stuff was a doozy tho. lost most of my hearing in my right ear and some of my hearing in my left ear from it. doctors say it might come back or it might not, just gotta wait and see. really glad to be home tho.

the doctors said they want me to do this high-dose treatment twice, even tho the research shows that twice is no more effective than once. i've decided that i'm done with treatments, tho, no matter whether this one worked or not. i'm just too tired of chemotherapy. the side-effects are awful. if it worked this time, then wonderful. if it didn't, then i'm just going to focus on making the rest of my life as comfortable as possible.

hopefully it worked, tho. prayers and whatnot if you guys believe in those.

Jesus man, that's so crazy. I hope so much that it worked. I think of you often. I'll try to send all the best energy to you that I can. <3
Haven't been keeping up in a week or more since I've moved states. I hope all is well. Especially to those Texas and southern friends who are being hit by Harvey.

I'm finding it surprisingly difficult and scary to be living in a different state for the first time in my life. I just had orientation for the university I'm transferring to for the past few days and almost completely shut down, either really not wanting or telling myself I didn't want to meet new people. I'm doubting myself, my social skills, and my ability to create a new life for myself that's not reclusive - as the past year has been - even though I know it is most likely an irrational worry considering my almost perfect track record in making new friends and finding new people in every stage of my life, child and now adult. Either way, I'm really really scared and need to do something about this fear otherwise I feel it may paralyze me for longer than is necessary for the lessons and aspects of myself I am to learn/see.

I'm sure everything will be fine once classes start but man, I'm just having such a hard time letting myself drop the fear, go with the flow, and allow my inner child and playfulness to come out and lead me towards whatever I'm supposed to be doing. Thankfully this area has an almost infinite amount of outdoorsy things to do, a farcry from Texas where most everything is privatized, so that's good. I just need to relax and accept. And do some emotional work. I dunno. Life is hard sometimes. (life is hard, complaining about going to college and being in a new, awesome area, heh - we're out own biggest enemies)
Haven't been keeping up in a week or more since I've moved states. I hope all is well. Especially to those Texas and southern friends who are being hit by Harvey.

I'm finding it surprisingly difficult and scary to be living in a different state for the first time in my life. I just had orientation for the university I'm transferring to for the past few days and almost completely shut down, either really not wanting or telling myself I didn't want to meet new people. I'm doubting myself, my social skills, and my ability to create a new life for myself that's not reclusive - as the past year has been - even though I know it is most likely an irrational worry considering my almost perfect track record in making new friends and finding new people in every stage of my life, child and now adult. Either way, I'm really really scared and need to do something about this fear otherwise I feel it may paralyze me for longer than is necessary for the lessons and aspects of myself I am to learn/see.

I'm sure everything will be fine once classes start but man, I'm just having such a hard time letting myself drop the fear, go with the flow, and allow my inner child and playfulness to come out and lead me towards whatever I'm supposed to be doing. Thankfully this area has an almost infinite amount of outdoorsy things to do, a farcry from Texas where most everything is privatized, so that's good. I just need to relax and accept. And do some emotional work. I dunno. Life is hard sometimes. (life is hard, complaining about going to college and being in a new, awesome area, heh - we're out own biggest enemies)

When you first move to a totally new place, it's fucking scary man. I remember when I first moved here... I wouldn't ever want to live elsewhere now, but it took a while to really get my groove, years actually (though would have been faster if not for a reclusive, controlling wife-at-the-time-now-ex). It's like, you leave everything and everyone you know and you have to make new roots. it's also exciting and a great opportunity for personal growth. It's also amazing getting to know people who didn't know the you from your whole life... it's so liberating, it really helped me to fully come into who I am. It's amazing how much people's notions of you built up from a lifetime affect how you view yourself (speaking of old friends, family, etc).
Yeah, that's understandable but just temporary Psy. Universities usually have a outdoors and recreation type office or something like that; they organize non-coursework activities like organized hikes, rock wall climbing, group bike rides, kayaking, etc. People bond pretty quickly on those. Great way to find a group of people to hang with. Go to the orientations and stuff like that. People attending those are often new and more open to connecting with others. Learn about a couple interesting things to do on the campus, town and surrounding areas then invite people to come check it out with you.
^^Good tips. I was fortunately that at college my best friend went to the same one, and a few other people I knew from high school did too. That really helped. But yeah, the best thing to do to meet people (at university or otherwise) is to get involved in some sort of thing that you enjoy, then you'll meet other people who enjoy those things and it's a good way to make friends.
Thanks for the support, guys. It's not that I haven't done this before, in fact, that's actually the issue. That I have gone to a four year university as a freshman straight out of high school, as well as transferred to multiple other community colleges since, and now this new four year. That those other times I felt very much social, ready, and excited to meet new friends, and now, am not feeling that way at all, and judging myself for not being where I think I should.

Not accepting myself where I'm at and holding myself against false expectations.
Fucking great. I took 150ug of AL-LAD and 100ug of ETH-LAD. Went with my girl and her really close college friend who just moved here. Super cool girl. They almost did some LSD, but decided against it. When we got there we went to a costume tent and I found a headdress that was SO AWESOME... it was just strips of clothing hanging from a knotted ring of cloth. At night it was blacklight responsive though. I enjoyed it so much and got so many compliments that I'm gonna make one for music festivals.

The music was great, I felt 100% free and uninhibited, danced my ass off, so did my girl for about half of it. Really good music, it was local so not like as technically high quality as you'd find at an actual music festival but it was great, the last band jammed the fuck out, they played covers of 60s and 70s rock songs but really went to town with jam sections and stuff.
Great to hear man! Sounds like some good ole fashion fun! I'm actually going to give ETH a try at the rave scene tonight, had my first difficult experience last time at 300ug, just doing 100 for this go-round
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