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☮ Social ☮ [PD Social General Talk Thread] Observation Tank for Fractallized Redundancy Modules

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Good to hear TNW! There's been many times, where I was..."lost at sea", and dissociatives(primarily ket and MXE), managed to bring me home. It's why I treasure them so highly. They, in conjugation with psychedelics always manage to humble me and remind me of the things that day to day living cause me to overlook or forget. <3's guys!

Right on pharmakos. Something about MXE always gives me a sense of everything being alright and the future holding something special for me, it's one amazing ass drug!

Good to hear TNW :) You've been circulating through my thought glands a bit recently. I'm glad you've found some respite...

thanks guys. btw my last round of chemo starts on may 9th and ends on that friday. assuming everything keeps going as anticipated (which it has so far) i'll be free and clear then. almost there! i can do it.
Xorkoth, I can only imagine how epic that music session was! Im not at all surprised it was a spiritual experience for everyone considering that combination of MXE/3-meo and 4-aco-met. To this day I haven't found a better combo. I recommended it to a friend last week and he went to the moon with it.

I started reading a comparative religion book called 'Jesus Buddha Krishna Lao Tzu: The Parallel Sayings'- basically it is epic wisdom that unites the different religions and philosophies. Great reading for the times.

In other news my state voted today. Berners are biting their nails. If he doesn't win big tonight he will probably end up running as an Independent, and if that happens we can only hope Trump doesn't get the nomination and also decides to run Independent. That's the best case for a Bernie win.
My daughter and I are close friends with the kids of the neighbor catercorner from us--I've never been attracted to the parents--they are crude and ignorant, and I don't have time for that. (I just don't.) The kids were over at my place hanging out when the mom drops by. "Hey, can I get some of that acid you've got?" (She knows it's an LSD analogue, but still calls it acid.) Me: "No, it's reserved and paid for." "Can't you give me a half or something?" Me: "No. Come on, I don't play like that." "What do you have?" Me: "Listen, I know you're having problems with your husband. I don't have anything for you. Anyway, this stuff is to be respected, used in the proper mind-set; what you need is a plan for the future, and rest." She says, "I'm going to get some Ecstasy. I'll get some for you. Bye." Me: "I'm abstaining. I'm giving myself a break." She leaves. Twenty minutes later, the husband stops by. "Hey dude, can I use your phone? I need to order pizza. Fuck my wife, she's a bitch. She can feed her kids." They have two kids between them, and two are hers from another man--they are those hanging out at my place, whom I've grown to love, and are good friends with my daughter, and are present, and just listening to this, as if it's nothing new. I give him my phone. He calls Dominos, gets pissed off when they ask what side of town he's on, he says, "Fuck this shit, you can fuck her if you want." I say, "Get real, why would I want to?" He leaves. I ask the kids, "Who's hungry?" Everyone cheers, "I am!" I then make a glorious meal of some of the best tacos I've ever made. I know it's outrageous and probably ridiculous, but I'd adopt those kids if their parents continue the direction they've been going, and they would probably let me. I've practically fed them 2 out of 7 days out of the week for going on 2 years anyway...

I'm blown away.

Edit: Wow, Everlong is playing on my classic rock radio station. I am officially old.
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jammin I didn't mean to degrade the issue of daily alcoholism... I just feel like my drinking has become problematic, even if it's only once a week. I keep blacking out and I'm not okay with that, yet I keep doing it... I do drink on weekdays when I have it around. Usually if I buy a twelve pack it's gone the next day and that's really starting to bother me.

Anyways yeah, I'd love to smoke weed instead of drink on the weekends, but I haven't any dealer still and the people I'm friends with are the types that don't smoke weed these days. That's not to say they're bad people by any means, but rather that they'd prefer to get black out wasted and the like than to just toke and chill. I'm beginning to realize that I just can't keep with that, I worry about my brain cells, I worry about my potentially hurting myself (which does happen, still have a bad scar on my face from a night out and one on my chest from a year ago that is finally starting to go away...), and I worry about me hurting my relationship while blacked out.

I don't think it's an addiction so much as a health issue. I can go without alcohol easy, I just keep putting myself in situations where I end up shitfaced.

Glad to hear you're nearing the end pharmakos, one final push man! You show those rapidly reproducing cells who's boss!

JAG, you're neighbors sound trashy as heck. Can't say I've never had neighbors like that though. When I lived in Arkansas I lived in a real ghetto neighborhood and shit got real weird sometimes. Hell someone got shot in front of my house one time and the police barred me from returning home till the next day.
I started reading a comparative religion book called 'Jesus Buddha Krishna Lao Tzu: The Parallel Sayings'- basically it is epic wisdom that unites the different religions and philosophies. Great reading for the times.


I read a book called " The second comming of christ, the resurrction of the christ within you" by paramahansa yogananda. It basically outlines the parallels of indian based spirituality and christ real message. Its a pretty hefty volume, pretty interesting.

I was brainwashed southern baptist til I was 17. Shit was a motherfucker to de program. Over a decade deep and I am just now really good with it.

Thosr motherfuckers &#55357;&#56846;
Nothing beats a good book, though sex and drugs come close. :D
I've just finished Bill Bryson's A Short History of Nearly Everything. Fucken fascinated read, great overview of basic scientific theory and history of scientific discovery. Quite amusing too.
Nothing beats a good book, though sex and drugs come close. :D
Haha right! I've not been reading much whitin the last year, but really got back into with some classics(One of Flow Over a Kuckcoo's Nest, hadn't read some how!! Rereading Frankenstein, and finishing up many David Mitchell novels((one of the best newer authors I've read in a long time..). Nothin' much better than a good book!<3!

Meomries are all we have! Never forget them!
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thanks guys. btw my last round of chemo starts on may 9th and ends on that friday. assuming everything keeps going as anticipated (which it has so far) i'll be free and clear then. almost there! i can do it.

Alright man! Awesome! :)
I only have about 2 1/2 weeks to get everything ready to move to a new state. I'm pretty stressed about it, but I know it'll come together. Then it's 7 weeks of training for a new job, while simultaneously hunting for a permanent residence. Oh, and I need to start planning a wedding during all this. But after that, I'll be starting out making 3 times what I do now, with full benefits, and retirement, working in a field I've been trying to get into for 2 years.
That's fucking awesome man, congrats. :)

Jesus christ, this Nord is awesome. I'm in love. <3

My weekend is ruined. Levitation in ATX got cancelled due to weather. No Animal Collective and acid for me...

On the bright side, I get to save the ~200 bucks I would have spent...
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Just got back from a mini vacation to a Sanibel. I'm not sure what highlighted the trip more between the the endless fishing, the restaurants, or the 3-meo-pcp + AL-LAD combo. Probably the latter. This combination was most excellent, it really reminded me of the Gumby land vibe i get from mxe + 2c-b, yet this was more like swimming through the eternal depths of Laffy Taffy. Blissful, calm, connected, visually stunning although not distorted. Set and setting was optimal by far, and the tourists and locals alike were happily jiving with my uncontrollable laughter, probably chalking it up to a strong doobie in the woods.

Twas my first time with AL-LAD and I think i prefer it to LSD. I probably wouldn't be able to tell them apart in a blind study though, i just think AL-LAD felt a little more organic and slightly less electric, but probably largely due to optimal set and setting.

It's been a few days now since my gram of 3-meo-pcp met it's wits end, and while I'll enjoy a nice break from it, I can't wait to get some more... hopefully along with some 1P-LSD this time. Honestly I can't imagine a better trip than dissociative + psychedelic, it is always perfect for me.
Ah man. Ald 52 is quite possibly the greatest drug I've ever done. Had the most orgasmic trip. Pure bliss opiate like almost. So fucking clean.
Ah man. Ald 52 is quite possibly the greatest drug I've ever done. Had the most orgasmic trip. Pure bliss opiate like almost. So fucking clean.

Oh man everyone says that, I'm so excited. :) I have 250ug waiting for me to take, it will be either next weekend at a music festival where I'm going with one of the bands as a VIP, or tomorrow. But tomorrow will probably be DOC, as I'm going on an intense all-day hike with a really good friend... but then jamming. Hmm, do you have an opinion on the better set and setting?
Hmm. Its not nearly as stimmy as acid is. Real lucid. Not really sedating either but the wife and I were content just melting into the floor being blown away by beats antique.

I believe this to be the mystery doses I had many years ago. It's like all the good parts of acid distilled into a cleaner less demanding headspace. The perfect psychedelic or drug for that matter. I'd recommend some zofran if you have it. Wasn't bad or anything but we both had some minor GI discomfort.

Prolly go with doc for the hike. Save the ald for a more relaxing time. Its the shit though. I want to do it again today and I haven't slept yet. I'd do it every day if I could prolly lol.

Basically no anxiety or excessive stimulation. Not as much manic energy. Just smooth sailing. No comedown or crash just gently eased you down. A little shorter acting. Died down considerablu after about 6 hours but lasted prolly 8 or 9 at 1.5 tabs for me. I am usually wiped out for days after acid. This just leaves you feeling pristine. Had a great afterglow all day.

Next time gonna shoot for 375 bc there is really,nothing bad that could happen from this. It's just too gentle and perfect. I also spilt my dose into two and took it 30 min apart and I think that made it even more candy flip like. It's prob 25 percent or so less potent than ac9d by my calculations but for now but I like it better and acid is by far my fav9rite.

Will update with some more when I get some sleep. It's my new favorite drug though for sure. Sickness.
ALD-52 is indeed quite special. I've got a trip planned for next weekend and I can't decide whether I want to take ALD-52 or LSD. I also can't decide if I wana do it solo or if I wana include some friends. They generally rely on me for doses though so I'd be out another 10% of my lifetime stash if I included peeps... Tough decisions to be made!

I can't get over how bummed I am about not getting to see Animal Collective. I'd been planning the trip for months and like that *poof* the weather fucked me outa seein them :(
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