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☮ Social ☮ [PD Social General Talk Thread] Observation Tank for Fractallized Redundancy Modules

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As an outsider to both of those, Australia seems even worse. Did you know they have an internet filter?

In practical terms, this doesn't mean much. I'm Australian, have never encountered a blocked website... In fact, I am highly sceptical as to the existence of this filter.

edit: but Australia is a real nanny-state these days and historically. At least in terms of drugs. It is ironic that I am always less than ten minutes from a strong dose of legal opiates. :\
Hey everyone. Hard to believe I joined this site over 10 years ago!

Taken any pictures lately, Dondante? (that was you, right?)

Not many lately, but looking forward to spending time in the mountains soon. :)

Took this one on my 32nd birthday.


Made plans to be at the top of this mountain on my 33rd...

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And I took these fireworks photos that I think turned out pretty well. :) No photoshop...just playing with focus.



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Hey ! I really liked those fireworks ! Amazing idea to de-focus the motion. They look kind of like mandalas.
yeah amazing stuff. especially since you didn't use any image editing / PS for those
TAC, no I think the thread I remembered was many more pages and was a general disso music thread rather than MXE. I'll try to find it, got some great tunes outa it.

I've also been to Costa Rica before, I spent a week there last summer and it really was just absolutely gorgeous. The women there are really, really hot too, or at least I was having sex withdrawals or something while I was there, I went with my family so no girlfriend and no sex... You're gonna go with your woman (right?), otherwise I'd say pork some big bootied latinas for me mate hahah! Everyone there is so damn relaxed all the time too, they really do live the whole pura vida mantra. Even if people are poor as hell down there they're happier than us sorry ass first world sons of bitches. You'll love it man!

Guys I think I'm starting to have a problem with alcohol... only on the weekends, but alcoholism shows itself in many different forms I've come to realize. Last weekend I woke up after a crazy party in the back of my god damned car not knowing how I got there. This weekend I drank all day Saturday (literally from the am to the am...) and wound up luckily waking up in my friends room, but still not knowing how I'd got there. I spent most of Sunday feeling like complete ass and on the verge of puking. When I drink, I drink to the point of blacking out, about 50% of the time... It's only on weekends, but still... blacking out. I know I need to slow my roll but I just end up doing it again and again and again and I can't reason with my drunk self. Thank god I swore off hard liquor a few months back. At least the beer keeps me from reaching the intense alcohol poisoning that I always experience when I drink liquor since I can't effin control myself.

Have a good week guys.
got a psychedelic/dissociative care package today from a friend. the intent was for me to hold onto it until after i was done with chemo, but temptation set in and i dipped into the MXE. and i am glad i did. took about 50mg orally. i have an ubertolerance to dissociatives so that's not much of a dose. but for the first time since i started chemo i just feel... okay. no worries, no anxiety, no boredom, no apathy. a bit of a sense of purpose and just.... okay. thanks for the help compadre. :)

finished round three of chemo on friday, this weekend was really rough. today was the first day that i almost felt normal since finishing that cycle. also this morning was the first time i was able to eat solid food in 48 hours, heh.... hopefully i feel okay when i wake up tomorrow, after taking MXE tonight. i bet i will, but yeah -- i've gotten to the point where i always hope for the best, but prepare for the worst. definitely going to sleep with a bucket next to me in case my stomach turns on me in the night.
Synchronicity apparently, as it was the same for me! Minus the disscociatives, I would've loved a dose of MXE(been anxious/a bit depressed/scattered as of late, so a nice dose of MXE would've been outstanding), but I've had enough disscociatives for a lifetime(not that I don't want anymore though!;)). Tripping on some DOC. First time I've tripped in a few months and it's astounding as always. I feel at peace and serene. A feeling I've been pretty much lacking, except maybe for some fleeting moments as of late. I really don't like not tripping at least once every few months, so I'm pretty estatic! Just listening to some tunes, chilling, playing with my dog, and happened to catch up with an old friend I'd lost contact with nearly a few years ago. Like me he's struggled but hanging in there.

I hate when I lose focus, became too anxious, and begin to lose sight of the important small things. Like that every moments a gift, whether beautiful or ugly. Sometimes I need grounding to remember to exist only in this present moment as much as I possibly can! For whatever reason psychedelics always reaffirm this, in many ways.

Sippin' on some mixed drinks wishing I had some weed, but simply appreciating what I do have, and being truly thankful for that in simplicity...! About ready to get outside for a good walk though!

240, my name isn't Help?!?! by coincidence, it's what I'm here for!;);)

Good to hear TNW! There's been many times, where I was..."lost at sea", and dissociatives(primarily ket and MXE), managed to bring me home. It's why I treasure them so highly. They, in conjugation with psychedelics always manage to humble me and remind me of the things that day to day living cause me to overlook or forget. <3's guys!
Right on pharmakos. Something about MXE always gives me a sense of everything being alright and the future holding something special for me, it's one amazing ass drug!
Good to hear TNW :) You've been circulating through my thought glands a bit recently. I'm glad you've found some respite...
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Dondante, please keep posting your incredible photos!

Guys I think I'm starting to have a problem with alcohol... only on the weekends, but alcoholism shows itself in many different forms I've come to realize. Last weekend I woke up after a crazy party in the back of my god damned car not knowing how I got there. This weekend I drank all day Saturday (literally from the am to the am...) and wound up luckily waking up in my friends room, but still not knowing how I'd got there. I spent most of Sunday feeling like complete ass and on the verge of puking. When I drink, I drink to the point of blacking out, about 50% of the time... It's only on weekends, but still... blacking out. I know I need to slow my roll but I just end up doing it again and again and again and I can't reason with my drunk self. Thank god I swore off hard liquor a few months back. At least the beer keeps me from reaching the intense alcohol poisoning that I always experience when I drink liquor since I can't effin control myself.

Try a 4-AcO-DMT trip maybe... that chem always seemed like a really sharp addiction-killer. Also maybe try smoking a bit of weed whenever you want to drink; it might reduce the urge.
TAC, no I think the thread I remembered was many more pages and was a general disso music thread rather than MXE. I'll try to find it, got some great tunes outa it.

I've also been to Costa Rica before, I spent a week there last summer and it really was just absolutely gorgeous. The women there are really, really hot too, or at least I was having sex withdrawals or something while I was there, I went with my family so no girlfriend and no sex... You're gonna go with your woman (right?), otherwise I'd say pork some big bootied latinas for me mate hahah! Everyone there is so damn relaxed all the time too, they really do live the whole pura vida mantra. Even if people are poor as hell down there they're happier than us sorry ass first world sons of bitches. You'll love it man!

Guys I think I'm starting to have a problem with alcohol... only on the weekends, but alcoholism shows itself in many different forms I've come to realize. Last weekend I woke up after a crazy party in the back of my god damned car not knowing how I got there. This weekend I drank all day Saturday (literally from the am to the am...) and wound up luckily waking up in my friends room, but still not knowing how I'd got there. I spent most of Sunday feeling like complete ass and on the verge of puking. When I drink, I drink to the point of blacking out, about 50% of the time... It's only on weekends, but still... blacking out. I know I need to slow my roll but I just end up doing it again and again and again and I can't reason with my drunk self. Thank god I swore off hard liquor a few months back. At least the beer keeps me from reaching the intense alcohol poisoning that I always experience when I drink liquor since I can't effin control myself.

Have a good week guys.

relax dude. you are not an alky. getting drunk one time a week does not an alky make. yes i am an alky. you are not. when you drink booze at 7 am 7 days a week get back with me. stop blacking out. getting drunk is a sign of youth. not getting drunk is a sign of the alkihalism.

glad to see you are holding up alright pharmakos. :)

so there was this strong acetone smell coming from inside my apt. going on for hours and twas strange. strange enough i called the fire dept. didn't want the coppers out but the FD called em in. tried to shake the guys hand when he showed up. he doesn't shake hands apparently. thought i was cooking meff or something. told me to call the landlord. gee thanks for the tip lol. still never figured out what it was but going away now. strong for a long while tho so wtf? my lady doesn't do nails and what not.

in other news. got some ALD laying round now. just waiting on the right day to drop. gonna put this question in my head to rest. if im right, these were the best doses ive ever had (many moons ago) and has been confusing me for a long time now in regards to acid 'purity'. todays not the day but coming soon. no eth lad sample. dammn.
Last night was my bass player friend's birthday. He joined a different band, and we haven't really chilled in a while and it's been even longer since we played music together. We jammed, just the two of us, while on 3-MeO-PCE, 3-MeO-PCP, MXE, and we started while coming up on some 4-AcO-MET also. Going into it we both weren't even sure we'd be able to control our bodies enough to play, the level of dissociation was extreme. But then we started and it was like something took hold of both of us. Our friend was also there listening, and all three of us became swept up in a living, breathing entity conjured through the music that we were barely aware of how we were playing. The music told a complex, epic narrative, it felt like I was reading an epic fantasy book, with tragedy, beauty, happiness, drama... every little note represented something, the picture was SO clear. Afterwards we all described the same experience. I've never experienced anything like it before, possibly the most magical-feeling moment I've ever had in my life. My bass player friend said it was his best musical experience of his life to date. It was a spiritual experience honestly, and all 3 of us were so overwhelmed we couldn't even effectively speak for a while afterwards. My friend even cried a little. His hands started moving in a new way that he has never been able to do before, and he felt like he had a breakthrough he's been striving for.

We tried to record it but we were really fuxored in the brains... something did record, I didn't want to try listening though, felt like it would ruin the spell. I'm kind of afraid to listen to it in case we were just really high and it wasn't as awesome as we thought. But at some point I'll find out. :)

Also, here's a jam from a few days ago, for anyone who listens to these when I post them. :)

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Oh and my muthafuckin NORD is coming in the mail tomorrow! I'm so pumped I might explode! Took a little over a year but I have my fully professional setup finally. Moog Sub-Phatty and Nord Electro 2. Now to get some pedals...
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