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☮ Social ☮ [PD Social General Talk Thread] Observation Tank for Fractallized Redundancy Modules

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My cat is a great friend to me, although he's getting old and fat and ornery and has asthma :( Asthma is newly developing. I'm not quite sure he would tolerate inhaled/nebulized medications very well without at the very least scratching the shit out of me (I can barely cut his claws without it turning bloody.) I might start him on some corticosteroids. I'm not a vet, though, so I'll take him to one to explore the options ...

I'd recommend one as a friend to just about anyone. They are wonderful little creatures, low maintenance and can be very affectionate, as well as amusing and almost unbearably cute (for well-documented psychological reasons ... as an inborn mechanism for us to protect little human babies, we can't resist large foreheads and wide eyes ... the ears, while not like a human baby's, always get me too :) ...)

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Any of you watch the new muppets show?
Its hilarious. I just watched rhe first episode show.
I'm sure many of you have seen this, but I'll post it just in case some haven't; with all the talk of cats and pets it seems relevant ;)

You have the Russian Big Muff? I have one of those.
I could discuss guitar tones for hours, because i have found that magic formula and achieved the Sound I've Been Looking For...but for me personally it has nothing to do with pedals, and everything to do with the right amp and guitar combination.
I used to use a bunch of pedals (fuzz, delay, tremolo, chorus, etc) but when i got my Gretsch, and my Laney Lionheart british class A tube amp, the tone was so sweet that i didn't want to "pollute" it with cheap stomp boxes.
Generally the fuzz i use is just amp overdrive, which is reasonably subtle but so warm and crunchy, it sounds like a Kinks record or something else from the mid-60s. Gives me a lot to work with.
Plus, my amp is only 20 watt (with 4x10 inch speakers) so it is always cranked when i'm playing with drums and other instruments - so it breaks up all on its own. I can't really get a "clean" sound out of my amp, which i love!
I've heard blackstar are pretty good, what is yours like?
Suppose i am pretty lucky to have such a nice guitar and good all-round sound - but to be honest i'd rather spend the money on a really good guitar and amp than have heaps of effect pedals. Mine have been gathering dust for the last 4 years or so - and i've never had better guitar sound :)
Sorry, I didn't notice you replied until now!
I have a big miff nano with the wicker switch, not a sovtek one. Sovteks in western EU are hard to come by and if there are any, they're usually sold for big bucks. I'm very happy with the new ones EH put out, though.

I get what you mean that a good guitar, decent pickups and a tube amp should output that sound you need. Everything else could be just a distraction. That's true, that's why I always start at the vanilla experience, guitar, amp and then tweak and only add on top what I need. I used to set up different pedals in a row, just to experiment, but nowadays, I usually stick to an analog delay and/or the big muff.
From what I hear, the sound you're going for, is the same sound I'm looking for, more or less. I am in love with the sound Dan Auerbach can blast through his earlier Black Keys albums, my favorite being Rubber Factory. (next to Thickfreakness) There's a very delicate balance between a wall of noise and that beautiful crunchy, cranked fuzz that still allows for warm, creamy singe tones.

Also, Gretch <3! I LOVE Gretsch guitars. They were a little out of budget, which is why I went for an Epiphone dot, a semi-hollowbody and although I love the guitar, the pickups are a little boring. I'm thinking about setting it up with P90's, but those alone cost more than my epiphone. Perhaps I should rather save for a Gretsch. Just the look of them. Pure sex :) If I ever win the lottery, my ultimate guitar would be a harmony H78.

I don't do gigs, I am a bonafide living room rockstar, so a 20 watt tube amp would probably turn my street against me :) Tube amps sound absolutely gorgeous, especially cranked but sweet baby batman, they're LOUD. I have the Blackstar HT-5R combo. Currently, it's the best thing I have in my gear. They sound fantastic, even low, crank very easily, very versatile, very sturdy and decent stuff and only at 5w. They also come with a switch that more or less allows you to switch between American sounding tubes or British tubes. Mine is stuck at British at the moment.
Cats have definitely grown on me since living with my current housemates, and further since meeting my current partner. I used to loathe them as my only experience with them were the once the front yard of my parent's place trying to kill the native birds, and my previous housemate's which was an outdoor cat and a little grumpy shit.

The cat I live with now is cute and friendly, but bloody annoying sometimes haha. He's like a spoiled little sook. Playful and you can really fuck with him before he gets the shits, but just a whiny shit.

My partner had a very talkative predominantly outdoor cat until recently, as he unfortunately hasn't come home and it's been 2 or so months now :( I actually really liked him, he'd always have plenty to say when I'd come over and was so calm and easy to deal with...though a little while before he stopped coming home, we adopted another kitten who's now growing into a rather pretty black and white girl. She's fairly playful :)
It most certainly is, in IMO the latter of 14, this year, and 08-10, were the best socials. It dropped off a bit like it can as we psychonauts are some of either the most transient or stable parts of BL, besides maybe the lounge... PS, SLR, and such are close but I don't think even the lounge has the comradey of PD. A lot of us(TNW, Xork, SKL, Solipsis, Shambles((he's abandoned us now though..!:'(;))), Transform, NKB/THR, TAC, Laika, etc), have been here near a decade. I can remember lurking here in 06 soaking up Cosmic Charlie's, Xorkoth, Solipsis's knowledge as I began my psychedelic journey! I wished I would've joined then but...ya know life and stuff. It is true that psychedelics will truly bring people together, I think it's also that while many of us know other trippers in life, they might not be as....crazed or overzealous per say as we are in our psychedelic endeavorsor studies as we are. This makes the social and such a sort of ideal if haven for some or most of us.

Yeah I miss the 06/07 days, to me those were the golden years of PD... PD social started then. I was modding then too (damn it's been a long time). This place helped me so much then because like you said, I didn't have anyone in my "real" life to talk about my experiences with on any kind of level I needed/wanted to talk about them. It would have been so much harder to navigate those times without a place to get together and discuss it. I also wouldn't have my current "friendship family" where I live without PD and those years.

Can you smell the INDOLE in the air?


Personally, further down the line I want a cat. They're assholes, but really I think they're the best happy-medium of low maintenance and sociability. Dogs demand too much time, reptiles/rodents/fish are hard to interact with at times. Don't get me wrong, I love my little piggy, and I love my ball python, and I loved when I had a fish tank, but the simple fact of the matter is you can't really play with them.

If you do decide on a reptile, I recommend doing as much research as possible on their habits and needs beforehand. My ball python will live for up to 30+ years, it was a big decision when I chose to get her, and I've had to do a lot of learning in order to deal with her needs. If you ever want any tips on where to look for information I have a lot saved on my computer from when I was researching ball pythons.

Cats are amazing little creatures. Although they are quite alien to humans in many ways, I find that in a relationship with a human they are more human-like than dogs. I say this because with a cat, you really have to give them the same respect you'd give a human. If you're an asshole to them, they're not going to like you very much. You've got to really respect a cat, and they'll show you their true selves and open up. I've had my boy cat since he was born (I have his mom too), and I have always been very sweet and snuggly with him, and he grew up to be the sweetest cat on the planet. He loves me so much, my girlfriend says he's obsessed with me (and now he's pretty obsessed with her too). He wants to face nuzzle and snuggle with me all the time. In bed he'll snuggle up to me and sleep with his cheek pressed up to mine, or do everything in his power to snuggle between me and her if she's spending the night. As I type this I have both cats sleeping on my lap. :)

Above all, cats are very individual and independent creatures. They're doing their own thing, but if you're close that thing will include you.

They bring so much to my life, getting them was one of the best decisions I've ever made. <3

Oh my god, I can't stand the band drama. One of the guitar players started dating a girl a few months ago, she's a singer, and before long he invited her to join the band. Ever since she joined it's drama, drama, drama. I became aware of it when she tried to manipulate me and get me to take "sides" against the bass player, who is one of my best friends. She was trying to get him kicked out, and said that "everyone" agrees, but that isn't true. She is fixated on this idea that he's irresponsible and selfish and a bad person and she really has it in for him. It's been 2 days in a row now of facebook group chat attacking of him by her. And her boyfriend joins in, he used to have a problem with the bass player on his own but they seemed to have gotten past that until she came around. The bass player's mom, without consulting him on timing, bought him a plane ticket to go on a trip with his dad, which coincides with a show we have scheduled. He's working as hard as he can to find a replacement stand-in and teach him the material, but they're accusing him of not being dedicated to the band, which is laughable because no one cares about it or works as hard at it as him. He's an integral part of what's going on, and she just sings 2 songs and doesn't play anything and constantly complains that she should be a bigger part of the band, but she doesn't do anything about it, she expects us to MAKE her a bigger part of the band. Meanwhile, they go out of town and are just like, sorry, guess you're out a band member. Yesterday she laid into him about not being able to make a practice today, and then after hours of annoying drama and personal attacks she ends it with, oh, and I'm not going to make it to practice today because I feel a little under the weather. 8) Today she REAMED him out publicly in response to his trying to say it's going to be fine, the stand-in will be able to do it and to try not to worry too much because we have over 2 weeks to prepare. Then her boyfriend joined in. It was madness, incredibly immature and mean. All kinds of intense personal attacks, calling his character as a human being into question, etc. Eventually I stepped in and said that this was really inappropriate and mean-spirited and that the correct course of action if you have a problem with someone is to bring it up with them privately, and that all this accomplished was increasing the negativity. She turned on me then and accused me of just trying to avoid conflict and turn it around on her, and that I have a "weird" loyalty to my bass player friend. I mean I do have loyalty to him, he's a really good friend and we're close, and I defend my friends. If she could prove herself a friend and not some power-grubbing, immature, selfish and destructive person I can't trust, I'd be the same way with her. It really bothers me the way they portray him, because it's mean and inaccurate. I know him well and he's a beautiful person, I trust him with music as well as being focused on the right things regarding a music career than any of them. I get that he can be difficult to live with sometimes but no one's perfect, and he's a good dude who I trust with my life, a really conscious and thoughtful and nice person. And she's always getting in the other guitar player's ear and trying to turn him against the bass player... they are roommates and also really good friends and today he took sides with them. It makes me nervous because the core group, the 5 of us who I want to play with no matter what, have always been tight, we've had discussions that if things don't work out with the other 2 that we'll still have our band and it will just be a little bump. I resent the fact that she's always trying to get in the middle of that as much or more than anything else she does. Her boyfriend used to do that too, he seemed to have chilled out about it but I never really feel like I can trust him all the way and today reminded me of that.

Ever since she came around she's been a destabilizing and corrosive influence on the band. I hope she quits. Today she ended the conversation by saying that if the group situation doesn't improve soon, she's leaving. She meant it as a threat, but I hope it happens. She's nothing but a bad thing for us. Most days there's some sort of drama and it's ALWAYS from her. The group dynamic was going fine until she came along, there were issues that came up but we dealt with them and were in a good place.

I hardly ever get and stay mad at anyone, but I can't stand her anymore. She's only looking out for herself and her boyfriend, I think she'd ditch the rest of us if it would get them "farther". She's manipulative, mean, immature, and unstable. And she's entitled too... she constantly pressures us about making her more of a controlling force in the band (I believe she wants it to be her and her boyfriend's band and the rest of us be the band featuring them), but the fact is, she wrote and sings 2 songs that are pretty good, doesn't play anything, and isn't willing to learn to play anything, even alternate percussion. She wants to sing backup vocals but she expects us to tell her what to sing note by note. We even wrote the music for her songs, she just wrote the basic structure, words and melody. None of the rest of us were told what to do... we're big parts of every song because we make that happen, we invent our parts and try new things. Someone doesn't make that happen for you, you make it happen for yourself.

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^Has she been the female voice in all your recent jams?

If so, I disliked her from the first time I heard her voice (no offense) hahah. I'm very particular about the style of female vocals I like and dislike, and that's a style I dislike.

People say Janis Joplin was an amazing singer and I can't really seem to stomach her. But I'm not really a fan of 'hard' rock either, so that probably has something to do with it. That's not to say there aren't Big Brother and the Holding Company songs I like. I'm just more a fan of the band itself rather than just Janis. When I see people with Janis Joplin t-shirts I have to wonder if they even know that she was part of a band and not a solo act.

I also hate nickelback style male vocals hahahah.
jeez buddy, that sounds intense. Drama sucks, esp in a band. Time to step up man, give her the boot. You are an original member. You have pull man. Be assertive without being aggressive or emotional. Got to fight for what you love, and be loyal to your friends. Honestly it all sounds a bit childish and bad vibes.

Haven't checked out the new jams yet, but soon. :)

Did a few blues and bags the other day, was in a bad spot. Don't know if im in withdrawal from that or the booze im phasing out. Been a fucked up few weeks brothers and sisters. My health is seriously questionable. I may have a lot of things going on but I don't know what. Pancreatitis, appendicitis, some enzyme problem, autonomic dysfunction, B12 deficiency, chest pains. Definitely something neurological. Something is wrong with my brain and body. I fucking hate zyprexa. Serious things, but don't know where to start and I don't have insurance but def sick. Been sick now for about 13-14 months and its kind of plateaued out into this mess. Even been hallucinating some and I aint talking fractals. Fucking fuck man.

Saving my money and plan on being back in lovely Denver by Jan 1. Gotta go, ya know. Sometimes I just get that urge. Hate feeling trapped. I miss my home and need to get out of here. I need mountains in my life, music, legal weed, good peeps, things to do, snowboarding, etc.

My iboga TA shipped out a little while ago. Not well enough to use it yet, but otw. After I get some tests, I will probably just take like 500 mg to test the waters. Maybe it will help. Not sure though if its safe for me to do so with everything going on. Don't know what's going on with me, but it seems like my health and life is falling apart.
^Sorry to hear about your health issues man, good luck figuring that out. <3 I bet home and the mountain air will do you good. :)

^Has she been the female voice in all your recent jams?

If so, I disliked her from the first time I heard her voice (no offense) hahah. I'm very particular about the style of female vocals I like and dislike, and that's a style I dislike.

People say Janis Joplin was an amazing singer and I can't really seem to stomach her. But I'm not really a fan of 'hard' rock either, so that probably has something to do with it. That's not to say there aren't Big Brother and the Holding Company songs I like. I'm just more a fan of the band itself rather than just Janis. When I see people with Janis Joplin t-shirts I have to wonder if they even know that she was part of a band and not a solo act.

I also hate nickelback style male vocals hahahah.

Yeah any time there's a female voice it's her. I like her voice, but not the other stuff about her.

Problem is, for some reason the guitar player (another founding member) keeps wanting to give her another chance. But now 3 of us at least are firmly on the side of not wanting to deal with it. She texted me a bit ago and apologized for attacking me. I just said thanks. It wasn't her attacking me that made me mad anyway.

it's just like, who does she think she is? She came into an existing band very recently and immediately decided she deserves to have the same say as everyone else, demands that we make her a bigger part of it (as if we can make her anything, she has to make herself what she wants), and turns every little thing into drama. She called a band meeting (which I had to cancel plans with my girlfriend for) basically to say she doesn't appreciate how we ignore her on facebook and she doesn't live there so she wants us to communicate everything we talk about with her. I don't live there either, she hardly ever comes over and misses practices, and I'm over there all the time playing music. You can't force this kind of thing, she's free to get as involved as she wants. The sense of entitlement is so aggravating. If you sing on 2 songs and come into an existing band and don't play any other instruments, why do you expect to be as big a part as everyone else?

jeez buddy, that sounds intense. Drama sucks, esp in a band. Time to step up man, give her the boot. You are an original member. You have pull man. Be assertive without being aggressive or emotional. Got to fight for what you love, and be loyal to your friends. Honestly it all sounds a bit childish and bad vibes.

It's really childish. It's so ironic because she's always on about how enlightened and spiritual she is. Her grandma fancies herself some sort of priestess and this girl basically repeats everything her grandma says. Her grandma basically tells anyone who disagrees with her that they're just ignorant and unenligIt's all so ignorantly new-agey, it's like anything in that realm she latches onto instantly. Yet she's so unaware of her own behaviors and thought patterns. She's got a lot of growing up to do. She acts like a teenager but she's 22 years old.

I find that people who constantly try to convince others of things about themselves tend to be lacking the very things they're professing. Being judgmental, to me, isn't enlightened (whatever that even is). Neither is thinking you have all the answers, because none of us do.
That's pretty frustrating sounding man. I haven't met many people like that, but the ones I have known, get people pissed off at them pretty frequently.

Man, I've been feeling a general sense of physical weakness all this week for some reason. Last night I slept well, got 8 hours, and yet I just took a two hour nap and still feel exhausted. The two days prior, I just felt queasy all day and couldn't get myself to do much of anything. I'm beginning to wonder if I've caught some sorta illness or something.
Yeah, for the time my father's insurance covers me. I'm gonna setup an appointment with a general practitioner next week, it was too late to call today. I've had some concerns about my health for weeks, it's about time I went in and got a check up.

Oh my god, I can't stand the band drama. One of the guitar players started dating a girl a few months ago, she's a singer, and before long he invited her to join the band. Ever since she joined it's drama, drama, drama. I became aware of it when she tried to manipulate me and get me to take "sides" against the bass player, who is one of my best friends. She was trying to get him kicked out, and said that "everyone" agrees, but that isn't true. She is fixated on this idea that he's irresponsible and selfish and a bad person and she really has it in for him. It's been 2 days in a row now of facebook group chat attacking of him by her. And her boyfriend joins in, he used to have a problem with the bass player on his own but they seemed to have gotten past that until she came around. The bass player's mom, without consulting him on timing, bought him a plane ticket to go on a trip with his dad, which coincides with a show we have scheduled. He's working as hard as he can to find a replacement stand-in and teach him the material, but they're accusing him of not being dedicated to the band, which is laughable because no one cares about it or works as hard at it as him. He's an integral part of what's going on, and she just sings 2 songs and doesn't play anything and constantly complains that she should be a bigger part of the band, but she doesn't do anything about it, she expects us to MAKE her a bigger part of the band. Meanwhile, they go out of town and are just like, sorry, guess you're out a band member. Yesterday she laid into him about not being able to make a practice today, and then after hours of annoying drama and personal attacks she ends it with, oh, and I'm not going to make it to practice today because I feel a little under the weather. 8) Today she REAMED him out publicly in response to his trying to say it's going to be fine, the stand-in will be able to do it and to try not to worry too much because we have over 2 weeks to prepare. Then her boyfriend joined in. It was madness, incredibly immature and mean. All kinds of intense personal attacks, calling his character as a human being into question, etc. Eventually I stepped in and said that this was really inappropriate and mean-spirited and that the correct course of action if you have a problem with someone is to bring it up with them privately, and that all this accomplished was increasing the negativity. She turned on me then and accused me of just trying to avoid conflict and turn it around on her, and that I have a "weird" loyalty to my bass player friend. I mean I do have loyalty to him, he's a really good friend and we're close, and I defend my friends. If she could prove herself a friend and not some power-grubbing, immature, selfish and destructive person I can't trust, I'd be the same way with her. It really bothers me the way they portray him, because it's mean and inaccurate. I know him well and he's a beautiful person, I trust him with music as well as being focused on the right things regarding a music career than any of them. I get that he can be difficult to live with sometimes but no one's perfect, and he's a good dude who I trust with my life, a really conscious and thoughtful and nice person. And she's always getting in the other guitar player's ear and trying to turn him against the bass player... they are roommates and also really good friends and today he took sides with them. It makes me nervous because the core group, the 5 of us who I want to play with no matter what, have always been tight, we've had discussions that if things don't work out with the other 2 that we'll still have our band and it will just be a little bump. I resent the fact that she's always trying to get in the middle of that as much or more than anything else she does. Her boyfriend used to do that too, he seemed to have chilled out about it but I never really feel like I can trust him all the way and today reminded me of that.

Ever since she came around she's been a destabilizing and corrosive influence on the band. I hope she quits. Today she ended the conversation by saying that if the group situation doesn't improve soon, she's leaving. She meant it as a threat, but I hope it happens. She's nothing but a bad thing for us. Most days there's some sort of drama and it's ALWAYS from her. The group dynamic was going fine until she came along, there were issues that came up but we dealt with them and were in a good place.

I hardly ever get and stay mad at anyone, but I can't stand her anymore. She's only looking out for herself and her boyfriend, I think she'd ditch the rest of us if it would get them "farther". She's manipulative, mean, immature, and unstable. And she's entitled too... she constantly pressures us about making her more of a controlling force in the band (I believe she wants it to be her and her boyfriend's band and the rest of us be the band featuring them), but the fact is, she wrote and sings 2 songs that are pretty good, doesn't play anything, and isn't willing to learn to play anything, even alternate percussion. She wants to sing backup vocals but she expects us to tell her what to sing note by note. We even wrote the music for her songs, she just wrote the basic structure, words and melody. None of the rest of us were told what to do... we're big parts of every song because we make that happen, we invent our parts and try new things. Someone doesn't make that happen for you, you make it happen for yourself.


"Oh, shit, well why didn't you say that sooner....sounds good"

But seriously, I feel your pain mate. While I seemingly manage to avoid such ridiculous shit these days, I still know what it's like to have someone weasel their way into something like a friendship/group and start messing shit up and acting as though they're the centre of everything. Expel this plague. Consider the use of napalm.
I have some medical problems, too, some brought on by hard living over the years, chronic back pain, some GI problems and am going to have to go under the knife sometime soonish for a hernia repair, I haven't seen a GP in years because I usually treat myself but it's beyond that now. Kind of stupid because I have good insurance but medical people usually come in two types, those who are super neurotic about their health and those who hate being patients. I'm the latter. I'm also super worried about the surgery because of my alcohol issues, I'll need to make sure that the anaesthesia people know to adjust accordingly, and if I have to stay over I'll probably need Librium or Ativan... and then not to mention, the stigma around my past lifestyle choices makes it hard to get adequate meds for pain when I am honest with my providers. I'm blessed with a good psychiatrist though.
Man, tomorrow I'll be two whole weeks sober from pot, the longest break I've had from pot since I started toking over four years ago... and I'm listening to some seriously wobby old dubstep right now that I hadn't heard since my earliest days of toking, and all I can think is, "Damn, this would be so much better if I was blazing a fat blunt."

I could not get a job soon enough. I'm sick of worrying about drug tests and being broke. Why must society oppress my fun!?
Ahh man you guys! The one and only good thing that came out of being injured years ago was that the hospital/health care really was supportive because my insurance lapsed and I was going to be in major shit, but thanfully my nurse was super cute, kind, and understanding! She, and the hospital, since I was injured, helped me get on a really good Medicaid plan from the gov. That was a savior and I was so happy to have some help?!?. I still have thank god, or I'd be even more sunk in medical shit then I am. It's great when angelic people swoop down to help you, because without her suggestion, and then the hospitals help id be much more sunk in med bills then I am!

Sorry to 240! That's why I'm hoping on November 6th OH get legal MJ or at least a med act so I can finally grow some pot legal. I have dreams, Death Star Herrer strains(my thought on an original cross strain!), and such! Let's move forward instead of back!
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Legal pot is a good century away in my state unfortunately :( and fucking hell, even in legal states, your employer can still fire you for smoking herb.

I mean, it never stopped me from toking before, and it won't in the future once I have gainful employment... but until then (which will hopefully be soon!) I'm gonna have to sit around sober as a judge. Can't even afford to buy any beer right now.

I have another job interview on Friday, but it's at a place I have no interest in working at... I just have no better options at this point. I want to use my History degree to become a high school teacher in the future, but I would need certification, which will cost me a couple thousand bucks, which I don't have... it's an endless cycle: can't work because I'm not qualified, can't get qualified because I can't pay for it, can't pay for it because I can't work, can't work because I'm not qualified... ugh.
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xork said:

That sucks man. I wouldn't be able to put up with that. I read somewhere once, it might have been in the Guru Granth Sahib, that speaking ill of others is like eating their refuse. Maybe fling that one by her sometime, I know that connecting being mean with the image of eating shit/garbage made me a bit more mindful of what I say.

Help?! said:
in IMO the latter of 14, this year, and 08-10, were the best socials

I like how my most active period and modship were in the between years, lol. It makes sense though, I remember for a while it was llama and me keeping the social active, so naturally things were darker and more hard drug oriented in here. Yet there were some good times with Willow, Peppersocks, and Roger (to name a few who ended up in your "etc.") in those years, though I have the distinct impression that we were all quite lost. There was definitely a revival starting in '14, with both old and new faces providing some much needed brightness and vivacity.

skl said:
I grew up in a little dying town, dying because ever since NAFTA

This explains a lot about you. I'm from an idyllic suburb, I came to age as a[n undiagnosed] mentally ill, unskilled laborer/college dropout at the height of the recession, and due to a lengthy period of unemployment, no one wanted me. Plus I was competing for those shitty service positions no one actually wants to do with people who had BA's or were on their way to getting them (there are like 9 colleges in the immediate area). I was raised in the boom times to follow my dreams and told that there's always another opportunity around the corner if you just try, yada yada, you know the spiel. As a young adult, I was unprepared to find that when I wanted in, society slammed the door in my face and told me to die in a gutter (anyone ever enjoyed the lovely combination of autoimmune disease and no health insurance?). I think I can relate to you insofar as we are both intensely critical of society for reasons that have nothing to do with the countercultural predilections covered by this site, although we criticize it from opposite ends of the political spectrum.
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