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☮ Social ☮ PD Social Distancing Tripping Thread: Viruses Can't Penetrate Hyperspace

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Probably going to do a proper trip for the first time in a LONG time this weekend. I've dipped my toe in the water with a few low level experiences over the last couple of months but probably going to do a proper one this weekend.

Both excited and experiencing some trepidation....

Ended up doing 3.5g copelandia cyanescens and a tab on friday night and then three and a half tabs on sunday night.

Friday night was a very beautiful and moving experience, Sunday was less healing but a great deal of fun.

Very positive experiences all in all.
i worry i might of overdone these past few trips it feels like i haven't returned to earth and sometimes just walking around i might get a small flash of the veil / dmt realm. I always knew even with hundreds of trips and making it back that it still possible for anybody to eventually have their reality slip away.

If i dont stop my psychedelic use now it will be playing with fire. I tell myself its a transformation to higher consciouness. There was always a thin line between a mystic and a mad man and that line seems to have blurred and merged together baseline reality with the realms of acid 24/7.
I’m needing a break too... I have visuals sober in the dark now. Less so in a well lit room. Still, time to give it a rest.
i worry i might of overdone these past few trips it feels like i haven't returned to earth and sometimes just walking around i might get a small flash of the veil / dmt realm. I always knew even with hundreds of trips and making it back that it still possible for anybody to eventually have their reality slip away.

If i dont stop my psychedelic use now it will be playing with fire. I tell myself its a transformation to higher consciouness. There was always a thin line between a mystic and a mad man and that line seems to have blurred and merged together baseline reality with the realms of acid 24/7.

There's a couple of people on here who function as representatives of the respective spaces they spearhead, from which they report, and return to base. You know who you are.

You bring colour to bluelight. You bring value to bluelight. Therefore you bring value to humanity. You're like astronauts hanging on a cord from the space station. Together your third eyes form the composite eye of the Terran superorganism. Cutting the cord and flying off into one's own private adventure means bringing blindness to us all. Make no mistake, you would be missed.
There's a couple of people on here who function as representatives of the respective spaces they spearhead, from which they report, and return to base. You know who you are.

You bring colour to bluelight. You bring value to bluelight. Therefore you bring value to humanity. You're like astronauts hanging on a cord from the space station. Together your third eyes form the composite eye of the Terran superorganism. Cutting the cord and flying off into one's own private adventure means bringing blindness to us all. Make no mistake, you would be missed.

Don't encourage recklessness and disregarding one's own intuition. Becoming detached from Earthly life is a real danger.
^How willfully obstinate and presumptuous can you get.. but since you got mod approval there I suppose I'll have to warrant that with an answer..

The bottom line was clear: please don't head off and get lost beyond contact with the rest of us.

If you want to top that off with don't take any risks at all, then your philosophy is but reactive, quite out of touch with the variables we all weigh off in life. Talking about detachment from the Earth... A time of mourning doesn't have to equate a time of preaching, especially when it's frankly uncalled for and you had plenty of margin to read more than negative bias into it.
^How willfully obstinate and presumptuous can you get.. but since you got mod approval there I suppose I'll have to warrant that with an answer..

The bottom line was clear: please don't head off and get lost beyond contact with the rest of us.

If you want to top that off with don't take any risks at all, then your philosophy is but reactive, quite out of touch with the variables we all weigh off in life. Talking about detachment from the Earth... A time of mourning doesn't have to equate a time of preaching, especially when it's frankly uncalled for and you had plenty of margin to read more than negative bias into it.

With all due respect, fuck off, Chris. Re-read your comment and tell me you're not at the least passively dissuading him from what he's shared.
I don’t understand why y’all are arguing on Blacklight day when it comes to harm reduction. I agree with psy that it’s best to take a break if you think you’re overdoing it.
It’s the mission of this website to help keep people from harming themselves via drug use.
And I did not oppose that, which should have been clear for all but the purely sentimental reading opposition in nuance.

It's okay if we get all a bit unsettled today. And if you do need a scapegoat, sure why not go for the obvious one who's used to it. But let's let go of it now, imagine how this quibbling looks to the rawness others face.
^I wasn't even fucked up for this. Just habit. I see distress, I act.

And there the mistake is already made. Some things you just gotta let sink in.

My apologies.
@Chris Timothy I don't understand what you're upset (or if you're upset at all) about here. I don't understand the scapegoat sentence nor your apparent feeling of isolation. Perhaps I'm misunderstanding you?

If there's any reason you feel you're being unjustly treated by any user of this forum please report the post in question or PM one of the forum moderators.

God DAMN that's a lot of DMT!

For my band's show tonight, I am thinking of taking 1/4 hit of ALD-52. For 2 shows ago (a low-pressure house party with a bunch of trippers) I took a half hit and at first it was distracting but once I got warmed up, it was SO GOOD for playing. We're gonna have a lot of people tonight, it's an unofficial aftershow for Umphrey's McGee. Seems appropriate.

Life can be so hard sometimes (most times) but music keeps us alive.
I think I heard this song about 10 years ago when I was hanging out with my first love, my best friend and I took some drugs like methamphetamine and/or shrooms.

There was something magical when my friend put this on and I can't really get that feeling again in this is life I think, I think that feeling is my "chasing the dragon". Those times were something that words can't convey.
It isn't even that like this song is musically speaking amazing or anything or when I listen it nowadays, but it brings those memories. And memories are something that are very valuable for me in this life.
Wonderful news, I'd just found out that very soon i will be starting trials with 5-Methyl-MDA when I'm ready. Excited because this batch is supposed to be legit unlike that BS that went around in 11' or '12 and wasn't even the right drug. Well yeah it was a nice gift and I will write up a report when I get around to taking it. Havent used an Empathogen like MDMA in about 8 years now so if I use it in a loving and therapeutic manner I feel it could help me treat my addiction to downers that is starting to straight up destroy my life. But I'm gonna take a break from all drugs besides Weed the next two weeks. It's going to be good and I'll make my Wife very happy :)
I was interested in this one, being an active structural isomer of MDMA and all, but the few reviews I read didn't sound too promising at all. The 5-methoxy (MMDA) has been on my to-do list for years.

Good to hear you're trying to get off the downers. I take benzos, not too much of a problem but you know, still a daily thing I could probably do without.
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