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☮ Social ☮ PD Social Distancing Tripping Thread: Viruses Can't Penetrate Hyperspace

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That's a nice size dose right there.
5mgs is kinda pushing it without a benzos.

When I'm on Etizolam/ Clonazepam I find it much easier on my body to take high doses of DOC. That stuff is really stimulating for me and I can get some anxiety at times if i take alot. With like 3mgs and lower i can take it on its own just fine.
3.5mg is a very solid dose. I've actually never even taken 5. DOC is the real deal, very introspective, occasionally cosmic but mostly worldly and wise with a good sense of humor. I think of it as LSD and mescaline's love-child. :) It's top-tier material.
It does remind me of LSD quite a bit and would say more than any other Phenethylamine for sure. I think that DOC could be great for the show but so could 2C-EF and now that would be something interesting id say. That place is gonna be really wild and most people take MDMA I would think.

Really wish I bought some of that 4C-D, probably great for combining with other substances. I'd think it would help you take a lower dose of the other and the trip would have a nice flavour.
Maybe more Empathogenic?

Sure it will still be around for a bit.
Wanna try sample of that 2C-YN soon as well :)
Last Saturday this guy played a live set at my city:

The rave was at an abandoned colonial building, the vibe was very special, and everyone was so into the music. The party went on till 7 am. I love this type of dirty, dark, EBM inspired music.

I took some 3-MeO-PCE and 25 mg of 2C-C. Felt great. I haven't really had a real trip since February. My experiences with EiPLA/MiPLA have been nice but underwhelming in regards to psychedelia. But taking this low dose of 2C-C rekindled my psychedelic thirst, lol. Can't wait for late August, when the weather is nicer, to have a nice outdoor trip. I think I'll take DOPr and go for a long hike :).
2C-C is so lovely. :) I took 15mg yesterday afternoon and had an awesome and thoughtful day... in the evening my girl and I watched A Handmaid's Tale (it's on Hulu), holy fucking fuck that is a good/dark show, absolutely riveting, it's an incredibly dark take on the near future of the United States where the religious right takes over and turns it into an extremely authoritarian dystopian martial law country where women are basically cattle, I highly recommend the show. I guess it's based on a book, my girl loves that author and has read the book, it was actually written in 1985 but it feels so extremely relevant to today. The show is so well-done, it's heartbreaking.
Sounds cool Img_9999. I'd love to combine 2C-C & 3-MeO-PCE.

I tried DOPr outdoors (5mg) with the intention of going on a hike, but to be honest it wasn't the best drug for it. Not stimulating at all, quite the opposite even, not that walking is impossible or something, I just prefered sitting down & chilling, it's just the (hypnotising) nature of the drug. I always prefer outdoors trips, and I love walking and being out in nature, but I would never take it with that intention again. Also, I wouldn't dose too low, I didn't find 5mg to be enough, and I hadn't tripped for a month prior, next time I think of taking it really early and going back to sleep because it takes at least 2-3 hours for the psychedelia to come up and even longer to fully develop. It's not like DOC or something where after 10-12 hours you find yourself in a 'plateau' stage, it keeps going until the very end and that could be well over 24 hours.

2C-C is so lovely. :) I took 15mg yesterday afternoon and had an awesome and thoughtful day... in the evening my girl and I watched A Handmaid's Tale (it's on Hulu), holy fucking fuck that is a good/dark show, absolutely riveting, it's an incredibly dark take on the near future of the United States where the religious right takes over and turns it into an extremely authoritarian dystopian martial law country where women are basically cattle, I highly recommend the show. I guess it's based on a book, my girl loves that author and has read the book, it was actually written in 1985 but it feels so extremely relevant to today. The show is so well-done, it's heartbreaking.
I watched the first 2 seasons, really liked the first one, but in the second one I felt that the writers were kinda lost, but I think I'll give the third one a shot.
Alias Grace is also a book by Margaret Atwood, on which a mini series was based, which was also pretty good.

[DOC] does remind me of LSD quite a bit and would say more than any other Phenethylamine for sure.

Have you taken DOB, Charlie? Just curious because I also felt that DOC was the most LSD-like phenethylamine we'd taken until our most recent DOB trip, which got closer than I ever expected any phenethylamine period to be able to. It got me incredibly excited to explore more psychedelic amphetamines in general, the LSD-likeness seems to be somewhat of a general class trait for them from what I can tell so far, at least for us.

I still think DOC would probably be better for a show for the record. :) DOC probably still reminds me of LSD more in the structured hallucinations and euphoria but DOB has stronger and deeper tryptamine-like elements that help carry the comparison further.

Really wish I bought some of that 4C-D, probably great for combining with other substances. I'd think it would help you take a lower dose of the other and the trip would have a nice flavour.

I may be biased because we seem to get more out of it than most of the handful of other reporters so far, but I'd definitely recommend getting some while you can if you want it. I actually like it plenty on its own (well, with cannabis) and still think it feels more like a psychedelic than an empathogen, just a psychedelic with a very low visual focus, at least up to 100 mg which is as far as we've gone yet. I can't yet compare it to DOM but its psychedelic style feels largely like DOB and DOC to me so far, including the signficant LSD-likeness and, in the very fleeting moments they have appeared so far, even the same kind of very big and sharp spiraling geometries and neon hues. There is still a lot of enhanced mental imagery content for us despite the relative lack of sensory visual effects too. No body load yet either so we're definitely interested in still seeing more of what it can do at higher dosages. I like it, anyway.

Wanna try sample of that 2C-YN soon as well 

Yes. :)

Can't wait for late August, when the weather is nicer, to have a nice outdoor trip. I think I'll take DOPr and go for a long hike .

Keep us updated on that for sure! Sounds like a cool rave too, glad you enjoyed it. :) 2C-C is one of my favorites for sure.

2C-C is so lovely.  I took 15mg yesterday afternoon and had an awesome and thoughtful day... in the evening my girl and I watched A Handmaid's Tale (it's on Hulu), holy fucking fuck that is a good/dark show, absolutely riveting, it's an incredibly dark take on the near future of the United States where the religious right takes over and turns it into an extremely authoritarian dystopian martial law country where women are basically cattle, I highly recommend the show. I guess it's based on a book, my girl loves that author and has read the book, it was actually written in 1985 but it feels so extremely relevant to today. The show is so well-done, it's heartbreaking.

Handmaid's Tale on a psychedelic.... To each their own, haha.

It's pretty good, I liked the first season best so far which to my knowledge covers the entirety of the book, beyond that is new content. I haven't watched the third season but found the second season less captivating than the first, but still more so than other series where there was a sudden shift to new content, like Wayward Pines. Still optimistic for the third season.

Heh, just saw Buzz's post, not too far off.
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Yeah I watched the first 3 episodes. It was super intense, of course 15mg of 2C-C isn't full tripping territory. It made me think so much, it was really horrifying yet beautiful. I think I probably enjoyed it and got more from it because of the psychedelic. I wouldn't want to watch something like that on, say, a tryptamine though.

Oh, by the way, I am eligible to get my driver's license back finally. :) On Tuesday my girl has the day off and we're going to go to the DMV, I have to pay them $100 and I'll get it back. So excited. :) I have to buy a car though. I'm getting the mortgage refinance underway, and I have a few more numbers to get for home repairs so I won't be able to do that for a month or more, unfortunately. I could get an auto loan but it would probably impact the rate I could get for the mortgage so I'd rather wait.
I'm not usually into it, but I was on hour 4 or 5 of a low dose of 2C-C that never got even approaching visual. That sort of dose is psychedelic only in the sense that it makes me really introspective/insightful and feel emotions intensely (and it feels quite nice physically). When I'm tripping tripping, watching TV is the last thing I want to do.
Was thinking about doing a small dose 300-400ugs just to add a little trippy energy to the day. Never tried that low an amount and would test it out on a day off before I try it out and about.

That's too high for a microdose without being decently trippy. I won't go higher than 150ug for a microdose, otherwise I have too much pent up energy and too strong of a headspace.
Last Saturday this guy played a live set at my city:

The rave was at an abandoned colonial building, the vibe was very special, and everyone was so into the music. The party went on till 7 am. I love this type of dirty, dark, EBM inspired music.

That sounds like a lot of fun. I've always wanted to go to DIY abandoned building type raves. It was never really my scene though. Closest I got was one night I was with some friends and we ended up at a rave thrown in an underground parking garage in a yuppie part of the city. Just thought it was a normal party and showed up. It was weird. Walked around drunk acting sketchy asking everyone for E. Did not get any, lol.

I am going to have some San Pedro next week. I might mix in some Ayahuasca vine with it, will see how things go. Will probably take it around 2-3am and just sit outside and smoke weed.

I've been listening to the new Russian Circles. It's fucking good! I think I will make my trip playlist out of stuff like them and Pelican. Anyone have any reccomendations for bands of the same type?

That's too high for a microdose without being decently trippy. I won't go higher than 150ug for a microdose, otherwise I have too much pent up energy and too strong of a headspace.

Yeah I guess it is too much huh, gonna drop it down lower like you mentioned. Already have it in solution so measuring out small amounts is easy as pie. On my way home from work, can't wait to smoke a bowl of the weed i picked up in the afternoon.

Looks like that dankity dankness.
Gonna have a cup of Poppy Tea as well

Good times PD Fam <3
So I've been scripted 15 days of 10mg Ambien to help me deal with a rather tough spat of insomnia recently. Been taking it the past few nights, and it's the only drug I've taken for weeks except a shared joint last Friday.

It's a weird ass drug. The first few nights, I only noticed a pronounced physical sedation (it leaves my mind racing, so it hasn't really helped my sleep, but I still take it), but last night... man, I see how people can 'trip' off it. I usually hit my bed before 30 minutes has passed, but last night I was more wakeful and stayed up watching tv till an hour after dosing. About 45 minutes in, I noticed the sedation was strong, as usual, but then I started noticing things in the tv had become 3D and started to look like they were coming out of it. Then I got EXTREME double vision, everyone on the tv appeared to have four eyes, yet it wasn't creepy. Reminded me of toxic levels of alcohol intoxication. I couldn't focus on objects for shit.

Anyways, I started acting real weird and not making sense, so my wife forced me off to bed (she had to help me, was very wobbly). What a short, strange trip it was haha :whistle:
Ambien is pretty fun Sometimes, had a period years ago where i was using it quite a bit. Got this source for Zopiclone that i keep going to use but other drugs take priority. Really wanna pick up some blisters of that Tramadol in a few months. Probably wouldn't eat the later anytime soon but id like to have it in the stash for a rainy day.

I have a really hard time falling asleep some Nights when i get back from work. After a few days lacking sleep my whole system is outta wack, need a minimum of 6-7 hours for me.

But yeah the Z drugs are pretty damn trippy.
Took Ambien once when I was coming down from 2C-E and it was bonkers ?
On one occasion I had 20mg zolpidem, stepped out to smoke some hash, walked back inside and glanced out my window to see a gnome pick-axing its' way up the rock wall outside my bedroom.

I looked further up the rock and noticed a whole village of them with huts and watermills. Probably one of the most realistic hallucinations I've had. I've read other reports of people seeing little people too.

Also, zolpidem makes me feel like people are all around me, even if I'm in a room by myself, it feels like people are walking around beside me or looking over my shoulder. Apparently, that's not uncommon either.

Not sure how it compares with 'deliriant' drugs, but it seems there are similarities.

Zopiclone I'm more familiar with, similar to benzos with a groovy, somewhat trippy headspace. Never had visuals from that though.
I've never had Zopiclone before, all my psych's always favored to prescribe Ambien. The way you describe it as benzos-like has me interested. Would you say it has more of an effect in that regard than Ambien.

So you never have had full on OEV from Zopiclone at any dose?
I have had some strange thoughts and rippling surfaces from Ambien, but I've only tried it a couple of times.
Hmm I will never ever get prescribed anything stronger than like ibuprofen or SSRI since there's a drug-induced psychosis in my medical report. :D

I wonder if there's legit pain after accident or surgery, sure they have to give me a script when going home from hospital?

But I guess benzos are off the table forever. And they give ketamine infusions for depressions here already, probably wouldn't see that even if suicidal.

Any of you guys ever done deliriants like diphenhydramine or datura?
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