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☮ Social ☮ PD Social Distancing Tripping Thread: Viruses Can't Penetrate Hyperspace

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Yeah I'm a lightweight for the most part now too. Kaleida says that as she's tripped more, she gets more and more sensitive and I have to say that's true of me too. I mean if you're tripping all the time then your tolerance goes through the roof, but if you trip every couple of weeks or less on average, I think you learn to utilize the effects better. I take 15mg of 2C-C usually when I take it, maybe 20, and I get an introspective and euphoric trip, generally not visual but I don't care about visuals. Just 27mg of 2C-D last night was moderately strong. The 50mg I took was really strong. Last time I took 30mg of 2C-C, it was very strong.
Just took 6mgs more of the 4-AcO-DET :)

Sure It's going to reveal itself a little more now, I'm not looking to go really deep today. Just wanna have a little glimpse of the beauty this one can provide. Next Friday when I am off i will possibly be taking 7-8mgs of 2C-E. Really excited about that one it's been a number of years and it's my favorite psychedelic.

Eventually I also have to get around to trying this LSD and it's laid at 220ugs possibly. So I will deff be tearing the first blotter I try in half. I will raise the dose as time goes by but I don't wanna jump in too heavy.
Having a really nice trip with some beautiful closed eye visuals. The emotional component has been neutral, not euphoric. The compound had been causing a good deal of introspection. I'm going to add 18mgs of 2C-C to the mix right now and see how that helps increase the euphoria.
Cough syrup eh? Just for the DXM I am guessing? Can't access something else you are making it sound like? I mean even if taking DXM was your primary aim would like pure powder be more desirable?

Just saying.

I would take the ketamine if I were taking anything FYI.
I've never done Ketamine but the dxm in cough syrup is actually a very strong drug. That stuff actually got me off crack years ago because the high in my opinion is a hell of alot stronger than crack, meth, weed, or alcohol. People would be surprised at how strong and powerful that stuff is considering you can just buy it at the store. It's the strongest drug I've personally ever had.

Have an amazing afterglow today.
The Cannabis brought me right back up there =D
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Yeah DXM is a really strong drug for sure. Much different from K, but very powerful, in high doses it's among the most powerful of dissociatives.
I took 60mg of 2C-C earlier. Some times it hits harder than others. This was one of those times. I watched Annie Hall and had never seen it. A film I will likely watch many times more. I love Woody Allen stuff. He has real insight into the human experience.

Pretty good film, I saw it last year. Really liked it too.
Alright, my DOB report is up.

(DOB/1.4 mg) - Second Time - Just Relax

Glad to hear you're having a great time, Charlie. ☺ I freaking love 2C-C, and pretty much agree with everything you've said about it so far. I really wish I had more, I'm going to be looking for it forever.

phenethylo J, I hope that 2C-T-4 went well if you did go for it! :) A storm does sound like a nice atmosphere for that.

Also just wanted to say, I haven't been lucky enough to try 2C-D yet though that does sound great, but again just wanted to reiterate that I definitely very strongly agree that psychedelic sensitivity seems to increase rather than decrease over time with repeated use, as long as you avoid the super short-term tolerance like trip at least two weeks apart most of the time and such, when I do that it just seems to be a constant snowballing for as long as I continue taking them and picks up right where it left off even after a break. I honestly don't think I know anyone particularly well with a high level of psychedelic experience who hasn't reported this to me.

Good vibes to all trippers today as well. ?

2C-T-4 is nice, nicer than 2C-D imo. I wish i could try 2C-iP, I have never came accross it. I also would want to find out where I could find 2C-TFM. I'll be trying some 2-B-FLY first probably. if this is similar to 2C-B I should stock up while it is still available. 2C-B was the best from the whole 2C series that i have tried.
My girlfriend just ate 30mgs of 2C-C
This is her first trip on a RC

So I chose a good one and took the same dose.
We are Gonna have a beautiful nite :)
DXM + K was interesting, basically turning a threshold DXM dose into powerful 3rd plateau effects, without nausea.

Only problem was hydration. K requires outflow of waste solution, and DXM hampers it.
Wow, that was such a special night. Most definetly the best trip we have had together IMO. Took mushrooms together probably 4 or 5 times and on her own before this and she has some experience with LSD in the past. It was such a euphoric and empathogenic experience and we laughed hysterically the whole night. I have never seen her breakdown in a fit of hysteria like this before when I would say a joke. Like she was laughing so hard she was crying and it was contagious.

She mentioned how mentally the trip was very easy to navigate and not too much visual activity going on. But That the drug makes her feel wonderful and is a real fun time. She said she would like to try something that goes deeper though next like shrooms. So I suggested we take 2C-E on our next trip together and somewhere down the line 4-AcO-DMT. She likes to trip hard and made a comment about how she could have probably took twice as more. Meanwhile I'm sitting there tripping face even after dosing two days in a row.

She said it's important for us to have bonding experiences on psychedelics like this as a couple, I happen to agree :)
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moving slow motion in a psychedelic ocean
living in afterglow world from all this tripping lately
i'm loving it so much, what a life :D
Yeah, man, you've been glowing lately, it's nice to read that.

I had a really fun weekend, with friend's birthdays, re-encounters, flirtatious fun, music making, family, and some weed.

It was actually the first time I smoked weed since February. I toked a joint like, three times, and got preeeetttyyyy stoned. Was high for like 5 hours, just like when I first started smoking heh. Had fun. Laughed stupidly all night.
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Haha nice. :) I have been smoking mostly just CBD nugs as I've been almost out of THC weed for a while, and it's been making me crave weed a lot less so I basically have rarely been getting high, just that little relaxation buzz from CBD and <1% THC. I smoked weed last night, like regular weed, for the first time in a week and a half maybe and I got so high, it was great. :) I don't usually feel like getting actually full-on weed high often these days, it's a little too much for casual use. Too much anxiety potential and discombobulation.
I was actually a little bit worried about getting too anxious and paranoid smoking after my break, but I had no undesirable side effects. Just a silly child-like mood :D.
DXM + K was interesting, basically turning a threshold DXM dose into powerful 3rd plateau effects, without nausea.

Only problem was hydration. K requires outflow of waste solution, and DXM hampers it.

naseau of dxm dissapears along with your tolerance for it. Yet the tolerance seems to never dissapear :s
Oh man guys, I was expecting my 2-FA and 3-MMC to come yesterday and I was excited all day and they didn't come... after work OI was fiending for something besides weed, so I made the decision (in retrospect silly) decision to take ~12mg of MXE (using probably 1/3 of what I have left stuck to the inside of a baggie) and 1.5g of some mushrooms that aren't that strong, or haven't been before. Like 3.5 grams has been a moderate trip before. Anyway I took them at the same time and hopped in the shower. By the time I got out of the shower I start like I had smoked DMT. I had random nonsense syllables crowding my headspace and I couldn't tell what anything I was looking at was. I couldn't figure out how to talk. My thought process was really nuts. It felt almost just like I had smoked DMT, really strange. Usually when I take 4-AcO-DMT, it feels like I smoked DMT, except less confronting than this. I have NEVER had this effect from mushrooms. I was pretty scared to be honest because I didn't expect it and I felt really awkward to hang out with my girl, thinking about how she's probably think I was an idiot for taking random psychedelics because I was bored. The minutes dragged by. I thought about riding it out but ended up taking 1.5mg of etizolam which, after a half hour, made it bearable. I ended up reading the 4th book of The Hitcher's Guide tot the Galaxy series and slowly came down and went to sleep.

Kind of a lesson for me - don't take psychedelics because you're bored. I needed that reminder. I kinda wish I had ridden it out because it was a reallly interesting mindstate although very unnerving. Also I find it so strange how much that tiny bit of MXE changed the mushroom state. It must have made it 10 times stronger at least, and also changed it into a lengthened DMT trip rather than a mushroom trip. Strange.
You probably don't have much disso tolerance nowadays so that's why it was so strong?
True, but it was such a low dose. And why did it make mushrooms feel like DMT?
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