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☮ Social ☮ PD Social Distancing Talk Thread: Swirly Congregation That's 100% Pandemic-Proof

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License suspended for 4 years, court, possibly felony, definitely supervised probation with drug tests and so forth. In no way worth it.
I have one but my house is at the top of 3 miles of steep hills, so the ride back up would be horrible... plus lots of curves and cars drive crazy on it.

I have thought about getting a 49cc moped, you're allowed to ride them without a license/with a suspended license if they're 49cc or less.
Thatd be cool! For me no drugs do me like dissos. I'll be a disso junkie till I die. It's alright with me though. No physical addiction to drive it makes it acceptable for me. I shot herion for a couple years after my mom passed as I was homeless from time to time trying to get it together and just stopped caring. Then I lived in places where friends shot dope but it was either live there or nowhere. That was when I first became a junkie. I had grams of benzos and such before me for years while escaping addiction but I feel blessed that my DOC are cannabinoids, dissos, and psyches. All else are just hedonistic tools to quell the overflowing of pain I couldn't at the times with my DOC so I just chose to turn off my brain. My DOCs never cause too much issue comparedly. They help activate my brain and try to find solutions to the issues i face. I'm glad to be clean for sometime now. I'm just trying to move forward and get my life going!

I hope tnw is okay I don't think he's posted in awhile...:( <3
Yeah I was thinking about that yesterday... where you at tnw??
How's everyone doing? I had a good band practice last night, with the new drummer and bass player everything is so experimental and creative, it's really breathing new life into the project.

It's really warm here this week, in fact Thursday it's supposed to reach 74 degrees. Although it's weird to get that warm in early February, I can't say I'm upset about it. :)
I'm doing alright. Just waiting around to go to work. IDK though brah you seem a bit upset bout it...ya alright?!?
Sigh... the problem is that the number 74 is just no good. If it was gonna be 73, or 75 degrees, then I'd have a total lack of upsetness, but 74... FUCK I'M FREAKING OUT!! 8o
74 is a pretty wack number but I want it rat now. I've got to walk home from work some miles tonight and it'll be 33.... Oh well ethanol bought on the walk will keep me warm!;)
33 is 23 and 10... 10 is 7 and 3... and 23 = two 3s = 33. Dude, it's synchronicity! 8o
Dude I don't maths. Maths are my enemas! I stopped synchronitying after too much 3-MeO-PCP....:(
I don't feel them much either anymore, but I sure did a lot in 2006-2007. Tons of 4-AcO-DMT, AMT, 2C-B, psilocin, well, pretty much everything, plus a belief in a global transcendence in 2012. Those were the days... exciting times.
Wanted to touch base with you guys.

It's pretty nice out here today 59 degrees. Walking to the pharmacy then I'm gonna head back and whip up something to eat.

Going in to work for the PM shift so I will be there till bout 1oclock In the morning. But I don't mind cuz after I sleep till 11 I'm the morning I have plenty of time to go out and do stuff.

I feel you on walking home when It's cold Help. But thankfully it's usually only a couple blocks to the subway.
I don't even recognize them as synchroncities anymore!

That's cool Charlie... it's about 64 here today, quite a beautiful day, it's actually quite warm in my office, long sleeves are too much.

I was just capping up a bunch of curcumin (I take it and piperine from black pepper daily, because it helps my psoriasis and has a variety of other health benefits). The stuff is immensely orange and immensely staining; a tiny speck can turn your skin or the counter or the floor yellow. I took a break because my work phone rang, and while I was away, my cat jumped up there and got curcumin all over the back of his leg. I tried to get it off with soapy water but his fur is stained and he's probably gonna get yellowy orange stains on thing.

Curcumin is such a pain to work with... my friend has been making an oil with hemp seed oil, curcumin, and piperine (and resveratrol) that he can drink a tablespoon of every day and get omega fatty acids and the rest of it, without having to cap it all up. I'm thinking about doing the same.
What do you get from the curcumin and piperine ? Or what benefits are you seeking?
I've read reports of curcumin having anti-tumoral properties. I regularly use curcuma as a spice when I cook, but never heard of someone taking it directly as supplement.
Yeah the anti-inflammatory properties it has are my main goal (two of my friends use it due to body pain from either back problems or intense climbing training and went from eating 8-16 ibuprofen a day to no ibuprofen). I also use it for the anti-tumor properties. I also use a blend of various medicinal mushrooms for their anti-cancer properties. Too many people I know have gotten cancer, some young... it makes me nervous so I figure I should do whatever I can to help.

The piperine is just to make it orally absorbable... it barely is without it.
One of my best friends uses curcumin and swears by it like you do. He used to rely on a Vicodin script for years because of the damage done to his back. He literally stopped taking all the opioids and switched to that and it works for him. This was 3 years ago and he is still taking it as far as I know.

Maybe i should try adding it to my stack of medications and supplements i take every day. I deal with a lot of pain in my back as well. The Bupe seems to cover the pain but maybe if i add this I can lower my dose. Im gonna look into it and see if it would interact with any of my meds.
Look into piperine too because it allows some things to be much more readily absorbed, so it would be more likely to interact than curcumin. The piperine is important because without it only like 1% of the curcumin is BA when taken orally, or something dismal like that.
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