  • Sports & Gaming Moderators: ghostfreak

PC PC Gamers - Whatcha playin?

You could give a 'SIM' game a shot. I really don't use 2 hands for those. Try out games like Starcraft/WC3 or a SIM game on Steam.
Can you use your left thumb? You could try playing with a controller on some games.
Here is a list of mouse only games on Steam:

Hope u can find something to play Grym!
People are going to annihilate you if you play Starcraft or WC3 onehanded :D The Zerg are a-coming. Bots will work though

Anyone know of decent 1 handed games? Just had surgery on my left hand.
MTGArena comes to mind, free to play, or any other mtg platform, xmage for example. There's a reason the game survived for 28 years, it's fucking amazing.
Started playing Far Cry New Dawn. So far it is a nice game. I like the graphics. Working on capturing outposts and side missions to get perk points up so I can have 4 guns equipped.
Might look into getting Little Nightmares 2 tomorrow after work. Looks like a solid dark-themed game. Was never really fond of puzzle games though. Hopefully it isn't anything to fucked.
I started playing hacked Pokemon ROMs and reliving my childhood and I'm having a blast!

Regret throwing away my first edition pokemon cards... If I had them today... I probably had $10,000 at least.
I've been hardcore into the emulation scene now since covid has shut down just about any entertainment. The nostalgia kick from playing so many old titles feels sooo good.
Thinking of getting a copy of "The Medium" at Steam.

Drinking a glass of wine and smoking a bowl and grokking at the prospect, LOL!
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There have been loads of games on Steam that have been on sale. I managed to grab a few.
Resident Evil 4 - 6
Fallout 76
Little Nightmares
Ori & the will of the wisps
The Sims 4
Halo the Master Chief collection.

Have tried Little Nightmares, and Ori & the wisps game, both were kind of complex. Puzzle type of screen slider types. Havn't put much time in them, and I'm sure once I figure out what I am doing then they will be much fun. Both games were like $4 each or so.
Tried the Sims 4, and couldn't get the hang of it. I don't see why so many people play the game, maybe like the others I havn't played enough to learn the controls.
Would like to play the Resident Evil games later, I think I played both 4 and 5. 6 sounds fun, so might play it next, and later some Fallout.
Lastly maybe some Halo. (only have played halo 3, havn't tried any of the others that came along with the package).
Nothing, sliced my left pinky open badly, so now i can barely use it, so there goes my fps gaming, for at least now
Nothing, sliced my left pinky open badly, so now i can barely use it, so there goes my fps gaming, for at least now
You could always use a controller. :)

I tried giving Fallout 76 a go, and the second I got past some of the tutorial the game lost connection to the server -.-. Did not know that the game was a strictly 'online' game. The internet here @ my place is kind of iffy, so games where you have to be connected are really my downfalls.
Played a bit of Diablo 2 earlier. Thinking about uninstalling the game, and reinstalling it. Having an issue with my shortcut. Want to run it in windowed mode, and it keeps telling me that there is something wrong with the file path. Only way to fix is uninstall/reinstall.
Might do it this weekend sometime.
Arma 3
Assetto corsa
Insurgency sandstorm
fallout 4
that's what i am playing right now
You could always use a controller. :)

I tried giving Fallout 76 a go, and the second I got past some of the tutorial the game lost connection to the server -.-. Did not know that the game was a strictly 'online' game. The internet here @ my place is kind of iffy, so games where you have to be connected are really my downfalls.
Played a bit of Diablo 2 earlier. Thinking about uninstalling the game, and reinstalling it. Having an issue with my shortcut. Want to run it in windowed mode, and it keeps telling me that there is something wrong with the file path. Only way to fix is uninstall/reinstall.
Might do it this weekend sometime.
Meh no controller for me, well at least not FPS. Nothing beats a mouse and keyboard.

Never tried fallout 76 and oh the internet here sucks too but its decent enough for online gaming.

Diablo 2 was my game! and then the expansion made it more tits. And then after that i downloaded Eastern Sun Mod for Diablo 2 with exp and i still play it today from time to time. I have a lvl 87 druid that does 120-150k damage. Its insane. He is unstoppable lol. but fun. Lol now i only play it just to get those few items of sets and charms that i just don't have yet. Plus the mod and a lot of other D2 mods have a shared treasure chest making it easy to swap items between characters. But anyhow will just stick to clicking games for now
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Meh no controller for me, well at least not FPS. Nothing beats a mouse and keyboard.

Never tried fallout 76 and oh the internet here sucks too but its decent enough for online gaming.

Diablo 2 was my game! and then the expansion made it more tits. And then after that i downloaded Eastern Sun Mod for Diablo 2 with exp and i still play it today from time to time. I have a lvl 87 druid that does 120-150k damage. Its insane. He is unstoppable lol. but fun. Lol now i only play it just to get those few items of sets and charms that i just don't have yet. Plus the mod and a lot of other D2 mods have a shared treasure chest making it easy to swap items between characters. But anyhow will just stick to clicking games for now
Ok so I have reinstalled diablo 2. What I am trying to do is to be able to run 2 versions of the game at the same time. I have been fallowing a reddit guide on how to, and it sounds really confusing. BUT I think I am starting to figure it out slowly but surely. I hear Path Of Diablo 2 is a fun mod, and would like to install that with 1 of the copies of diablo 2, and the other copy of diablo 2 be just the basic game.
Would like to figure out how to run Kolbot. So I can watch my character do magic find runs, while I play the game on another version.
Wish me luck in this lol.
Oh god blizzard announced TBC. Where is my poop bucket at?
Yeah TBC is when I started playing. Those were some fun times back then. (minus the blacking out from drinking to much).

I bought another set of Diablo 2 CD keys. Going to try and configure my bot to run 2 programs at once. I think it is fascinating just watching the bot run around and kill unique bosses for the loot. No worries though, I have 3 sets of CD keys, and will only use Diablo 2.2 & Diablo 2.3 to bot with, and keep my first install of Diablo 2 bot free, so just incase the other keys get banned for botting. From what I hear, if you do get caught then they ban your CD key and not your IP. If they do then I already know how to fix that.
Hopefully tomorrow I will have them both up and running. Excited to see them both doing shit.