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Misc Passionflower?

Snafu in the Void

Bukowski Jr.
May 27, 2020
Anyone have any experience with passionflower for opioid withdrawal or simply general anxiety/sleep purposes?

It seems promising, a lot of people on reddit are claiming it helps quite a bit for withdrawal.

Just curious if anyone has any experience with it. Definitely not trying to get high here, just looking for relief and sleep.

Studies show it's a lot more promising and active compared to crap like valerian.
Never tried it. Do you have any on hand or were just going to get it if people recommended it?

I see from your other posts that you are finally feeling a bit better. Glad to hear it. <3
Let me know if it helps
it certainly seems to be taking the edge off, but difficult for me to separate from placebo right now. I'm going to play around with the dose. I do feel a bit sedated, but again could just be lack of sleep.

there is a study that shows it's very effective when combined with clonidine for opiate withdrawal
never heard of it for opioid withdrawal but i have found it be a mild anxiolytic when dried flowers were made into a strong tea.
It's effective, but I'd look at combining it with a low dose of kava kava
Remember these are legal plants, don't expect too much "drug like effects"
yeah wasn't expecting much at all, but it does seem to help a little

I tried some kava the other day and it seemed to give me this uncomfortable rush of adrenaline after the initial effects wore off and kept me up all night, but I have some other things going on other than withdrawal which could explain that. Could have been kavain which I believe is a norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor.
Interesting. I'd like to hear more about your experiences if you try again. I still haven't experimented with the magnolia bark extract (honokiol & magnolol) that I have, but plan to. I also dug up some old valerian root capsules and was going to try that as a possible booster for benzos, but the smell is so disgusting that I've been reluctant.
One drug forum member always made tea of it before consuming mescaline.
Interesting. I'd like to hear more about your experiences if you try again. I still haven't experimented with the magnolia bark extract (honokiol & magnolol) that I have, but plan to. I also dug up some old valerian root capsules and was going to try that as a possible booster for benzos, but the smell is so disgusting that I've been reluctant.
I remember the first time I tried valerian root capsules. I was appalled at the smell and literally had to gag them down. They worked for me though and I got some sleep.
so, according to this study passionflower's effect comes from increasing GABAergic neuron activity as well as increasing melatonin, and to a much lesser extent serotonin, in the brain. So it's basically like a better version of melatonin pills.

it does have some calming effect but did not help me sleep last night, the withdrawals overpower it

I want to sleep so damn badly >_< only got 1 hour again last night
try orexin 1 &2 antagonists for sleeping, my one worked wonders, just beiing tired is great without the benzo fuzz...
i think i had Suvorexant. good dose, i really needed to get into bed and even was agitated.
I remember the first time I tried valerian root capsules. I was appalled at the smell and literally had to gag them down. They worked for me though and I got some sleep.
Did the taste come back up in your mouth afterwards? That's what I've really been dreading – I think I could face the smell in the name of science, but a taste like that might be too much.
i had extract 100/1 from ebay, even snorted it, it was really nice somehow serotonergic, a hydroxylated flavonoid. i believe it was mainly Isovitexin.
It's weak, too weak when used in normal concentrations. I once downed 3/4 of a passionflower syrup bottle when normally one'd use one cap full. Gave me similar experience like @izo describes but weaker. So u definitely want the extracts and as potent as possible.

@negrogesic Interesting, didn't know about kava being a NRI. Explains some odd things about it but primarily I am wanting to get rid of that taste. Extraction methods welcome...

I remember the first time I tried valerian root capsules. I was appalled at the smell and literally had to gag them down. They worked for me though and I got some sleep.
Valerian never did nothing for me, again good part of a bottle. Just taste (but this time I actually liked it, different but similar to 2-methyl-2-butanol, the menthe alcohol. Tasty!). Like the 'miracle fruit' noni which even contains a MAOI but it must be only traces.

Did the taste come back up in your mouth afterwards? That's what I've really been dreading – I think I could face the smell in the name of science, but a taste like that might be too much.
Yeah it does.
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