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  • BDD Moderators: Keif’ Richards | negrogesic

paranoid off of meth

Thank you for not judging me or putting ,me down

The reason I do like meth is because I like to get on a cleaning kick and also it makes me more sociable and fun to be around. I am 45 and I am in the prime of my life. I ho0pe to try and stop completely so I will be able to have more money and to hold my head up high
dude meth isent for you..pop a few valium or have a few drinks and calm dwn. i do meth all the time and i never get that crazy the worst that has happend to me is thinking people are walking past my windows and that was after a 5 day bindge...
meth just dosent agree with some people....
Yeah... Maybe you shouldn't do meth if you have a kid. =/ Is doing meth(Which is pretty damaging, I think) really worth losing your kid?
Lots of good free advice here. Anytime people tell you not to do meth they are def looking out for your best interest, especially if you have a kid around.
Benzos or alcohol both help me when I'm flipping out on meth. I never do meth anymore unless I have some klonopins or vodka handy.
it doesn't sound like you like meth vry much, its very common to get paranoid of meth... my advice, quit the shit.. rehab or with help ftom your doctor..but if the bad outweighs the good effects... quit the stuff.
The reason I do like meth is because I like to get on a cleaning kick and also it makes me more sociable and fun to be around. I am 45 and I am in the prime of my life. I ho0pe to try and stop completely so I will be able to have more money and to hold my head up high

I was surprised at the severe judgment in the drug community against meth after I started using it a year ago, when I turned 50. I used to love whites or bennies in the 70s, Black Beauties gave me a great energy and euphoria, coke of course is still around but it's not the same.

I've come back to drugs after taking about 14 or 15 years to focus on raising my kids. My oldest son is 31 now. So I guess I started taking drugs again about 12 years ago by then they were all making their own decisions, and I have smoked tar and railed oxys and done xtc a ton... all under the noses or behind the backs of, these four adults which are my kids! I have gone to friends houses to drink and spent the night at friends when their dad was going to be home with them (and we are still married) and at the party I took drugs, and that way I haven't been discovered although they very much suspect. My husband met me as a drug user all those years ago. He figgured I gave up mind altering substances for EVER after we started having baabies, and I gave up mind altering substances to take care of our kids.

He loved me as a drug taker when it was 1978 and I was an 18 year old hippy chick. He was kinda wild then too although was 30 and had settled down from his years as a Vietnam "Hell no I won't go" long hair type.

Now I am like I was when he met me for the most part. And now he is a 63 yo man with health problems GALORE and he doesn't have any friends anymore. He is retired and disabled and watches tv all day. The only people he knows are me and the kids. I have friends and I like life and I want to enjoy myself again as I was once accustom to doing. I like to chill and smoke and talk. I like to get a head change. Meth is a good one, but I have to step off the gas with it, as you can tell. I'm coming down after being high 12 hours. That's long enough. I will save the rest of what I bought. I can use it another time. Maybe the weekend.

I wrote a lot because I'm high on meth. It feels good. I want it to stay feeling good, therefore, I use it somewhat sparingly. That's what I recommend.
Thank you for your answer

Finally I meet someone on line that is close to my age.
listen lil nigga, i was taken away from my parents too so it's like a switch-the-cam shot. yeah man I get paranoia all the time.... not from meth though, mostly from good fuckin bud as well as side effects of tons of drugs... u know drugs rock but when your crashing you cant see it...
Finally I meet someone on line that is close to my age.

I know exactly how you feel. There are a larger number of young people on Bluelight, it seems to me, then there are people over 40. You would think the 60 and up crowd would rule here. They started taking LSD and taking "trips" and being very open about it when they were young. Where have all the long hair hippy type drug enthusiasts gone?
I know exactly how you feel. There are a larger number of young people on Bluelight, it seems to me, then there are people over 40. You would think the 60 and up crowd would rule here. They started taking LSD and taking "trips" and being very open about it when they were young. Where have all the long hair hippy type drug enthusiasts gone?

I'm kind of like that kind of person.. we are still out there
Right on, Lord. Make some noise. Let them know we were doing drugs before some of the PARENTS of these kids were born!! We may be getting old, but we're more legit than EVA.