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paranoid off of meth


Oct 2, 2010
How can I stop my mind from getting so paranoid off of meth. The paranoia is so bad I end up staring at the door all night long. I keep thinking the cops are hidding in my closet and that they came in quietly while I was in the restroom. what a bad trip this is.I mostly am concerned that they will tryto take my child from me.8o
Benzos help, but if you think the cops are hiding in your closet clearly meth isn't for you.

I always tell people they don't do shit like that, they come to the front door and THEY KNOCK IT DOWN WITH A BATTERING RAM.

Somehow it never seems to help.
Dont...do...meth...then. Simple as that. But since im pretty sure you wont ill try to help. Just to remember your on a drug. A drug that causes intense paranoia in some people. Distract yourself. I get paranoid but never that bad. the most i have done is turn off all the lights in the house in 4 in the morning and open all the shades. Get a chair and watch out the windows.
In my defence there was another lady lookin out her window towards the house i was stayin at lol

But there really isnt much we can tell you. Its in your head not ours.
In my defence there was another lady lookin out her window towards the house i was stayin at lol
LOL, That happened to me. I thought maybe I was tripping until I was setting in my dealers car buying an oz and my neighbor comes walking out to the car.
Ever heard of meth-pshycosis? Sounds like where your headed if you dont stop. Really, how much fun can meth be if your paranoid like that.
lmao op sounds like a psycho. lay off the meth do you know how you sound right now?
Yes meth makes you paranoid. Stop using it and get some sleep. You have a child...
Cops will never hide in your closet. They smash your fucking door down and rush in. Don't smoke meth if you get that paranoid, smoke a joint.
Just try and relax and remember it is all in your head. if you have a benzo or a opiate maybe try and take a little of that. If it works take a little more till your just a little more calm. When I used to shoot coke I would get crazy like that. Crawling along the floor of my house all fucked up. But try to relax you just have to ride it out .....
yo dude, ive done speed more time than i can count or even care to admit, but if you are getting THAT paranoid, it may be a sign to halt your drug use. get some sleep, get some food, get your brain working properly, and lay off the shit

dont let the drug control you
how many times do i have to say that to people @_@
the same happens to me after i've gone on an Adderall binge...
IME it DOES go away after a few good nights of sleep. For me it has never taken more than 1 week.
Ride it out for now if you don't have any benzos or alcohol, as everything your imagining are all FAKE scenarios in your head. As others have said DON'T do any more meth. It really is kind of simple, because you are not physically addicted.
thk you. your words somehow helped alot.

Benzos help, but if you think the cops are hiding in your closet clearly meth isn't for you.

I always tell people they don't do shit like that, they come to the front door and THEY KNOCK IT DOWN WITH A BATTERING RAM.

Somehow it never seems to help.

What yoiu said makes alot of sense and really appreciate you saying that.
Glad I could help. I've known quite a few people who are affected in that way by meth, it isn't just you.