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Pain doc prescribed 120, 5/325 and already used 33 pills in 2 days

A while ago, before I knew better, I took Percocet 5/325. Well I got up to 8 pills a day. I didn't like that because of all the APAP, so anyway, I was switched to IR 5 mg Oxycodone. My only point in bringing that up was, I got better pain relief from the Percocet instead of plain Oxycodone. The APAP helped me. I didn't realize that I could raise the oxycodone while leaving the APAP alone.

Off to another subject, I was recently informed by a trusted source, that Opana IR + ER was usually reserved by doctors for people with serious cancer pain. I'm not sure if this was true universally, but does make me reconsider a few things, I have had a long interest in morphine based medicines both IR and ER.

I figure the morphine based meds have a higher abuse potential then the Oxycodone, and this may scare some doctors.
Is there anyone reading that would care to elaborate on this?

I had MS Contin before and I thought it was pretty good.

I am discovering that I have a few different directions I could go here.
Any additional comments would help.
That is why they include APAP in narcotic analgesics, SK. It helps to provide better analgesia.
I personally have never heard it's reserved for that before but I have heard that doc's like scripting opana because it's not associated with all of the bad stigma that has followed Oxy and in the books its not really a drug type that's euphoric and is Fentanyl also.

So some are more comfy scripting them and some don't really know much about it and it's not really popular. It is for sure the best for pain. Deep down hot/aching/throbbing pain. If taken as scripted it works great without any drugging effect or feeling and has given me my life back, and I've been do things I personally haven't been able to do in over 15yrs. I really feel 20yrs younger. Being a disabled single dad of 2 teenage boys, i have been able to say run a round a lot more and do a lot of things i haven't been able to do in yrs and with a clean head, feeling Happy, really Happy, just smiling for no reason and happy. This has really turned me around.

It has me hooked and I love this stuff but be forewarned. It's not a real good rush type of Drug. Its almost weird, but in a good way and totally different. It's more of a full body high that takes away all ur pain and also like a mood altering substance that just puts ya in a good mood and Happy and if your moving around doing shit you feel one way and if you stop and kick back and relax, maybe blast some tunes on headphones you feel Instantly different and almost stoned like from dusted weed.

Also food, Aw man food. Food tastes soo fick-in good. We have whats called now, Food Orgasms. Just tonight had 2 beef's that were soo good. Everything is better on this shit. Never, ever has just normal everyday food taste soo damn good. Its just an Experience just eating. Everything else is the same. Just like taking my car out for a blast. Felt unreal. So intense. So good. Nothing like taking my 550hp Z06 out for a blast then going in the basement and blast-in my Marshall jam-in on my paul, Betsey.
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Thanks Blueshawkmandude. I too was of the belief that Opana had less of a stigma tied to it. I will discuss with doctor. For some reason I have no interest in Opana IR. in the mean time, I will stick with the IR oxycodone, progressing to 10/325 if allowed.
Opana whether it be the IR or ER form certainly is not reserved for those suffering from cancer pain. It probably is not most PM docs first choice, but they are perfectly viable options for all types of chronic pain.

And morphine being considered of higher abuse potential than oxy? No way. Oxycodone was basically the drug that lead us to the situation we are in today (the crackdown on rx drug abuse and the difficulties those who truly need deal with as a consequence). I imagine morphine may be popular among IV drug users, but overall oxycodone was far more prescribed and abused.

Unfortunately SK, it very often is nothing more than trial and error when hunting for the correct mix of drugs to treat chronic pain.
Sure Man and hope it all works out for ya. Also that just might be a great combo there. The regular Oxy for a little pick me up with the relaxing effect of the opana. Just don't take more than 4 of those percs a day and don't forget to get only the generic oxymorphone er's instead of the plastic slime brand name Endo's
I would also look into some OTC pain medications such as turmeric, DXM, boswellia and other herbal preparations to see if they are right for you. Sometimes they can be helpful in situations where other medications aren't helping.

Also you should take things easy when you aren't in pain as a lot of people on medications will be so focused on reducing pain that they forget that pain is the body's signal that something is wrong and will go on about their day like everything is ok and in the long term makes things worse.

Just some general advice that isn't specific to your condition. We're here for you! :)
Thanks, Potential for the OTC insight. I know of many that definitely help the opiate medications, starting with the DXM.
Anyway, I've had time to think, I realize that I don't like the ups and downs that IR medicine provide when trying to use for chronic pain. Don't get me wrong, IR is a life saver, but a bitch for chronic pain.
I'm putting this down so I remember to spell this out to my doctor.
The majority of these posts suggest an IR for breakthrough pain and an ER for around the clock pain.
When I take IR for a while by itself, I end up chasing the pain. Is this okay to point out to the doctor?