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Pain doc prescribed 120, 5/325 and already used 33 pills in 2 days

Thank you for the reply. I have to progress slowly with my Pain doctor for obivious reasons. It looks like I will try and move to 10/325 Percocet first. I didn't think Opana would be a bad pain killer. I just know that I can go up too fast. It's either 10/325 Percocet or Opana ER.
Your doctors are very smart, you shouldn't try to "take things slow" with them, tell them your direct concerns.
if you are trying to get long term narcs never be direct to the doc. take what he gives with a smile.
tell them my direct concerns as in "this dose gives me 50% relief"? I really think this first script is a gage, so I can come back and say this dose provided this much relief. I feel comfortable at 20mg at a time, but I'm afraid to come out and say "what you gave me took care of 25% of the pain. Or am I suppose to do that?
Simply put, I'm not getting all the relief I need.
i used to have cancer. She used to treat me during my chemotherapy . She really is suppose to treat people w/ bad cancer. She said I had 4 months. She is pretty cool. I'm going to ask her to raise my dose and give me ER med.

She said you have 4 months to live? When was that?

Were you on opiates during your chemotherapy? If you've used in the past, even a while ago, we get used to the feeling, so as someone else said, it's easy to mistake the rush/euphoria with pain relief.

Have you ever tried cannabis for your fibro? I've heard from numerous people it works better than opioids ever did.
Okay here's the lowdown. I used to have Hodgkin's Lymphoma a year ago. I was treated with chemotherapy. While I was actively being treated for cancer, this woman became my Pain Management doctor. I got healed of cancer and now am in remission.
This lady pain management doctor wasn't giving me any opiates for chronic pain and sent me to another pain management doctor in the hospital who raced me through my visit and gave me shitty Tramadol.
I went up to my (new ) oncologist and complained about how I was treated and sent to some d bag pain doctor.
My doctor agreed that I had a perfectly good pain doctor that I have known for a long time and made me an appointment to see her.
I did my homework, researched my symptoms and came prepared to talk to my origional pain medicine doctor. I wasn't taking any shit. I even called my oncologist and left a message for her to tell this pain medicine doctor(in cancer treatment, they are all on the same team) that I was having long term problems and take my visit seriously.
I finally had visit with original pain doctor. I was polite but direct. I let her know that the medicine I had been given up to that point worked, but was very weak. I am prescribed Vyvanse from another doctor, and I let her know how I felt about Tramadol, SNRI effects and that I wasn't giving up Vyvanse for Tramadol.
Long story short, she asked me what worked, and I told her Percocet (which she had given me in the past). I was then prescribed 120, 5/325 Percocet'. I'll admit I kind of blanked out because I was so happy I was getting my chronic fibromyalgia and misc pain treated with real, working medicine.
After that, she said to let her know on my next visit how the medicine was working.
She then explained to me that the hospital wanted her seeing really damaged cancer patients and not chronic pain patients. I understood, and agreed with her fully to have a new pain management doctor within four months.

Now, I get 20mg of Percocet a day. It definately has a great, noticeable effect. I finally felt like what it was like to be pain free. My tolerance and comfort level is higher than 20mg a day. Honestly 20mg /4 x a day would be perfect. I'm at 5/325 x 4 right now. Now here is where I'm at.
Do I stick with a higher dose IR or get on an ER?
I will present this to my current pain doctor as she is getting me established at the right dosage, so when I leave her, I'm already established and the new doctor will go from there instead of starting me fresh.
Sorry for the long letter/post but this is the entire story. Any suggestions or answers are greatly appreciated.
Ask for the ER Opana, SK. A pain specialist will certainly know the standard of care is extended release products for prevention and IR for breakthrough. And someone here said don't mistake the rush for analgesia and I couldn't agree more. Yeah, oral Opana sucks for getting high but is perfectly adequate for many patients for pain relief.
Thanks Kittycat5. When I tried the Opana ER, it was like Klonopin was bred with an opiate. I thought it was strong, long lasting, sedating and I didn't feel any pain. I didn't try to catch a buzz off of it because I felt it was already real strong. I will mention this to my pain doctor. You read the mile long post, so you understand where I'm coming from.
Thanks again. Good looking out.
I know its been said before but dont take to many of those 5/325's without CWEing them first its so simple, hell i used to do CWE's when i was in crutches and could barely move haha, so please save ur liver no more than 1Gram of APAP every 8 hours and no more than 3 Grams total throughout the whole entire day. and if you drink half all these rules, and be careful with other medications which would effect the toxicity of APAP making it more poisonous.

Thats my professional opinion, Also hope you get switched to ER Opanas or something else at least 10/325's or 20 oxy's. But you dont want to get addicted to opiates thats not a good road to be headed down onto.

my best wishes!

I hope you get better :)
Thanks legal, always something good to say. I just picked up dandelion tea. That helps detox the liver. I am going to do a small batch CWE. I'll let you know how it works.
To the OP upping to 10/325 may help as long as getting on a long acting (ER) med too. This is usually the standard protocal. Be carefull with the Percs though, they are addicting as hell. I was on em for about a year and thing just escalated and escaleted until the point the medication itself would give me about 1 hour of pain relief followed by withdrawal feelings. I'm now on Norco 10's and find them to induce much less of a craving compared to oxy. But maybe in your case the Norco wouldn't be strong enough and the oxy or something similar may be needed. Opana ER works as does Morphine ER (MS Contin) or if you'd like to stick to oxt there's Oxycontin. And pillman1224 I agree about the doctor prescribing so much medication with APAP. My doc is giving me Norco 10s four times a day bt I'd much rather be on oxy IR 30s twice a day or maybe even zohydro although that might end up being expensive as I believe there is no generic.
Thank you for the reply. I have to progress slowly with my Pain doctor for obivious reasons. It looks like I will try and move to 10/325 Percocet first. I didn't think Opana would be a bad pain killer. I just know that I can go up too fast. It's either 10/325 Percocet or Opana ER.
One thing you may want to consider discussing with your doctor is the fact that new research has shown that the effects of acetaminophen are serious. It gives me instant kidney pains so I have told my doctor to never give it to me again. They can easily prescribe you oxy without that in it and those will be much better to take. Plus Opana is another safe option. Everybody needs to ban together to get acetaminophen out of our pain killers.
I've heard about it for years but the like two weeks ago ABC news and NPR (Diane Ream) did a story on the dangerous effects of Advil type acetaminophen otc pain medications. They presented research on high risks of heart issues, kidney issues and bowel issues that are all life threatening.
I dont think acetaminophen is included in the new cardiovascular risks associate with non-aspirin NSAIDs. I will check it out to be certain though.
Get on OPANA IR & OPANA ER and get the script written out for oxymorphone er & ir so you can get the newer Impax/Global Pharm generic opana's. Shoot for 2-20mg to 30mg ER's & 4-10mg IR's a day. . The generic's are 10 times better than the Endo's gummy plastic Bioconcaves and are like the old formula opanas and they work better than anything. I can't Imagine what you went through with these a-hole only script-in trammies. I would of went postal.

Fentanyl is great at first maybe the first yr. The matrix ones are best and at times I would be Fly-in on those and be high for a good 24hrs but absorption varies and adhesion varies and sucks too. If you don't apply those on a clean skin with no oils/hair or residue and get those completely flat and tight up against the skin they just don't work but when they do nothing and I mean nothing works as good as those. With enough Fentanyl in your blood like when its IVed in operations they can cut off your arms and legs and you wont feel a thing, but mostly just makes tired all the time and they are Hell getting off of.
Im getting off of them right now thou because I want to and I'm sticking with my Generic Opanas/Pandas/Blues/Blue Heavens
Don't know why everyone is stuck on this 10%Bio That's the way it is scripted because of the first pass liver destruction of the pill form. They shoot for 1mg blood level say on a 10mg pill but that can be changed with food alone. Get about 60 grams of fat float-in in ur blood and those Pandas kinda hitch a ride on the fat and cross the BBB at a much higher and faster level and snorting up will boost it up to 40% and I think food alone gets it pretty close to that. That's why it tells ya to take without eating or 2hrs after eating because it changes and ups the Bio and don't even want to talk about downing one with a beer or 2 or some booze.
Also their is no stigma with prescribing these unlike oxy/dilles ect. Nobody really knows about these. Get-em if ya can. They say a 40er broken down is like 50 dilly doses and with these you wont be chasing a thing. YOU'LL BE HAPPY
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Also the opana ir's are the only thing I know of that's really act's like an er med because it lasts almost 6hrs Here is some of the ways to make it work better


The absolute oral bioavailability of oxymorphone is approximately 10%. Studies in healthy volunteers reveal

predictable relationships between oxymorphone hydrochloride tablets dosage and plasma oxymorphone


Steady-state levels were achieved after three days of multiple dose administration. Under both single-dose and

steady-state conditions, dose proportionality has been established for 5 mg, 10 mg and 20 mg doses of

oxymorphone hydrochloride tablets, for both peak plasma levels (C
max) and extent of absorption (AUC) (see

Table 2


Table 2: Mean (±SD) Oxymorphone Hydrochloride Tablets

Pharmacokinetic Parameters

Regimen Dosage C






Single Dose 5 mg

10 mg

20 mg










Multiple Dose * 5 mg

10 mg

20 mg










NA = not applicable

* Results after 5 days of every 6 hours dosing.

Food Effect

After oral dosing with 40 mg of oxymorphone hydrochloride tablets in healthy volunteers under fasting conditions

or with a high-fat meal, the C
max and AUC were increased by approximately 38% in fed subjects relative to fasted

subjects. As a result, oxymorphone hydrochloride tablets should be dosed at least one hour prior to or two hours

after eating
[see Dosage and Administration (2)].

Ethanol Effect

The effect of co-ingestion of alcohol with oxymorphone hydrochloride tablets has not been evaluated. However,

in vivo study was performed to evaluate the effect of alcohol (40%, 20%, 4% and 0%) on the bioavailability of a

single dose of 40 mg of extended-release oxymorphone tablets in healthy, fasted volunteers. Following

concomitant administration of 240 mL of 40% ethanol the C
max increased on average by 70% and up to 270% in

individual subjects. Following the concomitant administration of 240 mL of 20% ethanol, the C

max increased on

average by 31% and up to 260% in individual subjects. In some individuals there was also a decrease in

oxymorphone peak plasma concentrations. No effect on the release of oxymorphone from the extended-release

tablet was noted in an
in vitro alcohol interaction study. The mechanism of the in vivo interaction is unknown.

Therefore, avoid co-administration of oxymorphone and ethanol.

I dont think acetaminophen is included in the new cardiovascular risks associate with non-aspirin NSAIDs. I will check it out to be certain though.
It most certainly is. The was a one hour NPR Diane Ream show on the matter, specifically regarding heart risks.
But not acetaminophen. Even that show (I just looked up the transcript) says Tylenol is outside of the group of NSAIDs that increase the risk of CV disease. Hepatotoxicity, sure. But that is nothing new. It is only non-aspirin NSAIDS and COX-2 inhibitors that the data is now showing even moderate use in patients with or without risks or history of cardiovascular disease may be detrimental. This is only new info inasmuch that non-chronic use of non-steroidals increase the risk for CV damage.