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P&S Alternative Theories thread v. orange tang

Okay, I'm unstickying this thread.

But feel free to keep using it whoever may want to :)
When I first started smoking weed at 17, I found it gave me a lot of theories which gradually became sensible but started out pretty silly. I kept a notebook full of these theories that I would write while bored in school from notes I would jot down while smoking the night before. My first one was this: that the universe could be represented by a graph of y = x2 + 2. And when you get high, you ride the asymptotes towards infinity.
I just learned the word asymptote. Thanks xork :)
My first one was this: that the universe could be represented by a graph of y = x2 + 2. And when you get high, you ride the asymptotes towards infinity.

Hahahah...I'm having trouble refraining from approaching this too literally. Where are you going as you accelerate upward? What does negative horizontal motion mean?
On my roommate's first LSD trip, one main epiphany of his was that everything can be represented in terms of groups of 3 and tripartite relationships.


Only by virtue of us mods extracting your posts from other threads to collate them here.
Hahahah...I'm having trouble refraining from approaching this too literally. Where are you going as you accelerate upward? What does negative horizontal motion mean?
On my roommate's first LSD trip, one main epiphany of his was that everything can be represented in terms of groups of 3 and tripartite relationships.



I don't think I thought about it that hard. :D

I had a revelation on the morning after an LSD/2C-B trip that everything in the universe consists of 2 dichotomous parts. Then I did a painting about it.
^Its your very own "Best of Ninae". Make it worth it, exploit it, entertain us! <3
Hahah. To be fair, I can be entertaining, I don't think that's one of the problems people have with me.
Honestly Ninae, I think that you've adapted to this place quite well.

I'm not really that difficult and it's usually based on some misunderstanding, but there are some who like to provoke or see things in the worst way, and it's a bit unnecessary for a place like this.
I'm not really that difficult and it's usually based on some misunderstanding, but there are some who like to provoke or see things in the worst way, and it's a bit unnecessary for a place like this.

This forum can get a bit heated, but its a two way street. You are aware of how some of your idea's may appear to the more sceptical. Some of your threads (war in heaven for eg.) are quite provocative, bbut that can be a good thing :)

I think that you realise that none of this is personal or anything and that, at the end of the day, scepctic or not, no-one really knows shit about anything :D
I have a new one (a good one):

John Lennon - An incarnation of (part of) the soul of Jesus

Yay or Nay?
How divisible are souls? I kind of imagined they were indivisible.

Given the world population at A.D. 0 ~ 35 versus now, Jesus' soul must be fairly dilute by now.

... and for all the publicity around Lennon, he was far from a paragon of virtue.
I have had that thought about John Lennon before. He played a powerful role in culture in his time and his demise was pretty symbolic if you look at it that way. And he was basically preaching love. He did a great job at that.
John Lennon is a personal hero of mine; I love his music (up until about 1974 at least) and I totally dig his sense of humour and compassion. But I think its important to remember that he was very far from being a saint. He hit his wives, he hit his sons, he was chaotic and aggressive; he just had the humility to admit these things, which is probably what I admire the most.

Comparing someone to Jesus isn't all that high praise IMO...
No, I was just told by my one of my favourite channels. At first I thought I was going to die of laughter, then I got a strange feeling it might be true. Let's look at some of the facts:

- Annoying like Jesus
- Had that hairstyle going for him
- Got back some of what he was owed
- Inspired the Hippie movement, the start of the modern spiritual movement
- Was born poor and made it big
- Had a way with the crowds
- Preached love and peace
- Worshipped as a Jesus figure in his own right
- Killed because he said he was bigger than God

I wonder what he saw when he did acid. "When I take acid I think I'm Jesus"?
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