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Opioids OxyContin

Hey, don't be so hard on yourself - many people in this situation would never take the step to seek input from others. They'd just use it without telling anyone or seeking input. You should be proud of the fact that you put yourself out there and asked for input! That's your rational mind's way of pushing back against the irrational mind (which is the part that said, "hey oxy's probably fine just this once.....")

Ultimately, it's your call what you do with it. If you take it, I'd be sure to tell someone you trust what your plan is, and have naloxone on hand in case of an overdose - also remember that in order to use the naloxone, someone would need to be there with you since you can't wake yourself up from an overdose to give it to yourself. There is a thing in the USA called "Never Use Alone Hotline" where you call someone before you use and they can talk with you until you're done using it, and if you were to overdose they can send EMS to check on you. They often suggest things like leaving your door unlocked and the narcan box out so that people know that you took an opioid.

If you feel like it's too risky, I'd suggest getting rid of it rather than holding onto it. It's a small price to pay for peace of mind. You could try selling it, but then you're having to associate with people who use opioids and buy that sort of thing, and that just seems like a bad idea.

Have you ever tried gabapentin for RLS? Some people find it helpful and it can be prescribed by a physician. Might be worth looking into.

Also, if some of this stuff is related to the kratom or DHC use, just know that using oxy is likely to increase your tolerance a bit and make these symptoms a bit more difficult to manage. That tolerance creep and that compensation creep are real.

Glad it was helpful - I wish you the best regardless of what you decide to do <3
I cannot tell you how brilliant you have been, you have been a tower of information, and that’s a great point about tolerance, I’d eventually have to up the DHC to sleep
Yeah I’ll give this one a miss, if only as a thank you and there is no point in being handed all this great feedback to then completely ignore it, a couple of tram on a weekend with a few spiffs and some cbd will do me just fine thanks 🙏
I cannot tell you how brilliant you have been, you have been a tower of information, and that’s a great point about tolerance, I’d eventually have to up the DHC to sleep
Yeah I’ll give this one a miss, if only as a thank you and there is no point in being handed all this great feedback to then completely ignore it, a couple of tram on a weekend with a few spiffs and some cbd will do me just fine thanks 🙏
Not the person you were responding to but I can speak as a former heroin addict (got clean in 2008) and as someone who has worked in addiction programs for the past 12 years.

For one, you mention in your original post that you take a couple of tramadol a few nights a week to chill, and you take DHC some nights if you can't sleep. Those are relatively manageable use patterns, though you would know better than I do how manageable they are in your life. Is it a relapse? Depends on how you define relapsing. It's not a relapse to heroin use for sure, though it isn't abstinence either. It falls somewhere in the murky gray inbetween.

The biggest risks you face are thus:

1) Your oxy would be counterfeit and could contain fentanyl or another illicit opioid like the nitazene compounds. This is obviously more of an issue in the US, though I do understand that fentanyl has begun to show up in the EU/UK as of late. Maybe you got this from a legitimate medical prescription or through a trusted avenue, either way, you'd know better than we would. All that said, if it's illicitly sourced - there's a chance of it being counterfeit which have caused fatal overdoses in people with no/low tolerance.

2) It's legitimate oxycodone AND it is really nice. You're able to take a quarter tab that night. When would you 'save the other 3/4' for? Most likely, you'd feel the urge to try it out again in a week, maybe two. Certainly not soon enough to start getting dope sick, but soon enough to feed the hunger*

3) It's legitimate and 1/4 isn't quite enough, so you take more/all of it. This would be a risk in the sense that it would be breaking your rule/intention for how you'd use it. It may also deepen the desire for another experience since you wouldn't have any/much to save for next time.

There's a concept in addiction called 'kindling'. This is the psychopharmacological process whereby people who have experienced addiction in the past (or overdoses in the past) can become more disposed to reactivating those patterns in the future. People who haven't overdosed are less likely to have a 1st overdose, as people who HAVE overdosed are to having subsequent ones. Once you've overdosed a first time, you're more likely to experience subsequent overdoses than if you hadn't overdosed at all. The same is true for addiction - once you've taught your brain how to develop addiction/dependence, you can easily relearn these patterns and override the safeguards in place that exist for people who have never been addicted previously.

With your current opioid use of 3-4x/week of taking some type of agonist (whether tramadol or dihydrocodiene) you may have unintentionally kindled the psychological patterns related to your past addiction to heroin, which may be why you're posting about having 'happened upon an oxy 80'. Did it fall out of the sky and into your pocket? Most likely, you sourced it, and how intentional that sourcing was is something only you truly know. That said, there's a non-zero chance that your question here is the result of your tramadol and DHC use, which 10 years from now could be how you describe the beginning of a relapse.

But, the future isn't written yet.

If it were me, I wouldn't fuck with an oxy 80 unless I was dying. It's just too tempting to start making exceptions for things that derailed my life once already. The most I'll fuck with from the opioid world is Kratom.

Last year (fall 2023) i got CoVID for the first time. My respiratory symptoms were really bad, painful coughing etc. Years before, while becoming a heroin addict, I'd been prescribed hydrocodone cough syrup (tussionex) and knew it was very effective as a cough suppressant and pain reliever. Given how uncomfortable I was, and how I wasn't doing shit that week anyway, I talked with my PCP about a prescription. She's well aware of my history and I was up front that I would not normally ask for this kind of thing, but that in this case I really felt like it would help. We discussed it, and I also talked with my wife about it, making sure we had a plan in advance of how I'd use it.

I used it responsibly, maybe a slightly larger dose at night to be able to fall asleep, but essentially stayed within the dosage recommendations.

At the end of the week I still had some left and I put it away. I eventually got rid of the last of it because I would often find myself thinking 'a sip would be nice, I can't sleep anyway, go for it!' Even after it was gone, I did notice that I had occasional thoughts about growing poppies to make tea, things that I hadn't normally thought much about over the prior 15 years. These were thoughts that were pretty easy to manage, but they were abnormal for me, and I have no doubt that they were kindled a bit by that sweet sweet pineapple flavored sizzurp.

So, those are my thoughts on your questions, hope you find some of it helpful.
Man that syrup sounds dreamy. Just as well I'm not one of these rich dudes with my own private doctor who can source anything...
Man that syrup sounds dreamy. Just as well I'm not one of these rich dudes with my own private doctor who can source anything...
I've often said that if I was ever dying and offered anything I could have - it would be a bottle of tussionex and a straw.

It's a mix of time release hydrocodone and some type of anti-histamine that enhances the sedative/relaxant effect. plus, it tastes like pineapple.
I peeked at your article - Oxycodone isn't a serotonin reuptake inhibitor - some SSRIs inhibit CYP2D6 (prozac and paxil in particular) and thus potentiate oxycodone by reducing its breakdown in the liver. The same effect can occur by drinking grapefruit juice before certain opioids/benzos as grapefruit juice inhibits CYP2D6.
I peeked at your article - Oxycodone isn't a serotonin reuptake inhibitor - some SSRIs inhibit CYP2D6 (prozac and paxil in particular) and thus potentiate oxycodone by reducing its breakdown in the liver. The same effect can occur by drinking grapefruit juice before certain opioids/benzos as grapefruit juice inhibits CYP2D6.

Well I was refused certain antidepressants because of the danger of serotonin syndrome - I'm pretty sure if you check the BNF, it actually states that it's a reuptake inhibitor and having been prescribed it for a decade, I've found out the hard way NOT to mix it with things that increase serotonin levels.
Well I was refused certain antidepressants because of the danger of serotonin syndrome - I'm pretty sure if you check the BNF, it actually states that it's a reuptake inhibitor and having been prescribed it for a decade, I've found out the hard way NOT to mix it with things that increase serotonin levels.
You sure you're not thinking of Tramadol?

Edited after - I see you mention having been prescribed it for a while now, so tramadol is probably not what you're thinking of. I also did a little digging and while I didn't see anything referencing direct 5-ht activity, there have been a small number of case reports where concurrent use of oxycodone and certain SSRIs has resulted in serotonin syndrome. I haven't seen a good explanation why, but this is definitely interesting. Thanks for sharing your experience, I like having opportunities to learn something new about this stuff!
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I cannot tell you how brilliant you have been, you have been a tower of information, and that’s a great point about tolerance, I’d eventually have to up the DHC to sleep
Yeah I’ll give this one a miss, if only as a thank you and there is no point in being handed all this great feedback to then completely ignore it, a couple of tram on a weekend with a few spiffs and some cbd will do me just fine thanks 🙏
I know im getting to this very late but im more than happy to throw some For future references:
The oxy at the end of the day is and has been termed baby heroin because its 1.5 more potent than morphine, and heroins only roughly 2x. This already despite feeling should be enough to ward you away. For a few examples, Codeine is about anywhere from .1-.15 the strength of morphine the DHC is about .2-.25 and converts into Dihydromorphine, known to be more euphoric of the lower end opiates to some. It is still certainly many many levels below the oxy, Tramadol is also only about a the same strength as the DHC. ROA is another big factor, as a heroin user if you smoked or shot up its very very different from oral consumption which due to its B/A most people are gonna see that as a waste. That being said, oxycodone having a nearly 90% bioavailability may have a rushing onset for you close enough to heroin to grab you.

Finally and maybe most importantly. This is all subjective but despite that, I know of, come across many people and continue to get a mostly unified feeling, that Fentanyl for example while 50x stronger than heroin is far less euphoric for most and not what they'd choose given the choice. This can be applied to the idea that just because its weaker even if ever so slightly, there is no reason its not going to personally grab you. Opiates are all a different shade of the same horse man. What speaks to your soul may be strictly you, or others may share in the experience.

I think you've made the best move possible and am beyond glad you found help here, and from people who know their stuff.
I peeked at your article - Oxycodone isn't a serotonin reuptake inhibitor - some SSRIs inhibit CYP2D6 (prozac and paxil in particular) and thus potentiate oxycodone by reducing its breakdown in the liver. The same effect can occur by drinking grapefruit juice before certain opioids/benzos as grapefruit juice inhibits CYP2D6.
Also thanks trptakid if i didn't see this message i was about to dive my self, that just didn't sound right. Glad to save some time, Owe you lmao. ;)
I know im getting to this very late but im more than happy to throw some For future references:
The oxy at the end of the day is and has been termed baby heroin because its 1.5 more potent than morphine, and heroins only roughly 2x.

PURE diamorphine is indeed around x2 morphine in terms of analgesia. But there aren't many nations where pure or almost pure heroin is on the street.

I suspect Australia and New Zealand, some parts of SE Asia and places like Singapore see white heroin, but in most nations it seems like brown smoking heroin or even black tar heroin.

So in practice, given that oxycodone is (to the best of my knowledge) only sold in it's pharmaceutical formulations that are essentially pure.

I have mentioned that thebaine, the precursor to oxycodone can be grown in the form of the oriental poppy. This poppy looks quite different to the opium poppy and growing it is legal everywhere. I'm a little surprised the Mexican cartels haven't done this. If StreetRX is at all accurate, people are regularly paying $1-$2/mg for the stuff. I'm honestly curious if that's more or less than fentanyl.

Even if not, those same poppies also contain oripavine - the precursor to oxymorphone which the folks on Opiophile considered the best opiate of all...