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OXYCONTIN IS DONE!!!!if u abuse them find somethen new

tamper proof in florida?

Has anybody seen these tamper proof oxys showing up in southern florida? Im getting ready to go down for my followup in a couple weeks and really dont want to run into them.

in the long run purdue is just going to end up losing a shit load of money from people switching to a new brand of pain killer like opana and roxi's.

incorrect imo

doctors are more likely to prescribe oxycontin over other painkillers now for the exact reason they are harder to abuse

if anything I think there will be more oxycontin scripts written now

a lot of doctors didn't prescribe oxycontin at all in the past due to the bad name it had. I have a feeling that now these doctors will also be more likely to prescribe oc

recreational users may switch to other pills of abuse, but that doesn't effect perdues bottom line

not to mention they just extended their patent with this new release.

perdue will do just fine
Yep, I'm sure Purdue will do better than just fine. I can see Drs perscribing this more often now like the above poster said.
We are already seeing these new OPs on the street here... and the price of an OC80 has skyrocketed to $120 a pill (if you can find one)

the days of the OC are over as we know them.. I have seen and held one of the new OPs and they did a damn good job this time... not saying they are unabusable-- just saying there is NO WAY to get the same BA as before
Anyone around Seattle with these things? Hit me up. I think I've got a cure that'll allow you to snort/smoke/iv/ingest like normal with instant release of OC. However it involves the extraction of Oxycodone from the pills. Essentially what you'll have is Oxycodone Hydrochloride powder when it's done. I don't have any of these OPs laying around, so if you do and are serious about getting around the new version of OC. Let me know, we can meetup and do some extracting.
jackie jones, a.k.a. "official representative of the down syndrome kids"

^No, officer.
yeah because that's what the fuzz do, show people how to extract pharmaceutical drugs...imbecile 8o
many of the people on here are talking about retarded shit like 'crisping', 'hose clamp grinding', drinking a smashed up pill with vinegar, coke, or lemon juice and expecting that to void the time release.
It has become apparent to me that 95% of people who actually want to void the time release mechanism of this pill do not have the basic understanding of pharmachemistry that'll be required to do this extraction. That's why Purdue did this. So if any other genius' have some more stupid ideas, by all means throw them out there, I'm bored today anyway, I need to waste time today, I'll read your posts.
However if anyone actually wants to extract the active ingredient into a form that resembles the old OC formula and can be snorted/eaten/IV'd with no time release mechanism in tact then holler at me.
Is discussion about hypothetical ways to do this okay here or not? Cos if so I'd like to know what chems you think would break that down
I have two herniated discs in my neck, muscle, and nerve damage from a bad car accident I was in back in October. I've been on OC's for almost a year now and went to go pick up my script after my doctors appointment on Wednesday and all they had were the shitty OP's. I was going to try and call around to see if any other pharmacies in the area (DFW metroplex) have some branded OC's still on the shelf. These OP's suck serious balls. It's not even about abusing them for me, I just need them for the pain relief. Every now and again when I was in serious pain I would snort a 40 and pop a 40 just so I could get hit instantly plus have the time release. I just had surgery on Friday and they shot me up with about 6 to 8mg of diluadid while I was in post op (2mg every 5 mins till I was comfortable) till I was comfortable enough to go home. Well when I got home I took an OP40 and a 30mg Roxi and felt alright but I was still pretty out of it due to the sedatives and anesthesia they used so I really didn't have an idea of how horrible I really felt till this morning. It felt like I ran into a brick shit house at full speed. The Roxi's I use for the break thru pain have been my saving grace so far because the new OP's are fucking worthless. I did tons of reading today trying to come up with some way to make them hit harder or work better. So I ground up a 40 with my microplane into a cup and then added coke to simulate stomach acids as mentioned in a previous thread. I'm going to let it sit over night in my fridge and see how well this works in the morning. I definitely need an ER pain killer that works due to all the pain I am in after these surgeries. I've had 9 so far and this one has been the worst to date. The roxi's are pretty much the only thing getting me thru right now but i'm only supposed to take them for break thru pain. I was seriously considering IV'ing one today just to get the pain under control. I've read tons about it i've just never actually done it so i'm pretty skeptical. I think I would rather plug it. I'm searching for info on that as we speak trying to figure out what I want to do. Anyways I will report in the morning and let you know if the coke trick worked. I'm sick of this shit already, I am going to talk to my surgeon about getting put on opana ER. I have to have something that works these are garbage!
Please dont fall for this SCAM frank.

Do you think this person just wants to "hook up and extract"? No fucking way.

This is a good way to get robbed of your meds...
What's this 'impossible to crush' stuff? What happens with a hammer? What happens when you throw them in anhydrous acetone?
Please dont fall for this SCAM frank.

Do you think this person just wants to "hook up and extract"? No fucking way.

This is a good way to get robbed of your meds...

Thanks Superscapes, I deleted my message as I thought about it and decided its best to just move onto Oxycodone IRs instead of messing with these new OPs anyways. Im so pissed off that these new ones dont work for shit and I am stuck with them. I ate them all and they did NOTHING for my pain. I advise anyone else to move on to other meds also since these OPs are fucking garbage and simply do not work.

Thanks Superscapes, I deleted my message as I thought about it and decided its best to just move onto Oxycodone IRs instead of messing with these new OPs anyways. Im so pissed off that these new ones dont work for shit and I am stuck with them. I ate them all and they did NOTHING for my pain. I advise anyone else to move on to other meds also since these OPs are fucking garbage and simply do not work.


Ive heard mixed reviews on the new OP's. If this is the case as you stated, an 80 Op will not be selling more than $30 each if this is the case.
well...definitely glad I quit last month finally. But I did relapse once and ran into them and I'd have to agree. They're really horrible. And now I'm itching again.
Well if you have some patience I suppose you could drop them in some sort of dilute acid (no fuming sulphuric, LOL) to mimic sitting in your stomach for a few hours and then drink. Doesn't help much if you want to shoot them, but the bio-availability is fine orally.
its been a while sine I've gotten an oxycontin, and if I did, I'm sure my sources for them will still have the original kind for a while. but if I were to get ahold of one of these, I'd be fine taking it orally if there was a way to defeat more than 5% of the time release by crushing it or however much is released, I heard its not much.