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Opioids Opioid Withdrawal - supplements for symptoms


Feb 5, 2012
First I'll quote some examples, then ask about a more specific symptom.

1. source: https://www.opiate-freedom-center.c...lly-increase-your-bodies-endorphins-serotonin
Dopamine deficiencies can cause fatigue, memory lose, depression, addiction, personality disorders, chronic fatigue, panic.

Serotonin deficiencies can cause constipation, nausea, blues, insomnia, addiction, depression, learning disabilities, thought confusion.

Acetycholine deficiencies can cause anxiety, stress, learning difficulties, agitation, mood swings, memory lapses, attention problems, diminished comprehension.

GABA deficiencies can cause insomnia, sleep disorders, muscle pain, muscle tension, stomach cramps, high anxiety, inability to think clearly, headache, hypertension.
Natural Serotonin Raising Supplements
Serotonin effects your sleep, body temperature, sexual behavior and your pain sensations. It’s also a contributor in feelings like happiness and well-being.
5-HTP (hydroxyryptopan) – 5-HTP is the precursor to serotonin and helps your brain manufacture more serotonin. It is also the precursor for melatonin, the hormone involved in sleep patterns of the human body.
It works in the way that it helps the body to produce serotonin. 5-HTP is effectively used today for many ailments including weight loss, treating depression, fibromyalgia, migraines and it is said that it helps in treating Alzheimer’s disease, anxiety, down syndrome, alcoholism, opiate withdrawal, PMS and menopausal symptoms and many other symptoms we face.
It’s thought to improve mood, help you sleep, and instill feelings of relaxation and calmness.
St. Johns Wort – An anti-depressant herb that is commonly used for its positive neurological effects on mood and attitude.

Natural Dopamine Releasing Supplements
Dopamine boosting supplements are very important after addiction. Because these levels are directly impacted by prolonged opiated abuse.
Mucuna Pruriens (extract) – A deficiency of norepinephrine and dopamine in the brain can result in depression, sadness, lack of focus and low motivation. Fortunately if these levels are low, mucuna pruriens can help rebuild depleted neurotransmitters norepinephrine and boost dopamine. This improves mood and makes more chemical messengers that act in the brain to produce mental alertness and energy. Mucuna Pruriens can rapidly replenish depleted dopamine stores.
L-Tyrosine – This is another ingredient well known for its abilties to naturally help rebuild dopamine.

GABA – Gamma-Amino Butyric Acid, or GABA is an amino acid that acts as a neurotransmitter in the brain – in the central nervous system. As a supplement GABA is commercially sold as a natural tranquilizer for the neurotransmitter effects. In other words, GABA is used to help people relax, calm down, relieve anxiety and sleep.
Glutamine – Helps decrease symptoms of anxiety, relieve muscle spasms, muscle tension
Melatonin – Controls sleep functions and awake sleep cycles.
B-Complex Vitamins – Produces a calming, relaxing effect by activating GABA and cyclic adenosine monophosphate.
L-Theanine – Helps you keep a calm and relaxed state without making you fall asleep.

Natural Acetycholine Increasing Supplements
Acetycholine is responsible for thinking functions, such as comprehension of language, intelligence, and attention.
Phosphatidylserine – An impressive volume of research shows that phosphatidylserine, another modified amino acid, benefits acetylcholine deficiency. Recommended for memory disorders and depression.
N-acetyl-cysteine – an amino acid that helps detoxify many chemicals and is a strong antioxidant.
Huperzine-A – Preserves acetylcholine, which helps neurons process memory without losing speed.

So I'm going to try and increase dopamine & norepinephrine to address the lack of motivation/energy.
But what supplement do you recommend for the chills, shakes, hot and cold flashes.
What do you have in your arsenal? are you specifically asking about OTC supplements?
I was just asking for any and all drugs/supplements/otc/etc that will help.
Try to sleep -> sweating, skin too hot -> covers off -> cold cold -> covers on -> repeat.
Great HR ^

I cant remember where, but I think I read that clonodine can be used to dilate the blood vessels and reduce those chills/hots.
Several Boxes or Imodium Gel Tabs (Loporamide 2mg HCL) /EndThread
This is just a partial list. You can search the site and get more info. There's lots of chains about this topic:

imodium - lots of it
nighttime cough syrup w/ dmx in it. Careful not to get one with acetaminophen cause you'll be taking maybe double the dose to start and you can't be doing that with acetaminophen.
Benedryl at night (if the cough syrup you buy doesn't have the same active ingredient- you don't want to accidentally take too much benedryl)
Kratom - it's very VERY VEEEERRRYYY :) helpful at alleviating withdrawal symptoms from opiates. If you haven't heard of it, look it up online or here. It's a great plant powder available at a lot of smoke shops depending on where u live

zofran for upset tummy
neurontin for withdrawal and pain
benzos for anxiety that comes w/ withdrawal (careful not to abuse them. Withdrawal from them can actually be dangerous if you get a habit going)
muscle relaxors for restless legs and sleep
lunesta for sleep

Hope that helps.
Really check out Kratom. And other posts about this. There's more meds, OTC and scripts, I just don't know them
all. I basically just listed what's in my arsenal. I go through my month script in two weeks and then withdraw until my next script refill, so what I listed works for me.
good luck! :)
Several Boxes or Imodium Gel Tabs (Loporamide 2mg HCL) /EndThread

While lope in small doses will help immensely, high doses are extremely cardiotoxic and should never be used

High doses of loperamide, apart from issues of possible cardiotoxicity can also cause serve dehydration. I've taken extremely high doses before when I've been really desperate, between 80-160mg, but it is far from safe or recommended. There is a mild, fairly dirty buzz from those kinds of doses, true, but it is hardly worth the side effects. Using something like that, even coming off a monster tolerance, for more than a day or two is just asking for serious health consequences.

At lower doses, well still high doses but relatively speaking lower, of 20-60mg over the course of a day can really help with serve opioid withdrawal. However, even then it is far from recommended when there is stuff like buprenorphine and kratom out there (hell, even DXM would be preferable IMO).
IMO gabapentinoids are the gold standard for alleviating opioid WD.

Also, Z-drugs are extremely helpful, but they're blackout city. I would only use them for sleep
I've noticed too much benzos or sedation when I'm fatigued already and my blood pressure is low makes it worse to where I just lay with my eyes closed really weak can't move don't wanna move and my breathing is super shallow cause I'm kicking and taking benzos ... idk that's me at least, it happens 4/10 times that i take too much benzos when I kick . Falling asleep won't happen regardless the first few nights so I don't bother trying .
Too much dxm or any syrup will make u feel like shat I feel
I was just asking for any and all drugs/supplements/otc/etc that will help.
Try to sleep -> sweating, skin too hot -> covers off -> cold cold -> covers on -> repeat.

This is the easy part of it, I hate what comes next; dry heave's, stomach knots. Don't get me wrong, I hate the cold sweats but hate the second round of WD's. Other than what is mentioned, I have no idea what helps. When I go into WD's I'm fucked. I have NO connections at all.
Loperamide aka Imodium for diarrhea. Take only what you need. The heart problems are real. A quick search will tell you more.

Personally I found potassium gluconate seemed to help with RLS and even some temperature disturbances like chills and hot flashes.

Some people's blood pressure gets low, high, or both. Research clonidine. I've not used it but hear its great for many.

An antihistamine. Though benadryl/diphenhydramine is sedating, some say out worsens rls.

High doses of vitamin c help some. I'm one of them .

DL-phenylalanine, while some will say psssh, does seem to help me a bit.

You can look up the mechanisms by which it is claimed to work.

Benzos, lowest dose that helps you so you don't have another problem.

Trazodone helps some with sleep. Doesn't touch it for me in withdrawal though personally.

Valerian root helps some, I'm one. It's no heavy hitter but can reduce anxiety a bit.


Use a drugs interaction checker to check that everything you plan to take is ok together.

Best of luck. :) Peace.
IMO gabapentinoids are the gold standard for alleviating opioid WD.

Also, Z-drugs are extremely helpful, but they're blackout city. I would only use them for sleep


If I had only one substance to ride it out with, give me all the gabapentin or Lyrica i want and you can miss me with the rest.
yes, pregabalin (or to a lesser degree gabapentin) would be my choice, if i had only one medication to choose from. It takes away the most aspects of withdrawls for the lowest price (in terms of adverse effects). Low dose lope, dexepin or another tricyclic or benzo to sleep. Weed can also help a little with sleep and lack of appetite. I would not use it at day times, as it makes me even more demotivated to get things done. Clonidine can potentiate the effect of pregabalin and helps a little better with restless legs. Ibuprofen can help with pain spikes too. The only thing, i have not found any reliable remedy for, is lack of appetite or even worse upset stomach and nausea. I have not tried anti histamines, against nausea because i have read they can make some symptoms of the withdrawal worse. I could even sleep reliable with the combination of weed, benzos and 0,33-0,66 litre beer. But god damn, i felt so much better, as i was off this cocktail and used as little as 30mg morphine i.v. Yes my recent attempt at quitting failed after 8 days without opiates, but my tolerance was so drastically lowered that 50mg i.v. diamorphine made me vomit the day after i used, for hours on end (10 times in like 5 hours, then it got better). I was using 800mg oral morphine or 400mg diamorphine i.v. before the withdrawals. I was now enjoying the opiates again, but 3-4 days of endless itching is enough, i want to switch over to low dose bupre tomorrow, before my tolerance rises again in such astronomic regions.
Hey Sasha88, cool list. Do you know which of those would target the specific symptom I asked about? Any personal experience?

yes, pregabalin (or to a lesser degree gabapentin) would be my choice ... Yes my recent attempt at quitting failed after 8 days without opiates
Hey you made it longer than me!
When I drop 4g of gabapentin in opiate withdrawal, I feel like a god on a low dose of MDMA. Four of the 800mgs staggered relatively quick through 2hrs. Keep your fancy lyrica its so expensive...
Great non addicting/controlled medications for Opiate WD,

- Clonodine
For anxiety, shakes/tremors, HBP, sweating

- Gabapentin
For anxiety, RLS

- Promethazine
For nausea/vomiting, also helps with insomnia

- Hydroxyzine
For insomnia

- Dicyclomine
For abdominal cramps

- Baclofen
For muscle relaxation

- Ibuprofen
For pain

- Loperamide
For diarrhea
I personally find benadryl and I assume anti histamine causes chills and those weird temperature, goosebumps, and general skin crawling feeling.... I mean opiates cause histamine release so when you stop your already losing histamine activity, but to add an anti histamine on top... I mean it doesn't take a genius to see 1+2=3