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opiates for pain

Man, my doc is such a pain. He won't even give me Norspan which the local chemist advised I try.
Maybe I have the wrong pain : O
Bugger is I knew a doc who would be good for this but I went and f***ed his girlfriend. Wat an Idiot :(
Hari Om

P.s.250mg Tram ride is working quite well today!
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I noticed there was talk about cannabis and its use as an analgesia.... well from my experience it only amplifies it around 90% of the time and 10% of the time it can actually take my mind away from the pain. I guess when it comes to intractable pain where opiates don't provide analgesia and cannabis does.... well i guess i find that hard to believe.... but after reading a little i found that THC has anti inflammatory properties... apparently 30 times stronger than aspirin(which is not that impressive IMO) I'd still prefer to take celebrex or ibuprofen for an NSAID.... the reason why is i smoke cannabis a fair bit right, and when i'm WD'ing from opiates i don't get RLS and i can sleep 20 hours straight. the worse the opiate WD the more i can sleep(lucky me) but the only thing i can't handle is the incredible lower back pain i get from opiate WD... and cannibis does fuck all.... in fact it makes it worse.

Migraine headaches and neuralgic pain yesss i can see how cannabis could be a very effective analgesic that cannabinoids have a direct effect on biochemical pain signals in the central nervous system, but thats pain i seldom suffer from.... maybe it's because i smoke lots lol. anyway thats off topic but interesting none the less.

with regards to opiates i've been using suboxone to save up massive amounts of oxycodone. i first started using suboxone recently to make my OC script last the month as i'm building an awesome relationship with my GP and after 3 months of coming back a week early and asking for an increase it got to the point where he started to worry about my tolerance and wanted me to stick with 20mg 3x daily. ever since then i've been using bupe to consolidate and it has given me a really good idea of each drugs pro's and con's and their analgesic effectiveness with tramadol being the perfect bridge between the 2.

I actually went to a 28 day rehab which i busted out of after 5 days. cannabis has a stronger hold over me than opiates, but whilst in there i obviously told them i wasn't being prescribed oxycodone for my pain, so i ended up reducing my OC to 10mg a day and used the max dose of tram and when i went in there and told them i was on 400mg of tram they instantly wanted me to reduce. straight to 200mg(which was tough but bearable) the addictions dr there wanted to properly assess my pain and was planning on further reducing my tram dose to 100mg and thats when the pain started to effect my state of mind and along with the psychological effects of WD'ing from cannabis, was too much and i walked, and subsequently have used about 2 grams of H in the last few days.... no cannabis though. before going into the rehab i had just picked up my monthly oxy script, had one night of fun with it and gave the rest (80 20mg pills) to my mum, who locked them away nice and tight in her safe..... they,ve gone to europe for 2 months and it was my idea to give her the tablets, but i regret that big time and now i'm stuck with just tramadol and feel guilty as fuck for using that much smack for the first time in ages. suboxone costs me a fair bit, but tramadol on it's own doesn't suffice and using H out of spite was dumb on my part, just felt really guilty about leaving the rehab as i promised my mum that i'd go to get off the cannabis and benzo's as she's been really supportive of helping me with my PM and desire to quite smoking and taking benzo's.... it's really fucking my life and she knows that i'm not ready to cut out the opiates which aren't effecting my life like cannabis and benzo's have been for a long time. I had only used H twice this year until my failed rehab and now that i went crazy using H i feel liberated from it even more than ever.... if that makes sense. in hindsight i should have scored some bupe instead.... although i pay aver the odds for it.... doubling the dispensing fee, it's a good deal for both party's and more importantly it's reliable as if i was on the program myself

having said all that i will be going on suboxone for 18 days from tomorrow and in that time i won't be smoking cannabis and only using tramadol at to bridge the gap and completely and rapidly reduce off it while on bupe. that way i'll really be able to gage bupe as an analgesic for an extended amount of time + i should have a job doing carpet tiles by then... so will be a big test for my knee.

As for morphine, well i had my first experience with it on day 2 of my failed rehab. I had a serious bout of acute gastritis and was sent to Cabrini private hospital where i was administered morphine as the pain in my stomach was brutal. I didn't even ask for it and was given it for my pain there..... with my symptoms they initially though i had food poisoning as i was throwing up non stop, and then later a possible gall bladder. after i was discharged i went to the doctor that was treating me and asked him just out of curiosity how much morphine i was actually administered.... i ended up having an initial shot of 30mg and another 30mg an hour later as my pain was really bad. after about 3 hours i asked for more and they gave me 20mg so all up i was given 80mg of morphine in the space of 5 hours. It felt identical to H with the only difference being the slow warm onset as opposed to the rush of H.... i had hardly an histamine release and i'd say that i'd scratch myself more when shoot H compared to morphine.... strange really. comparing morphine to oxycodone, i'd say that it has more euphoria and duration of euphoria than oxycodone. but i guess it's hard to judge when you're laying in hospital with minor WD's and huge stomach pain, but never the less it was very nice to finally try morphine even though i felt like dying before being admitted..... i don't think i would have been given the same treatment at a public hospital and getting private health insurance was one of the best things i have done this year.... 120 bucks a month..... the excess at the private hospital was 330 bucks though, but at least i got to tick morphine off the list.... now i want hydromorphone! : )

that may seem all good and well, but it's possible i'd be forced to move out of home if i haven't given cannabis, benzo's and smack the arse by the time my parents get back... it's a tightrope, a fucking tightrope.... sorry i'm just comfortably numb and still struggling with the thought of not ever having a smoke again... especially when all my mates are probably smoking it up as i type. oh well, no cannabis/benzo's/heroin = my dreams of travelling the world for love and adventure. And yes, opiates can't come with me, but for now they can get my arse into gear to be able to physically save up enough cash so i can realise my dream.

peace everyone on BL...considering i was suicidal a few days ago8o
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Leftwing did you ever end up getting onto the bupe program?

not yet, man. i don't want to get signed onto the addict side of it, i want it for pain management.

at the moment it's easier for me to get oxy and tramadol.
Good luck Sublimit, I hope it helped a bit to share your story :)

Thanks Phase_Dancer, yeah absolutely, it's great to be able to get things off one's chest and i really appreciate the community here as well as the support.

I know i've been guilty of certain infractions and stupid threads in the past, and for that i'm sorry... i guess you learn from one's mistakes and i look forward to being a more responsible poster in the future, as well as being supportive of others.

TBH Bluelight is the first forum i've been a regular poster(apart from whirpool) on and yeah i guess there's always a learning curve with a forum and it's community.

not yet, man. i don't want to get signed onto the addict side of it, i want it for pain management.

at the moment it's easier for me to get oxy and tramadol.

Hahaha yeah, same boat mate, I've alluded to that fact also. I will report on how subs handle my PM as i will have a prolonged chance at seeing how effective it is compared to oxycodone and tramadol
Most common opiates in Australia?

It seems like the US is spoilt for choice when it comes to opiates, I have only done codeine and I am pretty happy with it at the moment but I can see that at some point a tolerance will start building, the only opiates I really know of in Australia that are common are codeine, poppy seed tea and heroin.

I will probably try the poppy seed tea to see if it has an effect but jumping from codeine to heroin seems pretty extreme. So what else have I missed that would be more appropriate to use rather than jumping straight into heroin?

I'm not sure how common morphine is though. Also with methadone I'm not sure if the recreational value is very good with that?

Is kratom worth trying?
well, really you could have used the search engine with a few different terms to bring up threads similar to what you're asking which will give you a good insight as to whats prescribed here : ie main opaites here which are available.

mims is also another good offsite reference, listing all the meds prescribed in australia.
well, really you could have used the search engine with a few different terms to bring up threads similar to what you're asking which will give you a good insight as to whats prescribed here : ie main opaites here which are available.

mims is also another good offsite reference, listing all the meds prescribed in australia.

I wasn't really sure what to actually search so I made this thread, but I will check mims, cheers!
If you're talking recreational use, then codeine by far, I'd say followed by oxy and then heroin, although those last two might be reversed over in Sydney/Melbourne, since they have a much larger H scene than here.

The rest are around in varying quantities, but those are the big ones.

I wouldn't bother with poppy seed tea unless you've found somewhere that you know sells unwashed seeds. All of the seeds at supermarkets etc. are completely useless.
Scantraxx in regards to opiates in Australia, we have OTC codeine and dihydrocodeine which are used recreationally (codeine far more than DHC) by less tolerant and more educated opiate users (probably a relative minority) like many bluelighters on this board for example. In the many drug users I have known only 2 or 3 I don't know through Bluelight had ever used or been aware of CWE before I told them about it.

Heroin is quite prevalent in Melbourne and Sydney but in many other regions of Australia use of morphine and oxycodone, and to a lesser extent methadone and buperenorphine outstrip heroin use.

Doctors are tighter with pain meds in Australia than America and common prescriptions for pain killers are mainly for panadeine forte (30mg codeine/500mg paracetamol), tramadol and low dose oxy preparations. There was a time when morphine was scripted a lot more freely but in the last 10 years they have really cut back on that.

As far as I am aware poppy pods are not commonly available and PPT is not common in Australia. Some people make PST but these days most of the seeds are washed and the odds of catching a buzz aren't good.

Dilaudid or hydromorphone is technically available but to me it seems very rare, certainly on the black market.
There was a time when morphine was scripted a lot more freely but in the last 10 years they have really cut back on that.

yeah a lot of doctors, ime, prefer to use oxy as a first line of defence when going up the opiate ladder in regards to PM. it seems theres a lot abuse (especially IV) potential for morphine preps amongst a lot of doctors i've seen.
^ I definately think you are on the money. IV oxy use has really only become somewhat popular and even so in most regions heroin or decent meth is available IV use of oxy is still relatively minimal.

Morphine is a huge drug of abuse in certain states and territories among IV drug users because heroin just isn't available, and when it is it is expensive. While tastes differ, IV oxy doesn't seem to be looked upon very favourably amongst IV drug users apart from a select few who really like it. Tasmania is a good example, oxycodone has always been relatively available there but morphine was by far the drug of choice among IV drug users, since morphine prescriptions and therefore availability has reduced there has been a subsequent increase in IV oxy abuse as well as a substantial increase in price.

I guess what they didn't anticipate is oxycodone is a much more viable recreational drug when using ROA other than IV. As a result the decrease in morphie prescriptions and increase in oxy prescriptions may have hindered IV opiate users somewhat, they have also increased the number of non IV drug users who have picked up a taste for opiates.
^^ I think ROA bioavailibility has a lot to do with it. As with you I have also always been started on oxy, which is great orally. Morphine is absolute shit orally and lead me to plugging and nearly took up banging before stopping myself and switching back to oxy.
I was in a terrible car accident, broke femur, ribs, shoulder, and they sent me home after i was in trauma unit with 30 percs! BS!!! come on now...
so after reading this thread, in australia we have codeine, tramadol, pethidine, methadone then morphine and oxycodone.

i have a few questions as the waiting list for pain management clinics in my area is 5-6 months at the moment, so i wouldn't mind knowing a bit more about opiate options that we have in aus to see if i can get better relief before my referral is seen to.

whenever i bring up the discussion of opiate pain relief with my GP i'm told he can't prescribe anything stronger than tramadol as i think he assumes i'm just after oxys.
without hydrocodone (which isn't available in aus if i recall?) then the next option is pethidine or methadone...

from some of the comments in this thread methadone really doesn't sound like a good analgesic, but it's hard for me to distinguish between the comments that may have been referring to someone that has had a heroin addiction in the past or been on methadone for maintenance.

is methadone really no good for pain relief when taken by someone that has not used anything stronger than tramadol nor been addicted to opiates?

and regarding pethidine, the wiki page mentions its also quite strict in aus, would it be viewed as being as strict as oxys being prescribed?
i'd be keen to hear more as to why its viewed as a strict or less favorable opiate...

in saying that, is there really any other options that are between tramadol and morphine, say a certain drug combo that is not too common?
i have had digesic before after trying to get some info on opiates from a GP once and never knew it existed, so perhaps there are other medications that may be a bit easier to obtain without it being such a struggle.

sorry for all the questions, just dont know much at all about the options.