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Opiate and opioid withdrawal: Coping strategies and medication

Yeah i think i have done it Eve, day 2 off kratom now, or day 6 or something if you dont count the one day relapse. I'm feeling fine however you want to count it. I can stop easily now, i just have to work on staying stopped. My post was meant to be a suggestion that might possibly help Sprout, not asking for support myself.
Im sorry that this isnt in the spirit of this this thread, but after my fruitless appointment this morning with cdt im going to manage my current wd's by going out and getting a bag. god im such a fuckwit loser case
Yeah i think i have done it Eve, day 2 off kratom now, or day 6 or something if you dont count the one day relapse. I'm feeling fine however you want to count it. I can stop easily now, i just have to work on staying stopped. My post was meant to be a suggestion that might possibly help Sprout, not asking for support myself.

Ok no probs
I don't know why I didn't know about this sooner I tried this over a year ago but in a very low dose. I tried 40 mg of lope and it worked! The one side effect is child like sleep I haven't had in a long long time, which for me is a nice change. I will also try to skip doses so I don't get backed up, reg opiates don't do this normally so I'm hoping it will be minimal.
What are subutex WD's like, i've been on 16mg's for over a year now and haven't been using any heroin at all really in past 6 months part from once or twice, so the dicks at the drug centre all they EVER say when I go in is about coming off, without fail because it will make them look good having someone coming of a script I presume. But really don't feel mentally ready and I keep telling them that, if I didn't have a script the thought terrifies me. But nope, they didn't listen took it upon themselves and now have just straight up reduced me to 12mg, :X. Feeling sort of 'not right', not proper ill, but just proper don't feel normal.
Some people find them easier to deal with than others. I think the most important factor is your frame of mind, you not only have to feel ready and want to do it, but you can talk yourself into it or out of it. It's also best to be getting good food and sleep to help with the physical side of things. You will probably adjust to the new lower dose within a week or so. That's how it goes, many steps of feeling 'not right'. A long drawn out taper can be gruelling, i dont care what anyone else says, it saps all your mental and physical energy. After a few failed stop attempts, i got back on a low dose for a couple of weeks to 'recharge' and get myself mentally set up for the quit. It was much easier after doing that. I think that the month after month of gradual tapering had left me run down, and i needed the recharge before the final quit.

I went about things arse about tits, and went from AH7921 to bupe, a far more powerfull drug. Tbh i found it all fairly easy until i got down to around 2mg. But like i say i was using 'lesser opis' first and not gear. I really dont know what difference that makes.

I seem to be the ultimate woose on here, and by somehow convincing myself to downplay everything it made things easier. When i got down to 1mg, i started using 0.2mg pills. They definately made the last few steps much more tolerable. It all depends on your own attitude and 'toughness' or mental and physical stamina and endurance i think. Some people will tell you its a walk in the park, but YMMV, different people have different thresholds as to what they can endure.

At the moment ive temporarily lost my way, the main thing im struggling to cope with at the moment is the sheer psychological boredom of long sober days that go on for ever. At the moment Im using kratom intermittently to allieviate this. I can deal with the slightest of physical discomfort and lack of energy and slight mood wobbles that kratom w/d brings, i think that so far it has been the boredom of being sober that has scuppered me every time in staying off the stuff for more than 10-12 days or so.
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Ran out yesterday after a protracted smack binge (low doses daily for 3 weeks or so). I forget how long ago I scored, but I couldn't eke it out any longer. No chance of getting any more till Wednesday. It was a stupid thing to do. Bloody good fun while it lasted, though .....

Dosage was tiny (mostly) but consistent (a few tokes daily). It was as though it wasn't enough to know it was there; I had to have a little drag. I am sure this is all as much in my head as my body. It's the whole bit with the foil I'm missing .....

I should have remembered I was just scoring for me, and not got so much gear. Then I wouldn't have been able to make it last, and not have had such a habit to get rid of .....
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Lousy night's sleep last night, punctuated by dreams about tooting gear on foil; but considering I managed to leave the house without a single toke of gear inside me, today hasn't been half as bad as I was expecting. I have taken just one 8/500 co-codamol this morning.

Still suffering with poor body temperature regulation and toenail-ache, but nothing I haven't experienced before. So let's see if I make it to Wednesday ..... And if I still want to score then .....
So not all bad then. I can imagine that cocodomol made all the difference! Seriously though, I'm glad things are at least manageable.
Day 7/8 and WD is getting worse by the day, which smartarse decided to gain a Poppy Tea habit? 'Withdrawing from one opiate? Pah, I need a challenge! 22/23 at once should do!'.
Ran out of lope 3 days and used the last of my comfort meds at 2pm on Thursday - a pitiful 200mg of Codeine but it did the job for 6-8 hours.
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I feel sorry for you mate, poppy pod WD sound like a nightmare. In a way kratom WDs are a lite version of them, you're suddenly quitting not one, but like 40 active alkaloids of different types, some with stimulating properties, other active on serotonin and others opiod.

Obviously I'm sure kratom WDs are like a tenth of what pod WDs are, if that even. Still I think I can relate.

For me the hardest part of quitting kratom is the anti-depressive properties it has, it takes me months to get back at feeling normal, long after the physical pain has gone. For instance las summer I quit on the 8th of July, I can safely say I started feeling better in September, it's like quiting opiates, mild stimulants and anti-depressives all at once. Not fun
Word is from Amanatadine that if you quit kratom within a month that the w/ds arent too bad and are really managable even for wooses like me. So far i have stuck to Ama's advice, and not used it for longer than a month. I find that it takes 10 days for my mood to readjust after using kratom for 2-4 weeks. (I've repeated this cycle about 4 times by now, i think this will be my 5th run). I think it gets worse the longer you keep taking it for as presumably your brain starts downregulating all the things the kratom is doing for it, especially if your tolerance is rising And it doesnt immediately react to the sudden absence of kratom. It takes time. Im sorry if this is stating the blatantly bloody obvious for you Kenny, it may not be so well known to other members and lurkers hence why i thought it was worth mentioning.
Word is from Amanatadine that if you quit kratom within a month that the w/ds arent too bad and are really managable even for wooses like me. So far i have stuck to Ama's advice, and not used it for longer than a month. I find that it takes 10 days for my mood to readjust after using kratom for 2-4 weeks. (I've repeated this cycle about 4 times by now, i think this will be my 5th run). I think it gets worse the longer you keep taking it for as presumably your brain starts downregulating all the things the kratom is doing for it, especially if your tolerance is rising And it doesnt immediately react to the sudden absence of kratom. It takes time. Im sorry if this is stating the blatantly bloody obvious for you Kenny, it may not be so well known to other members and lurkers hence why i thought it was worth mentioning.

From my own experience I initially got away with six months of daily use with minimal symptoms, it's after that that things start going south.

Another thing is you dosing parttern, it matters a lot, do you only dose at night after work or are you at it first thing in the morning, it has huge implications on how strong the WDs are going to be.

The worst WDs I ever suffered from kratom alone were in the US, over there I would dose literally every four hours, including at night, I would wake up in the late at night/early morning sweating, yawning even if my last dose had been a bedtime teaspoon just before hitting the sack.

Another sign you're overdoing it is when you can't work a full day without it, over there I used to walk balk to my flat to redose every lunchtime, or bring a bag with me and risk getting caught in the kitchen eating it. Happened once, told my coworker it was a health food.

Luckily in Manhattan people were guillable, after I got comfortable enough at that place, I used to keep a metal jar full of kratom on my desk, the jar had Japanese words on it and originally contained powder green tea. Easy as fuck to redose at your desk whenever you wanted.
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i think six months of kratom would completely fuck my brain over. Im dosing 3 or 4 times a day. This is gonna be my last binge (i know i keep saying that :\) but there may well be some other treats to try expireminting with various coctails to finish on a high so to speak.

I guess New York would be one of the best places in the world to tell a colleague that kratom was a 'health food'.
i think six months of kratom would completely fuck my brain over. I

That's because you were already using opiates before, if kratom were the first ever opiod you were to take, you could get away with using for months on end without problems. Obviously if you skip one addiction for another, it's a different case.
I guess New York would be one of the best places in the world to tell a colleague that kratom was a 'health food'.

I had coworkers eating algaea and other random shit, spirulina, tons of "health products". Kratom whole leaf is even easier, you just tell them it's full of anti-oxydants and stops ageing.
LOL. And Iintroducing your co wokers to kratom =D, not only are your co wokrers opem minded and probably used to anything, you must also be a good salesman and a good front for the product. Kenny for president of Kratom! :)
LOL. And Iintroducing your co wokers to kratom =D, not only are your co wokrers opem minded and probably used to anything, you must also be a good salesman and a good front for the product. Kenny for president of Kratom! :)

At another office in another job I used to keep a jar full in the kitchen, until this graphic designer woman got a taste for it, in the beginning she used to ask me whether she could use some of my "organic herbal tea", she must have liked it, cause after a while she stopped asking for permission before making a cup.

Took the jar away and just kept bags hidden in my bag, hidden in a tupperware that looks like a packed lunch, so I could sneak in the kitchen with the tupperware in my hand, have a few sneaky spoons, and then go back to the computer.
I've always got a couple of bottles of sugar-free codeine linctus in my work bag. Usually one in the car too.