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Opioids OG Octagonal Opana ER - MEGA THREAD - can't find YOUR thread? check here.

hey im new to this...

hey im new here and not really sure how this works yet...but hello to all.it is comforting knowing im not alone in this ongoing battle...anyways is anyone here from nj/jersey shore lol? if so message me ;)
Nikolai, many people on this thread have actually said that you should inhale very lightly and NOT hard, because if you do inhale too hard it will just go to the back of your throat and be swallowed going into your digestive tract quicker (i.e. orally BA). SWIM will give the Opana ER another try today! This time SWIM will inhale hard as you suggest, but SWIM will try and keep it up in SWIMs nose instead of swallowing.

Good posts guys! Keep up the threading. ;)
Happy Independence Day

OH! And also by the way guys - to all Americans in this thread:

Happy 4th of July!

Be safe and don't get too wasted! ;)
and remember - light the fuse and RUN! =D

~ SuckMyDrugs
I inhale normally with every other pill outside of Opana ER, its a very different kind of pill than any other pill, I dont blast it to the back of my throat, but I have best results with them inhaling harder than normally so it doesnt all glob up your nostrils. If the lines are thin you can inhale pretty strongly without it hitting the back of the throat. I just think it takes time to get used to abusing these anti-abuse pills.
If the lines are thin you can inhale pretty strongly without it hitting the back of the throat. .

Once I get to work, Im going to try that method.
I am used to sniffing a fat line like I did with H. But I will try the thin line.
~ naturally smooth ~

Once I get to work, Im going to try that method.
I am used to sniffing a fat line like I did with H. But I will try the thin line.

I will also try this ROA as well. Thin lines ; inhale strongly; w/out swallowing. ;)

~ SuckMyDrugs :)
Once I get to work, Im going to try that method.
I am used to sniffing a fat line like I did with H. But I will try the thin line.

Yea I do the fat lines as well just to hit it all at once, and it does work to, but usually you will get some hitting the back of your throat. It still will work for me though. Sometimes I'll do a pill in three or four thinner lines and do them all right after the each other. Practice makes perfect, you'll find the way that works for you if you give it enough time.
I'm about to inhale my very last opana ER 40mg... So, sniff hard at a thin rail? Let's see how it goes...

And SUCKMYDRUGS - I know you mean well, and yes I was 12 once... But please, stop ;-)
I will also try this ROA as well. Thin lines ; inhale strongly; w/out swallowing. ;)

~ SuckMyDrugs :)

If you do a long fatter line you can also adjust your inhaling as you go down it. Go strong, when you feel a bit too much powder hitting the back of the throat ease up on the inhale and adjust etc. Been doing it for 18 months now with them, you just eventually get the hang of a technique that works for you. But then again you may never get it, they are anti-abuse and that is what they are meant to do, not let you get comfortable with using it.
I'm about to inhale my very last opana ER 40mg... So, sniff hard at a thin rail? Let's see how it goes...

And SUCKMYDRUGS - I know you mean well, and yes I was 12 once... But please, stop ;-)

I worry John that you may need 40 up each nostril, lol. Just kidding, its me whos actually that guy too, its sort of unfortunate actually.

Any ritual anybody almost always follow right after using? I always almost now after im done will lay down on my back on the bed or couch for 20-30 minutes listening to the radio or tv with my eyes close. Not just to experience the feeling that way, but also because I think it helps my pain better when I follow that routine. Maybe its the state of relaxation, sometimes if Im in pain and stay active after Im done my pain seems not to go away as well. It might just be in my head.
\m/ * \m/

I'm about to inhale my very last opana ER 40mg... So, sniff hard at a thin rail? Let's see how it goes...

And SUCKMYDRUGS - I know you mean well, and yes I was 12 once... But please, stop ;-)

Aw, I'm sorry guys! Didn't mean to come off as offensive or mean. I do apologize. I am 21 btw! LOL, and also majored in Pharmacology & Pharmacokinetics. (A.S. degree)!

Sry to come off mean or like an ass, I do sincerely apologize. <3 =D %)
AMUSING UPDATE: As last we left Mr John Burrows, he was about to crush and snort his very last Opana 40 ER, this time adjusting his technique as described by the highly esteemed Sir Nikolai.

As Burrows was filing away the outer coating with a nail file, he must have been using a little too much fast-action in his filing as the pill suddenly (and without warning) split in two, and flew in the air - half of which landed right on top of a small, plastic catchy-thing over the mouth of the kitchen sink.

Now, when I say the pill split in half, I did so for ease of description - in actual fact, it split more like 70/30, with the larger half (of course) now precariously perched over the looming void of nothingness.

So there I was, staring at the majority of my last pill, positioned in such a way that I knew even the slightest touch would send it down into the abyss of the kitchen sink (and with it, all my hopes for a happy 4th of July).

I knew I couldn't just reach out and grab it - it was positioned partway down the gaping maw of the sink, stuck on a rubber catcher, so I couldn't fit my hand over it - no, this called for some creative thinking.

So, I went to the bathroom and grabbed a pair of tweezers. Usually reserved for picking lint out of my bellybutton, this delicate instrument would clearly be able to reach in and snap up my oh so pretty Opana - my little Opana Poly Anna, if you will. Poor Poly!

Of course, this would require a steady hand - something all junkies about to loose their last pill are known for. But still, all I had to do was reach in there and grab the pill with my tweezers, just making sure not to touch the pill before actually snatching it between the delicate tweezer jaws (I knew even a tiny bump would send the pill into oblivion).

Slowly I moved the tweezers towards the target, it's mouth wide open like a little robot gecko. Just a little closer and I could use my Jedi-like sense of timing to just grab the opana and be home free... Almost there...


Fuck. Well, at least my theory was borne out - one little bump WAS all it took to send my pill into the darkness below.

But wait, what's that? Do I see a little spec of white gleaning up from the abyss? I grabbed my lightsaber - er, flashlight - and saw it - my little Poly Opana sitting on one of the blades of the "in-sink-orator!"

My sink has one of those little masher-suckers designed to fight off would-be sink cloggers, of which small rotor blades are part of the device. Small, little blades of death which, quite ironically, had saved my precious opana from extinction! All I had to do now was reach down into the sink and grab up the pill.

Of course, it's dark in there and my huge, manly hand barely fits into the drain hole. Since the pill sat about 4 inches away from the opening, it was too far to use the tweezers, but perhaps something similar but longer... Like chopsticks! I grabbed a set from the kitchen drawer of stuff i never use but keep because i hate throwing away free stuff (tm) and, flashlight in my mouth, made an attempt to extract the opana fragment from behind enemy lines.

Of course, the word "attempt" generally signifies an impending failure, and if, dear reader, your intuition regarding the generally sad and pathetic nature of this story led you to assume I was unsuccessful in my extraction, you would not be wrong.

I mean let's face it, I'm just an average white man when it comes to chopsticks. Hell, i even use a fork to eat sushi, so really the odds that I was ever going to rescue a precariously perched pill with a pair of ancient wooden sitcks were about as good a room full of Blue Lighters all passing a random drug test.

So, to recap, approx 30mg of opana ER - my last in the world - had fallen off the rotor blade and onto the metal gate that the whole smashing assembly is attached to. Sort of like a "floor" to the sink. This was good news, since it meant the pill (what was left of it, anyway) was not in danger of falling away into the infinite blackness.

The bad news was that this "floor" of the sink is where the sludge and residue of a thousand mashed up and "inSINKerrated" bits of food now lay. Covering the convenient metal drop tray my pill now rested on was a thick layer of brown sludge. Organic, smelly, slimy and disgusting brown sludge (really, is there any other kind?). Of course, by it's very nature, sluge is extremely moist... and we all know what happens when you get an Opana ER pill wet (especially one that's had it's protective coating stripped off) - it turns to sludge!

So my pill, my precious Pollyana Opana (or, for you old school SNL fans, Rosanna Opana-Danna), was now resting on a bed of unmentionably disgusting wet sludge, slowly dissolving into a mess of its own, brand new disgusting sludge, and I was attempting to rescue it so I could shove it up my nose.

The time for delicate rescue was over - in fact time itself was now my greatest enemy, since with every tick of the clock, more and more of the pill was dissolving into the sink-sludge, with less and less of it destined for my brain!

I shoved my hand down the drain. It barely fit and completely blocked my view, which meant I had to "feel around" for a tiny, goo-producing pill in a sea of food-sewage made up of everything from last night's pork fried rice to last year's Thanksgiving turkey. All I could do was scoop up some sludge, check it for a tiny piece of slightly lighter colored sludge and keep going.

I couldn't help but think of the scene from "Trainspotting" where Ewan Mcgreggor goes hand-fishing in the "worst toilet in Scotland" for the last of his dose. I remembered that fine day, laughing along with the rest of the audience, smug in the comforting knowledge that what i was witnessing on screen could never, ever possibly happen to me!

Ah hah, success! My hand finally surfaced with my prize - a small piece of off-white goo that looked less like something I wanted to shove inside my nose and more like something that generally came OUT of someone's nose.

But what to do? I wasn't going to let my very last fragment of Opana ER go to waste - I rescued what was easily still 20mg worth. But it was caked with so much goo I couldn't bare the thought of snorting it.

So I plugged it.

Just like Ewan Mcgreggor did :)
SUCK: Being an ass is fine, it's all the cartoons and colored text, makes me feel like we're discussing pharmaceuticals with a kindergartener. I figured my comment about you being 12 would have been the clue (see, I'm being an ass!)

Oh and by the way, no one here uses SWIM. Whatever you've heard about it being a way to protect yourself is BS.
Id also like to mention that I dont use a nail file or a hose clamp to remove the coating.
I just use a razor blade and peel it off.
This only takes about 45 seconds for each pill and does a wonderful job. It also decreases the chance of braking and/or getting flung over and landing into a sink drain. lol

But I did try the smaller line idea and it seemed to work better.
Thanks Nikolai!
In my experience, I still preferred oxy after the first few uses of OM. But it seemed after repeated use, something changed. I'm convinced OM must grow on people before it is preferred, including getting the right technique down. It seems after a certain point the weird unpredictable high turns into something consistently warm and pleasurable. Maybe something to do with one's metabolism/adaptation.

Art -

I completely agree.,... After the first try,... not many are sold. Then, when one acquires several, that unpredictable high becomes familiar and sought after. You are very on point with this post.
SUCK: Being an ass is fine, it's all the cartoons and colored text, makes me feel like we're discussing pharmaceuticals with a kindergartener. I figured my comment about you being 12 would have been the clue (see, I'm being an ass!)

Oh and by the way, no one here uses SWIM. Whatever you've heard about it being a way to protect yourself is BS.

Hahaha! Alright sorry buddy! I won't put the smileys and colored text anymore, but sometimes I just think it's easier to differentiate which drugs I am talking about so other posters can read it easier without confusion. =D

~ SuckMyDrugs John Burrows! lol
^ Actually using an alias or third person lingo does protect you. Anyone who thinks it doesn't is not a lawyer nor do they have legal expertise. It also depends where you live, country, then state wise, and finally the circumstances of the situation. Hypotheticals and third person entries should not be disregarded...this forum claims harm reduction but won't let anyone speak freely... Do not let the notion slip, this forum is nothing without its users and members.
That sucks John, but it made for an interesting story at least.
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Is there a big difference between the feel of opana ER vs IR?

What comments do people who have tried both have? My doc let me try out a script for Opana ER 40mg, so I'm thinking of asking to try the IR version.

How would the IR 40s compare to 8mg dilaudid?
Sort of IMO, the IR's are not tricky to use like the ER's are, no anti-abuse. the only problem for someone with a large tolerance is it will be a lot of powder to use because the 10mg IR's, which is the strongest pill, are probably atleast 50% larger than one 40mg ER's. I dont mind a lot of powder though, it doesnt bother me because they are easy and it doesnt burn at all. There is a slight chalky taste to them some dont like, but it doesnt bother me at all, I actually at times sort of crave the taste. Probably the all time best experiences from home for me was when I first started using them, when I had a lower tolerance of course. Hydromorphone and Oxymorphone ar about the same strength, but dilaudid has a better oral BA. It depends which you prefer, I think oxymorphone kills hydromorphone when railed. I would rather rail a 10mg Oxymorphone IR over using an 8 mg dilaudid in anyway. Railing both I guess you would get about 4mg's or so from each one.

You seem to have better luck and prefer Dilaudid though so you might want to stick with it.