Official Heroin Discussion

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In my experience.. its like this in most places. It certainly is here.. was crap while it was cold and snowing. Now its pretty good.

No one likes to transport something on snowy roads. No one likes to freeze their balls off.

And the big thing here is... in the winter everyone is inside.... easier for the cops to roll up and arrest.. or to locate the houses that people need to go to in the winter because theres no one on the street. roll up and arrest.

Lotta sweeps here in the winter.
you all need to find a real dealer and quit buying dope out on the street corner
antne00 said:
you all need to find a real dealer and quit buying dope out on the street corner

very true and this is why i just found one today will be checking his stuff out tomorrow and gettin a gbaby
it's the same in Baltimore. Summer comes around and all the fiends start droppin'
It has to do with supply in addition to not as many people out on the street. When you are high up in the chain, a drought is just weaker product. so when its harder to move the shit in the winter so quality and amount decreases, causing dealers to stretch their product out. mzanthrop is correct in that come summer time there are more OD's than any time of the year. you put that new raw package out on the street and if its not cut right, you can have junkies droppin leftr and right.
What do you mean by bluelights? Cop cars, cameras? Also, you might not want to name specific places.
phrozen said:
What do you mean by bluelights? Cop cars, cameras? Also, you might not want to name specific places.

By the way bluelights are exatly wat i said bluelights. There flashing blue lights that have cameras on them
Im over here In SLC, Utah and the same thing happened here, quality and overall availability goes down in the winter becouse it snows a lot here, but as soon as it warms up it's all over the place, and it is easier to score off the streets becouse there are a shit load of dealers out.
Forget about DC, make the drive to Baltimore, it's well worth it. If I had a dude in DC I'd definitely take it over coping on the street in Bmore.
ward, I would say that summer is here, at least if you cop on the east side scramble scene.

I guess it'll be a few more weeks before the west side raw is in season though :(
^ i think its already startin boy has finally had some shit that doesnt come pre milled...its tan/white, hard density and is slightly powdery on the outside. its quality.
NY/NJ heroin discussion

Brooklyn, NY.

Recently came upon some brown powder in wax bags marked (in red) "come and get it." Quality is pretty damn low. :(

Usually same area has blank wax bags with stuff that is somewhat better. Anyone else in the area come across this "come and get it" stuff in the area?
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I can't speak for specific brands, as I'm not in the area. But, last I've heard the open-air market in NYC has died down. By that I mean it's not as prevelant as a few years ago. I heard most work by cell and deliver now. Any truth to that?
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