Official Heroin Discussion II

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NJ dudes: I'm like 20 minutes out of Newark and can get there easily...would you say that's a good place to cop, or would you say I should go a little further and head into Jersey City? This one guy I know told me that copping in JC can be too dangerous at times.

Of course it can be dangerous. Anywhere there is open air drug dealing, high-crime areas, heavy police presence, homeless people, projects/low-income housing, etc.. you are going to have to be careful of all those factors.

It's easy to get the drugs (as long as you know where exactly to go), but getting in and getting out without getting robbed or arrested is the trick.

My personal experience: I've been to Newark and Jersey City both. I started copping in JC, that is where I learned so that is where I feel more comfortable, especially at my spot, basically the only place I go (24/7). Newark is too big for me, although probably a bit easier to find the dealers out on the streets or spots. I just feel more comfortable in JC. I know all the streets, blocks, spots, hiding spots, where the cops chill, where the precincts are, escape routes, best ways in and out. I don't know Newark too well. You should always do some casing first, see the area out and all. I'm not gonna bullshit you; I was arrested in JC (not my main spot though). I know people arrested in JC and Newark. It is a possibility when copping. You have to find an area you feel comfortable going in (although never completely, always watch yourself). Somewhere the cops don't pass through too often, somewhere out of the way, and also somewhere you can get drugs. Don't just go to the hottest projects in the middle of a really bad area. Cops patrol the bad areas, but they don't necessarily like to. The projects I cop at in JC are a little out of the way right near the highway, there are cops that pass the block occasionally, but other than that it's pretty lax, though a pretty bad area. If you go into the projects, cops ain't gonna follow you in. Police don't like going into the projects, not without a very good reason or a Narcotics squad doing a sweep. They are gonna pop you on the way out. Always be careful. alert, and it always involved a little luck. Don't want to be pulling out of the projects right as a cruiser is passing you and the cop so happens to glance over at you and think twice. That is luck in my book. But there are tons of things you can do to make it a quick, safe trip. Always try and get a number and have him meet you a block or two away. We all gotta make the trips we don't like making, that could end us up in jail, but that is the lifestyle we choose. Newark, Jersey City.. same thing in the end. Depends on where you go and how you handle your business.
I jus missed a 3bag shot of that recession a lil while ago :(

I know this post lost its heartbeat weeks ago, but just reading it makes me cringe. I missed once, and since then vowed to never miss again. I'll draw back several times if I even think I'm veering out of the vein. Never missed again.
Im in charleston sc and have been getting "knock down" with a picture of a dancing skeleton on it and some un stamped bags lately. Its the same old shit thats been coming through for a while, not to good, not to bad pretty light color and on the decent side quanity wise. Just wondering what anyone else in the area has been gettin lately. Seems like everyones been on the DL the past few months. Its like one person gets busted and the entire downtown shuts down. No one at all wants to talk to you since the fucking undercovers keep coming through and bustin people, even the middlemen so everyone gets scared for about a month or two. After that they ease up until another bust. Its a fucking game that repeats and repeats. I havent had a reliable number in a while AND ITS DRIVING ME CRAZY! I have to drive through and hope i see a familiar face. It seems like anytime you talk to someone new and say the word boy they just turn around and walk away cuz they know the undercovers are drivin through just like i do, you cant blame em I guess, it still blows though.

A suggestion - Try to work your way into getting some dope. I more than understand that's all you want, and might be all you have money for, but attempt to scrounge up some bucks to buy a rock or some, sure-to-be-shitty grass. Now, I have a green man and I don't do coke yet alone crack, but I do want dope and I know they can get it. It works for me all the time.
Yup. Haha! Always porn magazines and they are always taped like that. That shit is a bitch to break apart. A single brick with 5 bundles is also wrapped almost perfectly and it feels so good to hold one. Hehe. Like I said, a guy I know who is pretty high up on the street level provides bundles and bricks to a lot of the dope boys in the projects. He sells bricks and bundles for almost half the price they do. He is kind of like a street wholesaler. Higher up than the boys in the projects, but he's no Frank Lucas. He's told me he buys hundreds of bricks at a time, maybe 400-500 bricks at a time. That is crazy. He also will buy a key every now and then. You can pretty much gauge out where this guy sits on the ladder. He makes a lot of fucking money, but he constantly has heat on him. He told me the big timer he buys the bricks from has thousands of bricks on hand at a time. Distributing to dealers all over New Jersey/NYC/PA based out of Newark. That is some high-level dealing right there. Very scary to think about.

Obviously not that scary... 8)
there's always pretty good shit in n. philly... god father, heartbreaker... the list goes on and on. i have been stayin wit my girl in new jerz near asbury but been havin to travel back home to philly to cop. it sucks! the drive is gettin old. can anyone point me in a good direction?

You must be blind if you live in asbury park and are driving to philly to cop. IDK maybe asbury is like super great now and cleaned up but a few yrs ago it was drownded in dope. Anyways paterson newark and irvington got way better dope than philly. Or you could go to trenton or camden since you are down the shore, or just ride right down the parkway to atlantic city. Jersey is full of dope. Its the biggest dope producing dealing state in the country. you have to be extremely naieve, unlucky or stupid to not be able to cop dope in jerz. It aint no offense to you meant by me saying that. Its just mad dumb to go to philly when there is most likely plenty of cheap quality diesel right in your backyard and if not there no more than a half hour drive away.
I feel for the dudes that are out of their element and are trying to find there way through a new concrete jungle. When I first started out with H, I had a buddy who I always gave my money to and he took the ride to Newark for me. I never even cared to go. Of course he charged me and extra $2 for the price of a bag for a week or so until I got wise and told him to give me what I pay for and charge everyone else his damn tax. Eventually I took the ride up with him or I was the one who provided transportation but even then I knew nothing about the area.
When I finally managed to get my friend's connect from him, I got to be my own supplier and this allowed me to get more acclimated with Newark but if I was unable to reach my one and only dealer, chances were slim that I would be able to cop off the street. I was still pretty new to all of it and I didn't understand that nearly all of these people who just seem to have nothing to do with there time then stand around outside for the whole day were all slingin. You know, I was raised in the suburbs - whitetopia - copping in Newark has been my crash course in street smarts and the dope game and not every lesson came easy. I find it best to shop around as safely as you can and get phone numbers for everyone you meet, the more people you know the better (for many reasons); see which people have the best product, prices, and customer service and then you know who to deal with. I find it best to work with two or three people consistently so that you can have alternates in case you can't get in touch with your first pick and if you only deal with three people, then you can establish a relationship more easily. Remember, being a good customer will likely reflect on your dealer's attitude, so be honest and no scheming.
I don't know why I rambled on to Copping Dope 101 but hopefully someone will use this and not get burned or have success in scoring.
That reminds me, also regarding NJ: has anyone copped in Plainfield? I doubt it, since there's easy access to Newark/Jersey City/Camden when you enter the state/travel on its highways, but still, I'm thinking it might be SLIGHTLY less of a hot spot.
That reminds me, also regarding NJ: has anyone copped in Plainfield? I doubt it, since there's easy access to Newark/Jersey City/Camden when you enter the state/travel on its highways, but still, I'm thinking it might be SLIGHTLY less of a hot spot.

Plainfield can be hotter than Newark. Plainfield is closer to me but I'd always take the extra time to go to Newark. You can get good shit in Plainfield and they have open air markets, but if you are worried about police, hit the bigger cities.

Speaking generally cause its not true everywhere, cops in the bigger cities tend to use less of their resources busting small-time drug users. That's not to say cops in NWK don't target users because they do. But Speaking from a true harm reduction standpoint, you'd be better off going through Nwk courts than Union County any day.
Plainfield can be hotter than Newark. Plainfield is closer to me but I'd always take the extra time to go to Newark. You can get good shit in Plainfield and they have open air markets, but if you are worried about police, hit the bigger cities.

Speaking generally cause its not true everywhere, cops in the bigger cities tend to use less of their resources busting small-time drug users. That's not to say cops in NWK don't target users because they do. But Speaking from a true harm reduction standpoint, you'd be better off going through Nwk courts than Union County any day.

Ain't that the truth. A simple possession charge in Union County will land you in jail or at least a year or more of probation. A simple possession charge in Essex County is merely just a fine. Don't even think about Middlesex County. They'll rape you're ass in the courts even for a marijuana possession charge.
Been awhile since I've scored.


Some nice light tan/creme color shit going around.

It comes in hard chunks. They are uniform in color except for some dark brown spots here and there (sort of like a chocolate chip cookie:) :D

Breaks down nice. Goes up the nose easy..... very little burn. Very strong vinegar, but not.

Sniffed point three and feeling fucking great! 8/10
Obviously not that scary... 8)

Doing transactions worth ten's of thousands of dollars, keeping an inventory worth hundreds of thousands. Money and drugs. That is hard time in prison right there. Would you risk it? It is scary to think about. That is where the Fed's come in. You don't want the government watching you. Small time city police detectives are one thing, but the DEA and FBI... You are fucked.
Yo gettin good stuff in in Chilltown JC?
You should check into Drug Culture where people review different stamps....
detroit any one?

313 area anyone?? I havent gots in awhile so anyone else no bout?

My GF lives in the same city as you. Based on your age, you probably know her.
Alaska Heroin

I have lived in alaska for about 6 years and 2 years of that i have spent doing heroin. The heroin we get her is mainly black tar,every once in a while we get some china white but its usually gone quick because its kind of a novelty. Its my understanding that most of the tar is shipped up from places like cali and oregon. And because of this most dealers here make a killing selling tenths for <snip>. But lately it has been hard finding a good reliable connect for any quality and when im paying <snip> per tenth i always demand the best. There have been some major busts lately including a good friend of mine. If you know anything about anchorage you know that there is another major city just north, and sometimes I drive 45 mins away just to score. You would think that since we pay <snip> a tenth the market would be flooded but this is not the case,i know there are some BLers from alaska on these boards, whats your take on the situation?
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we can't really talk about sources and stuff, but i will say, i've pretty much quit heroin until the price drops.

prices in alaska are ridiculous. there's a reason 99% of us are just drunks or potheads. it's all we can afford!
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Bundles with an Ace of Spades stickers out of NYC is good (not sure if it's originating from there or being moved from NJ or something).
stickers? wat? I never seen a sticker on a bag of dope before.

Anyways a lot of diesel in ny comes from nj, ny is a port as well but newark is the major one in our area so most of the shit in the tri state is comin from there. ive talked to people that coppd in NYC and apparently the bundles are more expensive in new york as well. crazy shit. nj stay with the lock down on dope.
Stickers? From where im at they be stamps & thats that. Stickers, psshh makes it sound like some elementary skool students bagging your dealers dope heh.

"& I dont give ah Fuck Niccaa, Give me that Shit straaightt outtaa -Bricckk Ciitttyyyyyy"~ red
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