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Harm Reduction OD Social v5. - Paper or Plastic?

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High class, I'd like to see it. Good luck putting it in a park though! Take plenty of pics and videos, you should flare gas too like Shell in the Nigerian delta.




I like where this is going. 1 of these installations is as good as a bajillion fucking solar panels when its in people's backyards.

I'm going to design a car that eats trash and shits rainbows.
I like where this is going. 1 of these installations is as good as a bajillion fucking solar panels when its in people's backyards.

I'm going to design a car that eats trash and shits rainbows.

quoted 4 epic.

Design me a car that runs on our polluted environment! The CO2 car, also runs on nitrous, methane, etc. :) Emissions: Purified water
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i want a ride when it's done.

side note, not to break the conversation, i like yall's thinking, but anyone with a ps3 and psn and black ops/mw3 needs to add me ASAP so i have someone to play with. i-eat_babies2021
I'm sorry but when was being a PC gamer socially acceptable hahah =D

Maybe for a couple of weeks in the late 80's and then for a week in the mid 90's :? . Sadly, this makes me a gaming deviant. But you know, I like really badly ported games in a kind of masochistic way ;).
^+1000 on that one!

Even though it wasn't a game, that Weezer music vid that came with the Win 95 install disc blew minds "OMG IT'S VIDEO ON A COMPUTER!!!!!oneone11!"
Since I didn't get a chance to respond before the other social was closed, and to those of you who asked...

....I'm an idiot with absolutely no will power of self control.

If disappointing people was an olympic sport... I would be a fucking champion. :I
To that special someone, I'm thinking about youuuuuuu!!!

P.S. Idk what the fuck diablo III is but fuck you I want my friends back.
Goodnight OD...

P.S. World, I could really use some answers about now.
Damn. I fucking love the drag strip, man. Had such a good time.

sawp, OD?
Did you drink lots of budweiser and do some burnouts? That's what my ideal day at the drag strip would be anyways.
I drink lots of mickeys 24oz and burn out while donating my donations like injections to the female influence.
My ideal day at the drag strip would be crashes and mayhem mixed with really bad canned music and a generic narrator, just like you see on those "World's Dumbest" or "Most Shocking" shows.
My ideal day at the drag strip would be crashes and mayhem mixed with really bad canned music and a generic narrator, just like you see on those "World's Dumbest" or "Most Shocking" shows.

Hahaha, any show on Spike or TruTV. (LOL where is the e in True? Oh right sometimes it's scripted :) )
Lol, fuck yeah. Shit exploding, crazy accidents, small children dying, all while chugging malt liquor.
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