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[NSFW] CD Social/Info Booth -- Growin' our crops with the rays of the prodigal sons

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Heh, I was on a lot of benzo's for a long time. :\.

I honestly couldn't tell you much of what went on in my life for the last 3 or so years.
Damn, brother, your doctor was prescribing you a Heath Ledger cocktail. I'm glad you're doing well for yourself now, though, I remember you always seemed to do insane amounts and combinations of drugs that left me looking like
at your posts.

I'm alright, Sega, stressed the fuck out lately, though. I was set to go to MEPS on October 9th to get a physical and all that good stuff you have to go through before you enlist. Was well on the path of becoming a Marine.

I won't give all the details, but September 20th I helped a "friend" find some bud who turned out to be a confidential informant. Got popped for weed possession (constructive because it was in my car, I knew about it and middle-manned the deal-- I didn't get distribution because I never touched the drugs or the money, I let the person I thought I was helping out handle all that) and was unlucky enough to have a Tylenol 3 and a Vicodin in my pocket when the police swarmed my car.

I won't get the max, my lawyer and I are positive on that, but in all if the judge throws the book at me I could do 9 years in prison and get slammed with $51,000 in fines, not to mention court and lawyer fees. I'm hoping my lawyer can negotiate with the DA and try to reduce the charges to something lesser like disorderly conduct that I could plead guilty to. It was terrible timing and terrible decision-making on my part, but I go so far back with the dude that was snitching that it never crossed my mind that he was playing both sides of the field.

Seriously, I want to become a Marine. That's been my goal for a year and a half right now, I was just waiting to earn my degree before I enlisted. Graduated with an Associate's in May, spent all Summer getting healthy and fit enough to be able to coast through basic training and then this bullshit happened about 3 weeks before my MEPS date. Eh, that's Life, though, she'll throw you a curveball the one time you're positive they're about to lob a straight 60mph pitch directly over home plate. I'll get past it and move on, but the whole situation is loomin' large over my head right now.

Congrats on your daughter, though! That's awesome, bro, hopefully she doesn't have your hair turnin' gray yet. ^_^
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^^ You live and you learn.

I was an incredibly stupid youth in regards to this. Now I'm a harm reduction obsessed. You could say I turned over a new leaf.

I guess I lived dangerously with dosages and combinations because I purely didn't care in the slightest if I lived or died. :\

Eh, glad that shit is behind me.
Heh, I was on a lot of benzo's for a long time. :\.

I honestly couldn't tell you much of what went on in my life for the last 3 or so years.

i used to have a script for the 1mg xany's for a few years. i know all too well how xany fucks with memory.

havent had 1 in a few years. i dont really like xany anymore. however, i do enjoy klonopin from time to time.
dude. i decided, since ive got the house to myself, why not brew some jimsonweed tea, and trip balls? ha.

i got a pack of smokes and reefa, :) good trip here i come
a new bottle of Evan Williams and some bud long necks to go with a nice sativa dominate strain I've been playing with... sounds like a recipe for a hang over, but I won't believe it until I feel it..
jimsonweed tea?? never heard of it

yumm evan williams and marijuana =] the only thing that would make that better would be some benzos ;)
It's datura. Doesn't sound like my cup of tea, but horses for courses.
ive got the shit growing all over my backyard. its not my cup of tea, but hey im kinda bored.

btw the tea tastes good.
that fills in a lot of the picture, jib.

i finally got power back. that was a quick 3 day knock out.
lol. i'd rather go to the store and buy a bottle of DXM, but i have a thing for dissociatives...
i think this shit is maybe a dissociative, or is it a deleriant.

anyways, the shits taken hold. a very chill feeling.
It's a deliriant. I'm sure you can enjoy it, I don't mind a bit of diphenhydramine with my opies. Have fun, just don't push it too far, there's a lot of horror stories. Stay safe.
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