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[NSFW] CD Social/Info Booth -- Growin' our crops with the rays of the prodigal sons

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Been working as the weekend overnights receiever at walmart, but im not trained on the electrical pump trucks, so i have to use the manual ones, and im begining to develop increasing sharp pain in my back, lower back right at the base of my spine, all this pulling of 2000lb skids of potatoes is really getting to me, and now its progressed to my neck, i want opiates, badly, but everytime i go to buy them its the same old run around, where im in my car for 3-6 hours driving around with "hookups" trying to get some , and i just ended up losing 150$ to a connection my friend just got, shits getting expensive and i only use once a week or less, because of the price, and difficulty getting them, goddamn i wish cannabis worked on pain for me , shits getting depressing,

looking forward to skyrim though,
not all strains are good for pain. find something that works.
from everything ive tried through out all my years of smoking pot, the only pain i find it cures is stomach pain / nausea, which i love cannabis for,
i might go see my doctor, but i think she'll get me to stop working, since it hurts to walk, hurts to move, hurts to everything
and i can't afford that right now, unfourtunately
my anxiety is rushing, because i feel incompetant at work when i am stalking shelves cuz i cant move fast, so i am a slower worker then other works, i wanna quit i wanna stop working, i wanna end my life,
i can't even have sex anymore because it hurts to move, and i am considering ending what ive got going on with my girl because i can't fulfill her sexual needs and it aint fair,
more and more i just fantasize about ending my life, to pass the time
and i shouldn't, my life is in alot better of a place then it was before, and i should be happy
Higher CBD content = greater inflammation relief = less pain.

from everything ive tried through out all my years of smoking pot, the only pain i find it cures is stomach pain / nausea, which i love cannabis for,
i might go see my doctor, but i think she'll get me to stop working, since it hurts to walk, hurts to move, hurts to everything
and i can't afford that right now, unfourtunately
my anxiety is rushing, because i feel incompetant at work when i am stalking shelves cuz i cant move fast, so i am a slower worker then other works, i wanna quit i wanna stop working, i wanna end my life,
i can't even have sex anymore because it hurts to move, and i am considering ending what ive got going on with my girl because i can't fulfill her sexual needs and it aint fair,
more and more i just fantasize about ending my life, to pass the time
and i shouldn't, my life is in alot better of a place then it was before, and i should be happy

Can you lay down flat on your back? Have you gotten her to ride you before?
Happiness in pill form is what I call it. Drug? Nahhh, never that! I don't think I could stand to tarnish my old pal's name with a word that carries such a negative connotation.

Xanax pretty much destroyed my entire livelihood. Needing to take 30+mg a day to be normal.

It should be given a name with a lot of negative connotations...
It has two "x"s, how much more negative could it be? I challenge you to find me one wholesome thing with two "x"s in its name.
Personally, I find that a person who allows himself to reach the point where he's taking 15 times the maximum dose of a drug just to feel "normal" deserves a negative connotation (does that make sense? "A person with a negative connotation"? Eh, I'm sure you get what I mean), but hey, that's just me.

Isn't one of the paradigms of harm reduction responsible use through moderation? Yeah... sounds to me like you forgot about that concept, Trip.

But hey, I can't lie, I got addicted to benzo's when I was prescribed them at the tender age of 16. It's been just under 7 years since and I've developed a level of self-control that I can honestly say I've never had before. But anyways, how you been, Tripman? I haven't been around here for a while and don't know what a lot of you BLers from about a year ago have been up to these days.
i dont come round BL a lot now either Jibuilt, but its good to see some of the old "crew" are still on board, keeping things ship shape.
btw chainer, this has to be the CLEANEST, TIDIEST i have EVER seen the CD board. i think everyone can hark back to a time when i was unemployed and spent a good portion of my time causing a ruckus on here. fun times eh.
what about yourself J? what you been upty?

myself, well i now have a gorgeous baby daughter, been working again back at my dads big company, getting into plastering/painting&decorating/general house building. very fun and hey- its always indoors away from the rain! better money too ;)
things are on the up and up for me. my heads a LOT clearer now than it was. for that i am grateful, and im more grateful in general as well.
the universe is a wonderful ride, and im glad i have the chance to take that ride.


aaaaaaaanyways, time for a FAT meaty bonghit and a nice cool cup of lemon & ginger tea.
three cheers for life, and three cheers for all the ones who passed away before us.
energy is eternal.

myself, well i now have a gorgeous baby daughter, been working again back at my dads big company, getting into plastering/painting&decorating/general house building. very fun and hey- its always indoors away from the rain! better money too ;)
things are on the up and up for me. my heads a LOT clearer now than it was. for that i am grateful, and im more grateful in general as well.
the universe is a wonderful ride, and im glad i have the chance to take that ride.


That's great news Sega. Good to hear things are going well for you.
a little? pffft... GO BIG OR GO HOME ;)

what about yourself VB? been a while eh :p
i think back to BL a few years ago, it has definitely helped shape me to some degree.
cant think of how many times this site has been my first stop source for accurate info on drugs, probably saved me from making a fair few silly mistakes.

like i said, good to see a good amount of the old crew are still on board, even if only every now n then :)
lol im on other drugs too and i only have like .1 left. dealer isn't answering my calls but i have money :/

Weed will always help you in times of no money better than money will help you in times of no weed.
Personally, I find that a person who allows himself to reach the point where he's taking 15 times the maximum dose of a drug just to feel "normal" deserves a negative connotation (does that make sense? "A person with a negative connotation"? Eh, I'm sure you get what I mean), but hey, that's just me.

Isn't one of the paradigms of harm reduction responsible use through moderation? Yeah... sounds to me like you forgot about that concept, Trip.

But hey, I can't lie, I got addicted to benzo's when I was prescribed them at the tender age of 16. It's been just under 7 years since and I've developed a level of self-control that I can honestly say I've never had before. But anyways, how you been, Tripman? I haven't been around here for a while and don't know what a lot of you BLers from about a year ago have been up to these days.

I was prescribed 12mg of Xanax, 120mg Valium and 2mg of Flunitrazepam a day by my psychiatrist. I started taking benzo's without a complete understanding of the dangers and prescribed them by a doctor. In the end I was only taking them because if I didn't, i'd have seizures. I'm clean now. :\

I'm good anyway Jibult, moved back in with the parents and am working again. Life is finally back on track after my long year spend in psychiatric institutions. Clean of all psych meds and fuck life is so much better.

I kick it in BDD social mostly these days, but pop in here from time to time.
mmmmm yeah, xanax

aka the drug that is sure to turn you into a criminal....the shit i do on xanax always amazes me the next day....if i remember
xanax is alright, i'd rather have klonopin or valium... but this is the only shit i can get at the moment...
Give me nimetazepam over any other benzo. Although IV midazolam is pretty badass.

Nothing like waking up a few hours later on your face with a syringe in your arm.
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